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anyone have a 9 year old grandson, son, nephew friend ?

My Christmas just got so much better. But,,,it brought a problem. Family services just showed up with 3 children that we will have during the holidays. !6 year old girl, my grand daughter will share DVDs CDs, make -up ETC. 3 year old girl, I can handle that. But a nine year old boy...there hasn't been a boy in our house for years. I was thinking about match box cars, a game, books, but what is something special that boys that age like? Help...


since the child just got here, I don't know what he likes, but I do know that these kids that have been taken away from thier home and family 3 days before Christmas need gifts to unwrap, gifts under the tree. Thier aid cards will come in a few days and that is like having a gift card, they can use 1/4 for toys or personal items and the rest for clothes.

Update 2:

I love doing foster care, it helps me to keep things in perspective. I get so much more out of it than I could ever give. So...friends, don't bless me, bless the children.

14 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Since you only have a short time and he being the only boy he needs somethings he can do alone. No fun if you don't have someone to play ball with outside. A boardgame that everyone could sit down and play together will help bring laughter and conversation. A hand held type video game if you do not have an xbox or nintendo type system. He may have come from a home where he has not had the latest in toys and games. A book or two perhaps of adventure but if he is a reader after holiday you can take him to the library and then you will know better what interests him. My grands like lego's and magnectix and bionicles even though they might not want kids at school to know they play with them. Even into their early teens they still play with these at my house. Art supplies can get everyone sitting at a table drawing and sharing too. The boys don't stay as long as the girls but they will sit down with crayons, markers, scissors, glue etc. Something to get his imagination flowing that he can drift away to that special place where trials and tribulations fade into the background. My boys do like to lay on their stomachs and play with cars. We have been collecting all the cars from the movie cars for quite some time and everyone even Grandpa is getting a new and an old mater wrecker from the movie. Good luck and you are blessed because you bless others!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    How special that you take in children from Social Services. These children often have many emotional problems, and you must have a heart of gold and patience of Job to take them in. There are many things a 9 year old boy might like. If he plays soccer, they can always enjoy a new soccer ball. Or if he likes to play basketball, a new basketball is nice. Some nice clothes that he can wear to school might be nice, since a child in the care of Social services might not have a lot of personal things, and may have been neglected for some time. A portable CD player is always nice, if you also get him some CD's he can listen to. Of course, any kind of electronic game is often something a 9 year old likes. Good luck to you and have a wonderful holiday and healthy new year. God bless you.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    My nephew is 17, my grand-nephews range in age from 2 yo to 10 yo. Let's see, age 9.....

    A soccer ball or a baseball and mitt-especially if someone will kick or toss the ball with him. Other options might be Nerf type football or other Nerf toy (soft balls and games).

    MatchBox or Hot Wheels cars are good too! The boys have also liked the Lego kits, planes, cars, ships, racers etc. Or maybe a Transformers.

    Games: High Rise Dominoes, Simon (a bit noisy but fun), 3-D puzzles, any of the Cranium games for his age group, Toss Across (bean bag toss across a tic tac toe board), Trouble.

    Bless you Stormy!

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    You need to set CLEAR rules and boundaries and STICK to them. It sounds like your "princess" really has your number! How is she supposed to know the rules if you don't? She is 3, so some of this behavior IS normal for a 3 y/o. I have 3 children, all of whom are adopted. My youngest, now age 2 is by far the most head strong of them. Some things that have worked for us: Rules are the same no matter where we are (our rules are grandma's rules and baby sitter's rules, too) She sleeps in her own bed. Period. Yes, you will have a few nights (since this has been going on for so long) with seemingly endless screaming. If for any reason she falls asleep in our bed, we put her in her bed while she is sleeping. She (and our other two) are welcome to jump in with us and cuddle in the morning. However--I am saying this with the caveat that she is not having night terrors. You might want to consult a pediatrician about possible sleep issues. Potty training--I really believe this comes when the child is ready. Don't fret. How many college-bound kids are running around in diapers? Restaurants/grocery stores,etc-- Expectations are discussed before we go in (this is more for my older two, but your daughter is 3 so she may understand too). For example "Honey, we are buying milk, bread and eggs. Nothing else. Do not ask." or "We are going in now to eat. You need to sit and eat your food.". Bring something to distract her while she waits (a small, quiet toy, crayons, coloring book, whatever). If she tantrums, we leave. End of story. I have left an entire cart full of groceries in the aisle and walked out. If we have to leave a public place due to behavior, privileges are lost. This is also discussed before going in. Pick your battles wisely. You will not have enough energy for everything. Let small things go. Don't parent/discipline based on what you think other people are thinking of you. Focus on your daughter and what is/is not working for her. She may be experiencing grief and loss due her bio family not being around anymore. This is a HUGE loss for a child, and she doesn't even understand what she is feeling. However, I am also a firm believer that a child without clear rules and boundaries is NOT a happy child. These things make children feel secure.

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  • Miz D
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    I have a grandson that age. He loves football, baseball and basketball. He likes to play Monopoly, card games like Fish and Crazy 8, video games (try the fun free games at and build things with Lego blocks. You would need to know the boy's reading level to pick out the best book, or get one you plan to read with him.

    Thank you for opening your home to the children.

  • 1 decade ago

    It depends on the budget and of course, the personal likes or dislikes of the child.

    My son is 10. He loves anything that has to do with R/C, robotics, legos and pokemon.

    In the past, when we have had a child around that age receiving a gift from us we would give him a gift card. They love having the power to decided what to get.

  • Diana
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Anything like Spiderman, transformers, cars from the movie "Cars". At that age they love a book of lifesavers.a little inexpensive handheld game will be nice. Star Wars characters, GI Joe etc. But most of all he wants to be home even as bad as it is so if you can get him to help make cookies, fudge etc. it might help. You will get lots of ideas in here as you read our answers !!! Good luck and what a terrific person you are and your family also !!!! WOW !!!

  • 1 decade ago

    He might like Knex or Magnetix or something like that. Magnetix are very expensive unless you catch them on sale, and Knex are really cool too! If you are trying to think of a gift-Maybe a gift card to Wal Mart or Target so that he can pick out anything- a toy, book, DVD, etc.

    Good Luck and Merry Christmas!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Send me a girl...I have four boys! Well they of course all love those game systems but outside of that I would go with something "SpongeBob Squarepants"

    Sorry...buses came and I did not finish. Anyways they all seem to like shows on Nickelodeon so maybe a video. Outside of that I would get to know him...mine all are SO very different in taste. You are doing a very special thing for those kids and should be applauded !!!

  • 1 decade ago

    Boys who are age 9 are into video games, definitely not matchbox cars. They like nerf balls and toys as well. Try doing a google search for "toys for 9 year old boys". That should help.

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