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Global Warming hoax disproved?

400 scientists from 2 dozen countries have come out in a Senate report and stated that man-made global warming is a hoax, and the biggest possible repercussion from this global warming is from the hysteria surrounding it. Please, read the link below. Please notice the incredible qualifications of the scientists. Also, please recall that algore said that there were no scientists who disagreed with man-made global warming. Just another lie in his Academy Award winning, Nobel Peace Prize winning, piece of crap power point presentation (I did better ones in college).

On a side note, has anybody heard about this in major newspapers or network television? I think not. Just further proof of liberal bias in the media.

Man it feels good to be right.


Mintat, read my question. What do you think I'm talking about? By the way, most of these scientists say that the global warming trend ended in 2001. We've been steady if not cooling over the past 6 years.

Update 2:

Thanks, Moody. I'm glad there are still a few of us fighting the good fight. Don't forget that the southern hemisphere has actually been cooling this entire time, and the ice at the south pole has been expanding at record rates. The ice down there is larger now than at any time in recorded history.

16 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Yes, thank you Brad! I have stated this all along and even named some of the TOP 400 climatologists, and scientists who debunked the Global Warming as propaganda.

    A money making scheme use to swindle some folks out of their money to buy costly inventions to prevent warming. Or to make some people, like Al Gore get the glory back he lost when he was defeated in the run for the presidency of the U.S.

    The only scientists who agreed were bought by the oil companies. Like the one bought back in the 70's to proclaim Global Cooling! Remember him? Of course, there is a prediction of a New Ice Age in 15,000 years!

    No, it won't come out in any of the drive by media. Maybe Fox News will report it, but not the Faux media, such as CNN, MSNBC, or others of their ilk.

    Many people do not realize the difference between blight, littering and global warming. Environmental issues have nothing to do with the climate.


    Edit: Hey, BuggedinMn; Please email me the link to this article, I am sure it's a gas! (pardon the pun :)


  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I heard about this last week. Though while 400 highly decorated scientists detailed exactly how little human interaction has to do with global warming, there's thousands there before them who came forward with the same information about a year ago.

    It has been proven that cows, of all things, cause ten times the amount of gas needed to make any noticeable changes to the climate than humans... And the measurable amount of change they create (combined) is as equal in comparison as a mile is to .000005 inches.

    Last week I posted a portion of an article on kangaroo's passing gas, and I provided the link, and evidently even though kangaroo farts are ten times more harmful to the environment than cows... Some highly accredited (inflated) global warming haYoo humping Al Gore lover (lib) reported my question as abusive and it got removed.

    It was a dandy article though!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It doesn't matter Al Gore made a movie won an awards and got the Nobel Peace Prize. He's all the "science" the globalists needs to propagandize to the public.

  • Bleh!
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    It certainly highlights the lies in the media about the "consensus"

    Many in the 400 were reported as being in the consensus but had actually disagreed and were ignored and criticized.

  • 1 decade ago

    Anyone in there right mind understands there is no global warming due to the use of fuels.

    400 government scientists from 2 dozen countries is meaningless, why do you think they say such crap, to make you believe so you can buy and pay more taxes.

    has the government declared a oil shortage, no but you pay more, why would they do that, maybe to pay for the war.

    the earth has been drawn closer to the sun, that's why everything is melting and some regions are hotter and dryer.

    2012 is for real

  • 1 decade ago

    The scientific consensus is that man is causing global warming. Allow me to quote a great American when I say, "Where there is consensus there can be no science because science is not up for a vote."

    There are so many holes in the theory of man made global warming that Al Gore could fly a private jet right through them.

    What a scam.

    Source(s): Dittohead
  • 1 decade ago

    Global warming a hoax or is the word man made the key to this question? Disregard the guilt factor and look at the North Pole and the arctic melting and look at Indonesia and hopefully we can do something about the West Coast. Apathy by Americans is something I will never get used to. Once we were leaders in political issues... now we are all vegetables looking for a finger to point so we can get back on our computers and complain about the price of gasoline.

  • 1 decade ago

    Read the article. They are skeptics of Man-made Global Warming, not Global Warming itself.

    So you praise a these scientists just because you think they follow your beliefs? And you trash the majority - of the same scientific status, mind you - of the scientists because you don't follow your ideas? That's mighty close-minded.

    And most of the scientific skeptics debate over the impact society plays in Global Warming; they don't outright deny that there is no correlation. So go bash them too.

    Keep in mind the difference between heat and temperature. Heat is thermal energy; temperature is the 'feeling' of the heat. The heat is going into Earth, but it does not mean immediate change in temperature. Like a glass of ice and water. It gets colder from the energy going into the latent heat of ice, but actually there is more thermal energy going INTO the glass from the room (assuming the room is above freezing). The same can be applied here, just with much more ice and water. Ice is melting at recorded rates.

  • 1 decade ago

    It's going to take 20 years to show that the whole "global warming" crap is garbage. Yes, the climate changes, that is the nature of the climate. However, wasn't it warmer and wetter at times when dinosaurs were the dominant species? Wasn't there at many points in the timeline of the earth ice ages? And those lasted for thousands of years. Wouldn't a civilization that based it's technology on a era of an ice age be threatened by "global warming" to what we have right now?

    I hate to break it to people, but the earth has wiped out thousands of species, and done it all by itself. Our time WILL come.

  • 1 decade ago

    ManBearPig!! ManBearPig!! Heeee's Cooommmiinngg!!

    Swoosh, Swoosh....

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