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Has this prophecy on the Jews come true and when will this experience end ?

Deuteronomy 28:64 The Lord will scatter you among all the peoples from one end of the earth to the other, and there you shall serve other gods, wood and stone, whom neither you nor your ancestors have experienced. Yet even among those nations you shall find no peace, nor shall your foot find a place to rest. The Lord will give you there an anguished heart and eyes that pine and a despondent spirit. 66 The life you face shall be precarious; you shall be in terror, night and day, with no assurance of survival. In the morning you shall say, "If only it were evening!" and in the evening you shall say, "If only it were morning!" — because of what your heart shall dread and your eyes shall see.


Yahweh's t*, you aren't that smart. Being half-read and reading half the prophecy doesn't count. It states that the Jews have no assurance of safety in the nations around the world where they are taken. Literaly true as in Nazi Germany, Russia, et al. Now try sounding more logical than sarcastic.

Update 2:

I relish debate with atheists. As they say, a little knowledge is a dangerous thing ;-)

Most atheists have half-baked knowledge on almost everything and find ways to twist the other half they don't know.

8 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    This prophesy was for the entire nation, not just for the house of Judah (Jews). The ten tribes of Israel were scattered and remain that way today. The Jewish people were scattered in 70 AD and spent most of those following years and centuries in hostile or at best, indifferent countries, yet never considered at home. They did return to a portion of their land, but, even today, they have threats from the enemies that surround them. The 12 tribes will not know true peace and safety until the return of Christ, the Messiah.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Yes they have been massacared by the army lead by General Titus and were driven out on diaspora which has now ended. But in between they have seen many Hitlers who

    made their lives miserable and deaths horrible. They are still

    surviving solely on support of the sole super power of the world. Would that they repented on their sins and reverted towards their Lord!

    Javed Kaleem

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    This is not really a prophecy

    Rather, it is a promise - punishment to be received for certain sin. In other words, this is not describing any specific event, but *every* instance of national sin will result in national dispersal. This is no more a prophecy than "if you eat cyanide, you'll die". This is merely the consequences of a specific set of actions.


  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I'm not a jew and that could and does seem to fit my views as to not getting shot at day by day, see it everyday on the news,

    I place no race of people above another. equal in life and as humans.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I should treat as the scenario for the entire humanity. Now, the human society is far more homogeneous that such predictions should not considered as applicable to one race or group. I think the entire humanity is going to suffer and the predicament is not going to be confined to one.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    All the old religions Judaism,hinduism, zoroastrianism, Egyptian, Greek etc. originated from african tribal culture. The primitive man was living in fear in the shadow of volcanoes in the rift valley (see Danakil depression in Ethiopia & Lucy the early fossil found near Danakil). For 900000 years he lived in africa and developed fear of volcanoes & so started worshipping them with fire & sacrifice ritual in order to make peace with the gods of volcanoes. He ventured out of africa only 100000 years back & colonised the world and settled in various places and called himself as Jew, hindu, zoroastrian, greek, egyptian etc. But he carried with him , his practices of fire worship & sacrifice with him as an IMITATION of volcano consuming animals.

    Ok, thats the background. From the primitive african beliefs , man had only jungle laws in his mind such as : Eye for eye, tooth for tooth , arm for arm & foot for foot, which is basically barbaric. The barbarism makes people cruel. Cruelty makes people liable to meet their fate in a cruel manner.

    I hope you got it by now.



    BTW, the Nazis were following pagan worship , it is said. The nazi top brass was christian but just for the name sake. The real ideology followed by nazis was (hold your breath) ---- HINDUISM. How? Helena blavatsky started Theosophical society based on hindu fundamentals and glorified aryans as the most superior people who will rule the world in future. These ideas & practices were imported into germany by Thule society etc. and germans were already receptive to these ideas because Max Mueller had already broken the ice by translating basic hindu fundamentals of Vedas in which aryans are glorified. The indian caste system (actually racism) is based on these very principles.

    So the holocaust , as I understand , is the clash between these primitive old aged ideologies of Hinduism vs. Judaism in principle. More clarification. Himmler , the butcher who killed millions of Jews and others, always carried Hindu Gita in his pocket for guidance. In Gita , the God is telling the disciple to take arms, kill & fight. This was interpreted by Himmler as a justification to his brutal deeds , and he preached it , so that the german workers help him in conc. camps in the dirty job , to consider it as a correct deed.

    So you have raised this question that how and when the bloodshed will stop. I believe that , unless and until all people forsake violence & brutality from their minds , this cant be done . But for that we, all , whether Jews, muslims, hindus etc. need to be mentally ready to eliminate the religious texts from our scriptures which justify violence, hatred & bloodshed . I think some UN agency need to be commissioned to audit all religions and their scriptures .

    This is the need of the hour because religion for man acts like OS/SW in a computer. A bad OS/SW/Virus can cause damage to millions.

  • 1 decade ago

    It has if you consider the Babylonian exile. Has it ended? They;re back in Israel, aren't they?

  • 1 decade ago

    "You'll leave your fatherland and most of you won't like it."

    Wow. What a great prophecy. [/sarcasm]

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