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Christians why do u hate Muslims?

26 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    i'm christian and i most definitely do not hate muslims!

    in fact, i respect them and i think we should all be united as one

    against dajjal

  • 1 decade ago

    mouslima, I'm sorry that you have this perception of Christians hating Muslims. Like the Qua'ran, The Bible denounces hate and intolerance of others. As Christians, we are commanded to love one another, and respect one another. The fact that you feel this way means that either you have been misinformed, or that we have failed in fulfilling our commandments. Unfortunately, extremism exists in every religion. Extremism feeds on the intolerant, the unreasonable, and the hopeless. Christians, Muslims, Jews, and others are people, and people make mistakes. Please, learn to forgive us, and do not trade hate for hate. Salaam alikm, wana ahtramk, washkrk lhza alsual.

  • North
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    I most definitely DO NOT hate Muslims. I am Christian. Do you hate me?

  • 1 decade ago

    I'm Christian and i don't hate Muslims what a stupid question.

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  • Jeff A
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    I don't hate Muslims. I hate the evil that is being done by some Muslims, and I hate the lack of opposition to the evil by the majority of Muslims who are not doing the evil.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Christians hate intolerance and the muslim extremists are intolerant of anything outside of their twisted version of the koran. Christians hate the sin and the muslim extremists perpetuate many sins in the name of their prophet. Christians hate satan and the muslim extremists represent satan or his workings.

    Christians do not hate muslims!

    Christians hate what has been perpetuated by the muslim extremists and they hate the fact that the rest of the muslim world has not / will not rise up against these crimes and sins.

    Christians hate it when they are singled out as the bad guys. Christians vs muslims kinda thing, the facts are that there are many religons in this world and the muslim extremists are hating / committing sins against all of them.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    salaam your question is wrong sister

    The Quran says

    " . . . and you will find the nearest in love to the believers (Muslims) those who say: 'We are Christians.' That is because amongst them are priests and monks, and they are not proud." 5:82

    So a true Christian is nearest in love to Muslims than any other religion .We see this in Palestine where Palestinians Christians have fought hand in hand with their Muslim brothers and sisters against opression

    So according to the Quran a Christian who doesnt love Muslims isnt a true Christian

  • Loosid
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Hate does not equal complete disgust for people who terrorize others by beheading for non-conrormity into their religion, suicide bombings, and the worse evil which is sitting silent while their fellow brethren continue to do said acts.

    Hate is suicide bombing, beheading, rounding up Muslims and hurting them. I am a Christian and I do not hate anyone. Though I do disagree with a religion which promotes hate or stands by and watches the hate unfold while giving lip service about it being a peaceful religion. And I suspect my views are widely held by many people of faith and lack thereof.

  • BugYA
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    It is not hate, but if you have to watch for them to lie to you or blow you up or kill you for doing something against islam/mohammad you would be stupid not to be very suspicious of them. They also want to get rid of Israel which is a promise from God for the final days. If islam really worshiped the true God, they would trust the Old Testament instead of the quaran and understand THEY are going in the wrong way by listening to a single man saying God changed His mind.

  • 1 decade ago

    Woah dude, just cuz were christian cant mean you can say we hate muslims, they're just people like us

  • 1 decade ago

    We dont. I certainly know I dont, however I dont really believe in my religion anyways so.....

    But i dont think you should generalize all Christians like that. Because I certainly know that all the Christians I know dont "hate" them in the least

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