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Who won the debate?

About an hour ago a former Protestant Minister who has converted to a Catholic Priest asked a question about how Protestants interpret the meaning of the Pope being "infalable". He said that he was wanting to debate the subject on R & S. After giving him my answer, I went back a few minutes later to see what he had to say about it, and guess what I was told. "You cannot view this question at this time." HE BLOCKED ME. LOL.

Well my question to you is "Who won the debate"?


Star Power. I am simply asking a question. It looks like "you" are the one doing the judging. You don't even know what my answer was!!! Lol

Update 2:

Dapper Napper. Thanks for the link. I tried it, but I am blocked. Can't see it.

Update 3:

Dapper Napper: Thanks so much for the info that I was not able to see. This person is really great at calling other Christians fools and throwing insults. I did not even see him quote one Bible passage in defense of the Papacy.

Strange way for a priest to communicate, don't you think??? Lol.

Thanks again



Update 4:

Hmm. Looks like I was the only one who was blocked because I put on my Spiritual Armour "The Sword of the Spirit" and answered with Scriptural verses. God's word never fails!!

Update 5:

Just for the record, here is the Scripture verse that I cited in my answer.

Gal 1 7-9 You are already following a different way that pretends to be the Good News but is not the Good News at all. You are being fooled by those who twist and change the truth concerning Christ. Let God's curse fall on anyone, including myself, who preaches any other message than the one we told you about. Even if an angel comes from heaven and preaches any other message, let him be forever cursed. I will say it again; If anyone preaches any other gospel than the one you welcomed, let God's curse fall upon that person.

13 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Many times Catholics CAN quickly become the accuser of the brethren when (as I have experienced) you stump them with consider yourself lucky that he ONLY blocked you .

    It means you stumped him ....or that he is afraid of the 'truth' you bring to light.

  • 5 years ago

    I think that Obama was a much better debater than McCain on last night. And in response to the person stating that only White Democrats with their minds already made up watch the debates, that is so wrong and ignorant. I am a young woman who happens to not be white, but politics have always played apart of my family, in fact my parents both watched the debate at their own homes last night. Think before you speak. Obama had to defend himself and his policies so that it would be clear for everyone to comprehend, and to know exactly what he plans on doing in his term as President, he wasn't there to take down old man Mccain. This is who we need to lead, someone who knows how to keep his cool, and be more understanding of others, whereas some hot headed idiot who only wants his way!

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    This is truly one of those rare occasions when the the question and the responses are quite interesting. Won't venture an opinion one way or the other on what others believe about the primacy or infallibility of the Pope. However I am very glad you have asked this question. Sure am learning a lot here. The dialog is extremely interesting. Thank-you kait, have a good


    I Cr 13;8a

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I found the question and it doesn't seem like the asker was too interested in an honest exchange. The problem for the RCC (I have no beef with Catholics by the way) is that the facts of history directly contradict their conception of when and how the papacy came into being. It is just simply false to say that the bishop of Rome has always held universal, infallible teaching authority over the Church.

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  • 1 decade ago


    What is the Protestant understanding of papal infallibility?

    Have you ever researched to find out if your understanding is true? Do you think that Catholic Christians believe the pope is incapable of sin? Do you believe that Catholic Christians believe that the pope is incapable of error?

    * 2 hours ago

    * - 3 days left to answer.

    Additional Details

    2 hours ago

    C. L. Richardson,

    The questions remain. Would you like to take a stab at answering them? To begin with, Catholics do not believe that the pope is incapable of sin and contrary to what you say Catholic Christians are well aware of this fact. The Bible clearly states that the authority of God rests in His Church and this Biblical fact is what Christ’s Church teaches

    The offer to debate any Catholic dogma, doctrine or practice in a private forum open to the public stands if you feel you can support any of your prejudices and straw men.

    2 hours ago


    Jesus said this before apostolic authority was given.

    2 hours ago


    I am truly amazed that no one even knows what I am speaking of but yet are quick to attack it. One would think they would at least Google it before appearing a fool.

    2 hours ago

    Silver, Sorry but the Bible does not say what you believe at all but , in fact, says the exact opposite.

    1 hour ago

    Dapper Napper,

    First of all as a Catholic Christian I do not believe that the Bible is the sole authority but it is the Church that produced the Bible to which Christ gave all authority. He gave the authority to St. Peter to bind and to loose. What is your understanding of infallibility according to Church doctrine?

    If you are truly a student of theology you should know that God taught in Scriptures both explicitly and implicitly. Therefore you should know the dangers of proof texting, which almost always results in eisegesis.

