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How to deal with my boyfriend's mother?

I have been with my boyfriend for 2 years. His family lives in another state and he rarely sees them so they talk on the phone a lot, mostly him and his mother. He recently decided he was interested in my church and wanted to learn more. I was very excited because I have been wanting this for a very long time. The more he learned, the more he liked it and he even said he wanted to get baptized. But, once he told his mom, she started bashing my religion and even me (we have never met in person) and making up lies about it. It's been about 3 months and now he says he's not sure and doesnt think its what he wants anymore. I know I cant blame her for how he feels, but I think it has a lot to do with her and how unsupportive of him she is. So how do I handle this? Is there anything I can do to stop it? Would talking to her about it be a mistake?

8 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Where you're not engaged or married, I have to agree with Devdude- don't make his baptism a condition of your love. Just keep loving him.

    Maybe write a letter to her, let her know that although you'd like him to join you in faith, that it isn't a big deal to you... let her know that she can ask whatever sincere questions she may have about Mormonism. (Hopefully, the "sincere" will prevent contention or bashing...) Possibly include your testimony of your Savior?

    Where we don't know what stuff Mommy Dearest said, I don't really know what to tell you there.....

    But if things progress in your relationship with BF, you need to find some common ground between you and his mom. You both love him, want what's best for him.... She needs to realize that although she is his mother (and as such deserves a certain amount of respect), he is also an adult and should be allowed to make his own choices.

    If you two end up married, and he does end up getting baptized, the two of you will need to go out of your way to be good to her- show her the respect she deserves as a mother. Love her and remind her that your beliefs in no way diminish what or who she is- as a person or as your sweetie's mother.

    Maybe she's concerned that Mormonism will take him away from her.... she might just need reassurance that Mormonism will make him a better son.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    truth be told i think u were right by not saying anything to her yet. but if u don't stand up and say something she'll continue and it WILL get worse. u can : go to her husband and ask 4 help can very very nicely tell her to back off go out of state and away from her can start acting like a goody-goody soon-to-be-daughter-in-law bring both ur families in together and do one big celebration. I'm sorry but thats all got. i'm less then 15 years old and get my ideas from books. i hope this helps, if not that good luck.

  • This is tough question. Being a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, you need to expect some to bash our faith. Also, we are taught that the best answers from getting on our knees and fervently praying for answers as pertaining to this question and others that we may gain the knowledge we need. I would not debate her on religion, but talk to your boyfriend and ask if it would be o.k. to talk to his mother. Being an example of a Christian and Latter Day Saint could also prove her wrong. She might also have questions about our faith, but remember that we don't have all the answers. Advise her to search or Also, she can go to one of the chapels that is close to her, and ask the bishop of the ward. Try to answer her questions to the best of your ability, but beware of the evils of contention. Remember the old saying, "you catch more flies with honey than with vinegar."

  • 1 decade ago

    If I were you I would immediately take the pressure off the boy to join your religion and let him know that its no big deal. Let that go. His Mother naturally would be concerned about a conversion. You would be concerned if your son were in the same position right? Enjoy the company of your boyfriend without the complications if it comes to marriage then cross that bridge at that time. Until then let it go.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Why shouldn't you blame her for how he feels? YES you should....And let this be sign # 1 that momma has a big influence over baby boy---be prepared!!! How to deal with a significant others mom-very carefully until you fully know her

  • MM
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Your boyfriend needs to handle this one on his own. If he's going to renounce the faith he grew up in and take yours, it's best if he's 100% secure in his decision and prepared to defend it. Just do your best to counter the misinformation and let him know you're not going to pressure him. (And in the meantime, you might want to ask yourself just how important it is to you to date someone from your religion, in case it turns out that this really isn't what he wants.)

  • 1 decade ago

    talk to your boyfriend about it and tell him what you think about the situation. and then maybe you both could talk to his mom about.

  • 1 decade ago

    shot her in the head w/ an uzi.

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