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Submitted Pictures to Agents?

Okay, I recently submitted my picture, resume, and cover letter to some talent agencies and casting directors. How many days or weeks should I wait too hear back, if they are interested? Also, should I call too verify that they recieved my package? Thanks very much~

5 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    no no no, you never call and you most certainly NEVER walk in! If you show up unannounced you'll likely end up in the blacklist files. You simply wait. Truly, if they're interested they will probably call withint 2 weeks but the general rule is you need to wait 6 months before resubmitting. If however you've done something major after 2 months then it's most likely fine to send an update via headshot postcard to let them know. Invite them to your latest show (hopefully you have a lead), show them your new headshot, whatever the change is it should be major enough to warrant a second look at you.

    I'm not sure how old you are but if you're underage your parents need ot have written the cover letter. If that didn't happen you may need to resubmit to show the agencies that your parents approve and support what you're doing. Agents know that a child submitting may very well be rogue. They may want to state that this is a resubmission in case there was any confusion about the fact that they fully support your decision, etc... If the agencies have submission guidelines make absolutely certain you follow them to a T. Check their website, many agents have them these days.

    Also, I really wouldn't waste my time and money submitting to casting directors unless you know they're casting a project that you would be right for. You are not represented by an agent and like someone else saud, they generally go straight in the trash. Your envelope will not likely be properly labeled for an audition submission and it will show. If you don't know what they're casting there will be no way for you to label it correctly so don't bother.

    You don't say where you're located so that makes it a bit hard to make any further suggestions. I certainly hope you are training hard and continuing to build your resume. Classes should be ongiong and so should the quest for work.

    best of luck,


  • Joy
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Do not call. If an agent or casting director has a project you may be good for they will call you. However most self submissions to casting directors go right into the trash. Small places may file you away but casting directors go to agent submissions first, second and sometimes even third and then possibly look at their back files. Smaller agencies may take a second look at you if you have a strong resume, good training and a great headshot. Your best bet is to resubmit yourself every 6 months or so and if you get cast in ANYTHING send a postcard to the agencies and casting directors inviting them. They may not attend but some agents and CD's make it part of their job to scope out new talent and if you keep yourself fresh in their mind they might eventually attend one of your showings. It is expensive to submit over and over again especially considering a good percentage will end up in the trash but it is your best shot at hopefully getting signed with an agent which ultimately will help you get seen by the casting directors. However I strongly advice you not to call. When actors call us whether we know for sure or not we tell them that yes we did receive their submission. We figure their is a good chance we did and unfortunately we don't have the time to take their calls.

    Good luck! I hope you find success.

    Source(s): I work in casting
  • 1 decade ago

    I have never heard of calling

    sometimes it helps if you go to the agency yourself and mail it

    *special note if you do this:

    if you go to the agency to submit your entry, whoever your giving your resume to, make sure you shake their hand and smile if the occasion can call for it. Or just smile and say thank you. Just an extra showing of personality always helps.

    As far as how long to wait..depends

    some may never call you back

    some will call you immediately

    always remain optimistic and never give up

    even the best actors like Jack Black only get one job out of the 20 they try out for-and that's considered remarkable in this profession

    Source(s): half the battle is showing up-ON TIME
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Marianne's answer is spot on!

    How many packages did you send out? If you want to have good responses rate, you need to send out a lot, but make sure they are targeted and personalized and that the cover letters are written to get the best possible result.

    Have a look at this page link. It will give you something to think about with regard to mailing to agents:


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  • 1 decade ago

    I wouldn't call, but if you do for some reason decide to, never EVER call before noon.

    As far as the timeline for waiting to hear back, I would say give it about 3 weeks.

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