    The blessed mother is an intercessor in that she can pray for us just as you can be an intercessor by praying for another. The Bible encourages you to ask anyone to pray for you or to pray for them as an example of love for each other.

    1 hour ago


    Christ's Church is in continuity with the first century Church because it is that same Church with Christ's promises and that it is the "bulwark and ground of the truth".

    1 hour ago

    Dapper Napper,

    I was a professor of OT studies and prophecy. I am also proficient at biblical languages and hermeneutics. Obviously you are not far enough in your studies to have these abilities. I was trained at two Protestant seminaries. One Baptist and my PhD from a Methodist one. Eisegesis is a very dangerous error and I would advise caution. The Bible does support intercessory prayer and this does not conflict with any other biblical teaching and asking a saint to pray for you is not the Pagan practice of necromancy. Please do some study.

    1 hour ago

    C. L Richardson,

    Are you ready to defend your hatred for Christ's Church. Pick the topic and I will debate you in a private debate viewed by the public. You pick the topic.

  • 1 decade ago

    You did, easily, but I gave them a run for their money while it lasted.


    cristoig... Member since:

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    Member Since: March 20, 2007

    Total Points: 4193 (Level 4)

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    Open QuestionShow me another »

    What is the Protestant understanding of papal infallibility?

    Have you ever researched to find out if your understanding is true? Do you think that Catholic Christians believe the pope is incapable of sin? Do you believe that Catholic Christians believe that the pope is incapable of error?

    2 hours ago - 3 days left to answer.

    Additional Details

    2 hours ago

    C. L. Richardson,

    The questions remain. Would you like to take a stab at answering them? To begin with, Catholics do not believe that the pope is incapable of sin and contrary to what you say Catholic Christians are well aware of this fact. The Bible clearly states that the authority of God rests in His Church and this Biblical fact is what Christ’s Church teaches

    The offer to debate any Catholic dogma, doctrine or practice in a private forum open to the public stands if you feel you can support any of your prejudices and straw men.

    2 hours ago


    Jesus said this before apostolic authority was given.

    2 hours ago


    I am truly amazed that no one even knows what I am speaking of but yet are quick to attack it. One would think they would at least Google it before appearing a fool.

    1 hour ago

    Silver, Sorry but the Bible does not say what you believe at all but , in fact, says the exact opposite.

    1 hour ago

    Dapper Napper,

    First of all as a Catholic Christian I do not believe that the Bible is the sole authority but it is the Church that produced the Bible to which Christ gave all authority. He gave the authority to St. Peter to bind and to loose. What is your understanding of infallibility according to Church doctrine?

    If you are truly a student of theology you should know that God taught in Scriptures both explicitly and implicitly. Therefore you should know the dangers of proof texting, which almost always results in eisegesis.

    The blessed mother is an intercessor in that she can pray for us just as you can be an intercessor by praying for another. The Bible encourages you to ask anyone to pray for you or to pray for them as an example of love for each other.

    1 hour ago


    Christ's Church is in continuity with the first century Church because it is that same Church with Christ's promises and that it is the "bulwark and ground of the truth".

    1 hour ago

    Dapper Napper,

    I was a professor of OT studies and prophecy. I am also proficient at biblical languages and hermeneutics. Obviously you are not far enough in your studies to have these abilities. I was trained at two Protestant seminaries. One Baptist and my PhD from a Methodist one. Eisegesis is a very dangerous error and I would advise caution. The Bible does support intercessory prayer and this does not conflict with any other biblical teaching and asking a saint to pray for you is not the Pagan practice of necromancy. Please do some study.

    1 hour ago

    C. L Richardson,

    Are you ready to defend your hatred for Christ's Church. Pick the topic and I will debate you in a private debate viewed by the public. You pick the topic.

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    Somebody should stick to playing with their wii ...

    Oh yeah, I felt the love pouring out like a fount I'd want to get baptised from really quick.


  • 1 decade ago

    The truth hurts, I think that is why you got blocked. I have never seen you being rude or something.

  • 1 decade ago

    guess i missed it ....wish i could have got in on it,i am a follower of Christ,the pope,his priests or no living human is infallible which leads to the question i wonder who is watching the priests and there inappropriate behavior with children

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Sorry Kait

    I haven't been online for a while and missed that one. If it's blocked I've missed out there.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    If he blocked you, you won.

    I'm curious if this guy was ever a Christian?

    Not all Pastors are you know.

    Pastor Art

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