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PNewmarket asked in SportsHorse Racing · 1 decade ago

Is this the end of the road for Keiren Fallon?

The B sample has tested positive and he now faces a hearing in January.

Can his career recover from this latest blow?

Will Coolmore continue to stand by him?

I don't want answers full of Fallon bashing, just opinions on whether he can make a comeback from such a low.


If the French Authorities give him a ban (which they have to) then all racing authorities across the world are obliged to follow suit. He is looking at between 12 and 18 months, minimum, for a second offence like this.

For those that could not read the first article, try this one:

8 Answers

  • des
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Well what a rollercoaster ride he has been on ,and iam afraid things are not looking to bright for Kieron Fallon so i expect him to come down with a hefty bump.

    Coolmore will certainly take his age into consideration , and if we look at the minium ban reported to be atleast twelve months, well buy the time this goes ahead he is going to be nearly touching 44.

    Time is certainly not on mr Fallon,s side and ican only suspect Aidan Obrien faith in Kieron is at an all time low.

    Personly i think 2008 is the year Fallon could possibly admit defeat and retire.

    So i would say "yes" this is the end of the road for Kieron Fallon.

  • 1 decade ago

    Well, he may at most have to move his tack outside of the UK, but I doubt that he's done. Someone will always be happy to have such a great rider in their colony. He was exonerated on the fixing charges, but drugs? A lot of riders and other athletes--people in all walks of life, let's face it--have had those kinds of issues. If he makes an effort to be clean or at least to appear that way, he'll get a chance somewhere--it may be too much for the UK officials with his history still fresh in their minds, but maybe the officals in somewhere like Australia or South Africa won't mind. I'm sure there are US jurisdictions that would look the other way.

  • 1 decade ago

    I couldn't access the article, so I don't know all the details. This guy has been in so much hot water lately you really do have to wonder...

    I'm not up on the rules of racing in the UK either, but looking at the many many chances P Val has received here in the US, I'd give him 50-50 odds.

    As for whether Coolmore will stand by him? I honestly think the race fixing charges were a lot more serious than a cocaine charge. NOT that drugs aren't serious, but race fixing is a lot worse in my book. So, if Coolmore supported him during his UK suspension on the race fixing charges I don't see why they wouldn't continue to do so.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Fallon is just another casualty of talanted people who live in the fast lane and occaionally 'crash' all too publicly. He won't be the first nor the last. Fortunately its not gonna be not fatal.

    he'll be back. Lesser mortals have.A jockey of his calibre will be much saught after once whatever ban he gets is over .Thing can he cope emotionally during the ban.He'll continue to earn a good living ..writing a book TV chatshows whatever ..and I don't suppose he'll be short of a few bob .But how stupid was he in the first place to play with the white stuff He MUST have known there were tests that could catch him out.

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  • 1 decade ago

    I think he will get away with it, purely because Aidan O Brien knows for a long time of Fallons penchant for the white lady. I dont think cocaine has any benefits to him as a jockey, everybody in ireland knows someone who has done it so why should he be punished heavily for it? Leave the man alone to get on with his racing and start earning me money again. He was champion jockey 6 times for a very good reason...

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I most sincerely hope so ! I would feel about as confident in backing one of his horses as believing that I am not getting stuffed every day by this inept government that some idiots elected in again !!

    Having said that - the Italian Stallion had a flirtation with the stuff and he is still riding, so maybe it will not make so much difference in the end !

  • 1 decade ago

    yes miss salsa the end for kf what a shame a great jockey and very talented.

  • 1 decade ago

    no...all the great ones, ride 1 more time!!!

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