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Fundraising ideas...?

I am involved with a group of kids and their parents trying to have a skatepark built in our small town. The town has no money for anything like that and most of the people on the town council are opposed to what we are doing. That being said our only hope is to raise the funds ourselves. We are a small town and our crew does not have a lot of start up money to invest. What are some inexpensive and creative ways to raise the money we need?

p.s. we need about $40,000.

3 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Four things come to mind:

    Bake sales. These are always very successful and you don't appear to be under a time constraint, so you could have several during the coming months. Right now I would think that Christmas and Valentine's Day would be lucrative.

    Car washes! But that would be better done in warmer weather, so this depends on where you live. Right now, here in Florida, the weather is perfect for them.

    Cookbooks. You can find the information about having one published in any one at a thrift shop that you might find. I've bought a lot of these kinds of books and it always looked like a pretty good idea to me.

    Recently, at work, we put together a "silent auction" and raised quite a bit of money that way for our Christmas party. We all brought in items and donated them. There was a sheet of paper put beside each one and people wrote down their bids. Then bids had to be upped in increments of a dollar. You could go back and see if you had been outbid and then you could either put in another bid or drop out of the running. We raised nearly $500. Again, this is at Christmas-time so people were looking for bargains and we had a lot of kid things available!!!

    Good luck.

  • 1 decade ago

    first you will need the town council to approve this skate park. then you can have fundraisers car washes, talent shows, collect bottles and cans [from residents] and turn them in. bake sales, garage sales, a penny drive, [have the kids go around stores, homes and ask for pennies for the park.. the kids should be involved in all activities. like i said you could raise the money you need to start this project, but if you do not have the approval, it will be a waste of time, you will not get a permit to build this park and open it with out the approval.. once you get approval, email me and i can give you assistance in more fund raising. good luck

  • 1 decade ago

    I can offer you a fundraiser selling gourmet candles. Candles will always sell because it is a product that everyone already wants. Please send me an email off list and I'll send you the fundraiser information along with scent samples (must have an address). Just to give you a little bit of information, you will make $6 off of each candle sold. When you think about that, imagine the possibilities. If seriously interested please contact me. To take a look at my products, visit my website at

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