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I have a meeting in two hours and I can't stop myself from crying?

I am suffering from an extreme case of seasonal depression and today is not one of my good days. I have to facilitate a meeting with one of my clients in two hours and I haven't been able to turn off the water works. Does anyone know what I can do to get through the meeting? Thinking pleasant thoughts hasn't helped.


Part of the problem is that I don't know what is bothering me. I was having what I thought was a normal day and all of a sudden I was overwhelmed with frustration and started a crying spell. I wasn't doing anything strenuous or frustrating when this feeling came over me. I wasn't thinking about anything particularly troubling. The only thing on my mind now is that I can't stop crying and I have this meeting soon.

10 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    It's actually called "delayed Emotional release" Sounds crazy, but what you do is, you go into a room by your self and kinda make a deal with yourself, that you won't allow yourself to be emotional until AFTER your meeting is done..then in turn ,(sort of as a reward to yourself for keeping it together)...When you are alone CRY your eyes out...Trust me it works...And if done enough..after a while you won't even cry afterwards...Good Luck, dear.

    Source(s): I realize that you are overwhelmed but serious..if you really dedicate yourself to what I suggested, you may be surprised. The phrase "Mind over matter" is really powerful.
  • 1 decade ago

    Just try and relax. Think about just getting through it today for the next couple of hours. Get your mind off whatever is bothering you, even if you tell yourself you will go back to it tonight. Just do whatever it takes to make it through the meeting. Use some deep breathing techniques. Call a friend. If all else fails, maybe reschedule the meeting if possible. Just think how good you will feel once it is all over.

  • 1 decade ago

    Is there anywhere you can use a full spectrum light for an hr or so before your meeting, also try watching a comedy if you are at home. Take vit D every day, it is one of the things we need that we get from the sun in summer. Other than full spectrum light or finding something that forces you to laugh I can't think of anything that will work in so short of a time.

    Possibly jogging to get your endorphines going?

  • 1 decade ago

    Think nothing but positive thoughts and just think that the meeting will be over soon. Try not to think about anything else but your clients and focus on that current situation. Concentration is the key factor. Trying to think of pleasant thoughts will just remind that you are trying too hard to make it through your situation. You have to really mean it so just relax and tell yourself you can get through it.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Listen to some good positive music and get into it. Walk around the office and see if you can help someone else with a project. Eat chocolate maybe? Just do anything that will take your mind off of yourself.

  • 1 decade ago

    By the time you read this your meeting will probably be over.

    If I need to stop crying quickly, I put a damp cloth on my face and hold it there. This feels soothing and it might calm you down. Bring water to drink at the meeting.

    Best Wishes

  • Kat
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    I would definitely call the client and say a family emergency has come up and see if you can re-schedule the meeting

  • 1 decade ago

    try meditation, just relaxe sit somewhere dark and quiet for a bit, and think of nothing, focus on your breathe and if you need to think of something think that no matter what life is beautiful and think of good memories, picture scenary like the forest or ocean something peaceful. hopefully that helps. sometimes we just need a break to escape and recharge.

  • 1 decade ago

    just calmly explain to your client that theres a family situation that came up and your not going to make, if you could please let me reschedule. give yourself a day or two to recover before meeting again. hope you feel better.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    i would reschedule and try to get medication

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