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Do you listen to your parents or your heart?

My mom has this idea that I am going to marry a tall, white, military man. That's the only type of guy she would be accepting of. At the current moment, I am dating a Filipino guy, who happens to be in the military, but it just so happens that my mom would NEVER be accepting of me marrying a Filipino. My boyfriend and I have been talking about getting married in the near future, but I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place. I'm almost 21, and I know at this point in my life that I'm ready to get married, and to my boyfriend. Do I cross my mother, or go with my heart?

7 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Listen to your heart

    If you marry some random white dude, you'll never be happy.

    Tell your mom that you can't do what she wishes for. And that you can only love that Filipino guy because you are you, not your mom.

    Make that Filipino guy do nice things for your mom, like clean the house, do chores, manly things... So your mom might change her mind. Good luck

  • jose o
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    They say Mom is usually right. Considering that she wants the best for you. And at this point, American media and society may have already influenced her into thinking that being with a white, tall, military man will bring you the happiness and success she only wishes for you. Whether it's just a stereotype or not, you'll need to explore the possibilities in your future.

    What you might want to do is ask your mother why she wants you to be with a tall, white, military man. These are some clues that may already indicate certain traits she feels would bring joy and enhancement to your future (her pride).

    For example, if your mother views you as short, then perhaps a tall man will balance out the perfect height of your offspring. If your skin is too dark, she may prefer her grandchildren to be of lighter skin.

    Once you discuss this with your mother and compare her confessions to your potential Filipino husband, you should take everything into consideration to make an educated decision. Think about your age, you're only 21; you have many years ahead of you to learn, explore, and grow. Also be practical, ask questions and discuss where you would see each other with your potential Filipino husband 6-10 years from now. If you don't see a clear path, these are subtle warnings mothers are referring to - don't get stuck with any loser, this includes even tall, white or brown ones.

    Don't rely only on what your heart feels, many have been there, done that and have left them to near disaster or everlasting unhappiness. Love is an important ingredient but it shouldn't be everything. It can be so powerful it can blind you towards a brick wall if you're allowing it to make 100% of the important decisions for your future. Give your mind an opportunity to contribute to your decision.

    Good luck!

    Source(s): Meet Filipino Friends
  • 1 decade ago

    You need to Listen to your heart. You should definitely go with your heart. You should marry someone who makes your heart skip a beat every time you see them.

    You can't breathe when your around him and when your not around him you want to be. That's how I want to feel when I know I'm in LoVe.

  • 1 decade ago

    tell your mom, if she likes such a guy, marry him herself, dun force it on u.

    remind her, God made everyone by Himself. including Filipino, Asian, European, black, white, yellow, red, wats wrong with Filipinos?

    u alone knows who u wan to marry. so educate your mom, n get on with your man.

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  • 1 decade ago

    take my advice and listen to your heart. your mom can't tell you who to marry, that is your choice

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    who are you planning to spend the rest of your life with? your mom, or your boyfriend?

  • 1 decade ago

    just do what ur heart say too do!it shouldn't matter what everyone else say

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