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Whatever happened to freedom of speech?
I don't agree with Hitler (fake or real), but seriously what words could ever be so offense that you had to turn away and warn others of their horrid existence. You should stop ignoring people on the other side of the spectrum, and take in as many different points of views as possible.
They're only words. Teach the ignorant, don't ignore them, then you will stop being part of the problem, and more of the solution.
11 Answers
- jenxLv 61 decade agoFavorite Answer
We do have freedom of speech, but that doesn't mean that we have the right to put down other people. We have a right to our opinion, but stating it with respect is what separates us from being more like animals. Just because we have a right to our own opinion, doesn't mean that we have to use our right to belittle and make fun of some one else, regardless of religion, non belief, race, culture, looks or intelligence. They are only words, but to some people those words can sting. As human beings, we should care more for other peoples feelings. And even if some one doesn't believe in God, it still wouldn't hurt people to live by the rule " do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
- 1 decade ago
The noisy ones on the street, on the Liberal Left media, and camera addicts are the ones taking away our freedom of speech. They think that they have the monopoly of freedom speech. THINK AGAIN, BOVINE OUDURE. Everyone's entitled to freedom of speech anywhere, in any medium.
- madhatterLv 61 decade ago
On Y Q&A
if you can not digest a question as the answer is a bitter pill
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- Anonymous1 decade ago
There's an old jungle saying: You can't educate a mug.
(That's why they call them "mug shots".)
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- ?Lv 41 decade ago
yes the first guy is right ...
freedom of speech means ANYONE whatever religion ... whatever race .. whatever "class" .. ANYONE
freedom of speech applies to everyone !!!
sorry just venting ... lol
- nebtetLv 61 decade ago
well, you still have free speech in America as long as you express your freedom in a "Free Speech Zone" miles from where your president can't see or hear you, where GW's beautiful mind won't be plagued by your free speeches.
- Anonymous1 decade ago
opinions are like arshholes ,everyone has got one and they all stink! but yeah..............I got it!
- Anonymous1 decade ago
you ain't gots no right to blab your voice much less you opinion. sha-dap