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I've been pretty sad lately, so much so it hurts!?

I want to hear good news, please share some good news with me, thanks.

27 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Awww... my computer froze when I was writing something to you!!


    I was telling you that my baby sister was diagnosed w/ Down Syndrome last year!

    we were all sad at first....

    It just means she learns at a slower rate ..

    Well, Today she just started walking!

    We were all excited.. My Mom even cried!!

    THis is the best Christmas present she could have given us!!

    I just love her!We even took her to the mall so she could take her first walk!


    So cheer up..

    Theres probably so many happy suprises for you out there...

    Don't be sad it's the Holidays..

    Be happy.. at least try it's worth a shot!!

    Hope my story helps you and brings alittle smile//

    yup yup

    B/c I wrote it twice!



    Source(s): Hope you get happy and stop hurting inside!!!
  • 5 years ago

    First of all this is not your fault. You've done your part for being honest for yourself. When you love someone you need to take chances to tell her if not you will regret it. Don't regret...i just think she's a creep and not you. If she is your real friend why don;t she come and talk to you. You being honest to her but why can;t she? Why is she avoiding you and ignoring you after sending that message? ooo she's a weirdo This maybe a sign from God. to show you who she really is...i don;t think she has a good heart and a good person..Forget about her, find someone else who gonna love you because of who you are. Don't regret the's just a lesson for your future . Hey i don;t think she deserve you..go and find someone who deserve you more please...

  • 1 decade ago

    Good news....2007 is almost over! A lot of crazy sh*t has happened in my family this year too, deaths, births, moving across country, changing jobs so I am really looking forward to 2008!

    But until then, I'll just plug in the ipod and dance. Can you hear it? It's the Grateful Dead singing Friend of the Devil.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Laughter is the best medicine. Holidays can be both happy and sad times depending on your situation. I know a lot of good jokes if you'd like an excuse to laugh. Hang in there.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Do you mean depressed? If you are depressed it is nothing to be ashamed about, it is just having the wrong amounts of chemicals in your brain. Go see your doctor and he can give you something for it.

    If you want a funny story here's one:

    It was a dark and stormy night. I was desperately trying to call my friend, but every time I dialed her number the phone would ring next to me! I would hang up the phone and look around to see if anyone was stalking me.I was really freaked out, really jumpy. I would even dial so that no one could see the buttons I pushed, but, without fail, the phone kept ringing next to me! I would answer the phone and there would be no one on the other line. I did this about fourteen times until my little sister pointed out that I was dialing my own phone number instead of my friend's. I even got my own answering machiene and left myself like six messages!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The good news is that there's help available for people who suffer from depression. I know, because I'm one of them. And, I'm alive because I got help --- just in time.

    Sadness may be more than just sadness. Check it out before it becomes a much, much, much bigger deal.

    A cow was wearing a western saddle on it's back. When the farmer ask it if it thought it was a horse, the cow said, " Nay."

    [][][] r u randy [][][]


    To: Laura M... It isn't nice to make fun of morons, even if it's yourself.


  • 1 decade ago

    My son just started College this year. And I will be living my life to the fullest if God willing. No matter what negative things may happen in my life. I will always know that I am lucky to live in a country where I am not starving and I can walk down the street freely not fearing someone might throw a bomb and kill me like it happens in many counties.

  • 1 decade ago

    Pain is just a part of life. It will pass with time.

    But suffering is chosen by our inaction's.

    If it was not for the bad times in our lives, we wouldn't know when we were having the good times.

    Merry Christmas

  • 1 decade ago

    I had to pass a CLEP test on Thursday or get dropped from my spring classes and postpone my graduation until next Xmas, and would have had to pay for that round all by myself. Squeaked it out, and drawing great big gulps of relieved breaths!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Its almost Christmas! Just lose yourself in the spirit of it! Don't let little or even big problems bring you down everyday! I have to remind myself of that a lot! Find something you like..and just smile about it! You'll feel better! Try to just enjoy things instead of letting time pass you by!

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