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Do you think God would forgive suicide in any circumstance?

I really should not answer questions that draw me to my own anguish; I just pain to read suffering because I know it so well. I am so glad that most of you have no first hand knowledge of what abuse and torture and truly bad **** can do to your true self. From 3yr to 17 it was all I knew. I see teen boys and panic that they might be living it, with no one caring. An over reaction, but the fear is there.

I am convinced the damage can not be undone. My question, do you think God would forgive suicide in any circumstance. Or maybe it’s not even a sin, the bible does not say thou shall not find the peace thou needs, does it. I think he would forgive in some cases, I am counting on it, sometimes I start down that path without any conscious thought, I just realize suddenly that all is ready. That’s when the debate and argument with my inner self becomes intense. It will win. This is a serious question, for neither atheists nor the religious right, although I acknowledge all can answer


Thanks for your insight, the view seems to be its not a sin, that is a relief.

I am an adult now, free from the direct abuse, but not the threats against me if I speak out. The remembered abuse, the living through it, the guilt, the dirtiness and the self loathing I am never free off. This is not something you can shake out like a rug, its made me who or what I am, I can no more escape it living than I can escape myself, for they are what formed me as I grew up. As an aside, my physical body did not survive so well either. Even before I got RA at 14, there had been too much damage done. So I am restricted by that. I first attempted suicide at 12.

Update 2:

These are not just memories, they are me. I lived them and still do, my earliest memories are of fear, and so I am build upon fear. From an early age I schemed to be a small target, my days revolved around minimising my presence, avoiding anything that drew fresh attention to me. I faced decisions between resistance and more harm and pain and loosing anyway, or submitting, so making myself complicit at 9yrs old to my own abuse, so I know guilt, for I am built from it. I won’t give details, ever; I made that promise to myself as a way of trying to hide from it. But at the end of the day, it is all I knew. To ask for an apple when you were honestly hungry, was a dangerous and outright stupid thing to do and was never done without weighing what ever you wanted or needed (clothes) against the cost, physical or otherwise. These things cannot be contained with in memories, they are me.

Update 3:

It wont happen tonight, maybe not next week, but it has a sense of inevitability about it, like I am putting of a dentist appointment, when I know I will be much the better for just doing it.

Somehow it just fits with me, like its waiting in the wings for its encore. I have recently tried a therapist, but as usual it got too overwhelming and now they want to label me as PTSD. I find it easier to write than talk, yet I don't think I could suffer the shame and self loathing of someone else reading them. I think I am bound, no matter which way I turn.

Update 4:

Once again I thank you all for your input. To those who offered contact, I thank you, but I am more sure and comfortable than ever with the rightness of this path for me. I am amazed I didn't realize this earlier, the fit is just so natural, not fighting it so hard seems to complete me, I feel more at peace by accepting it. It is not going to happen today or next week (I guess) but the time is approaching when all that is right with it will come together. I am ok with this, I should never have fought it so hard, I think some of the pain comes from fighting it. As I woke this morning I was, and am, truly surprised at how well this fits me so peacefully now that I just accept it. Enjoy you life, value yourselves, fight against abuse at all levels and avoid my mistakes. Be safe, be sage.

16 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Don't listen to those saying there's no God. Regardless of my beliefs, all three montheist religions condemn suicide, they can't all be wrong. Don't give up on life, keep hope (if you don't have faith). I'm absolutely sure there are people who care about you and it would hurt them if you were not around anymore. I can't believe some people who would recommend you to end your life b/c they don't believe in God. And honestly, b/c you're asking this question in the first place, I believe you have some faith in God & you believe there's one. So don't make that mistake, hang on, seek help if you feel the need. Don't give up. Best luck.

    Edit: DON'T GIVE UP ,MAN. Nobody's asking you for details. Don't share them here, Share them with a therapist or someone you absolutely trust. PLEASE, don't do that. You'd be making a huge mistake.

    Edit2: I STRONGLY add my voice to Anna's. Since you feel more comfortable writing about how you feel, e-mail her & let her share with you what she's been through & how she made it through. I wish I could help myself, but I don't have that kind of experience. I sure hope she can help. And Anna, please if he doesn't e-mail you soon, you can make the first step, I know it's worth the effort. God bless you.

  • Anna P
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    As a survivor of extreme abuse myself, I can get a glimmer of what your life and your recovery must be like. But, it IS a recovery, and God is there with you the whole time. First, I would hope that you would seek counseling and possibly medication as you are clearly suffering from major depression. I have as well, and know the signs. I am currently on medication and the difference is amazing--you have an illness just as though you had a ruptured appendix, and God has provided medication to help make you feel better. With that, you can make the difficult journey back to the light, and it is a glorious light! Please do email me if you want any more information, I'd be glad to share with you how my journey has gone. Please see the resources on my church's website, and the regional group of churches, You were made for a purpose, and I hope you get through this period by trusting that God has a plan for you...alive.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I am so sorry to hear about your abuse. Some people on here make up questions like this for a laugh, but I sense yours is real. I feel very distressed to think of what you might have been through for such a long period of time. Of course all that you endured has damaged you, and from your view you will never recover. But I know first hand, not having suffered the kind of abuse that you have but my own torture from my alcoholic father and abusive siblings that you CAN recover from it! You don't forget it but you become a stronger person able to help those who have been through what you have been through. I have to tell you this, it does take God to do this. He can and will help to heal you and use your past for good in your life and not only yours but other's lives as well. Suicide is never an option. It is a coward's way out and it hurts all those who loved you. My best friend's son tried to commit suicide but he lived and even today, it has affected her and her entire family negatively. They all need to heal from what he did. It didn't happen over night for me but slowly by my prayers, the Lord began to show me many things that helped to heal me and give me closure. He will do that for you, too! Nothing is impossible with God.

    We support you in your pain. Get healed and help other boys who are going through what you did. That is the best medicine of all.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Well, I'll be the first to say it, go get some help from therapist and a doctor. My uncle asked the same question before he committed suicide, and it could have all been averted had he gone for help. All his problems, like all problems, can be solved. Sometimes those who deal with pain like this need meds.

    Depression is a sickness, like cancer. It can win over and take a life. I don't think God judges sick people, but the peopel that will have the hardest time forgiving you are the ones you love and hurt by suicide. That you can never earn back.

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  • 1 decade ago

    The Almighty does not approve of self centered outlooks. All righteous choices must be other centered, and hopefully centered on the Creator. For an obvious affirmative answer, the case of Samson, though a mess from the start, seems in the end to affirm the possibility of suicide being approved. My general understanding is that there is usually a creative response, and that suicide is not creative. Life is a terminal condition, but scripture is consistent in affirming that life is precious and not to be wasted.

  • 1 decade ago

    There is always hope, Are you talking about someone who already took thier own life or are you the one thinking about it. If it is you Talk to someone right now! call 911. Get on the road to recovery. Pray for relief from your situation.

    If you want more information give me an email

    the answer to your question is: Consider the case of King Saul of Israel. When he realized that he would not survive his final battle against the Philistines, rather than letting his enemy treat him abusively, “Saul took the sword and fell upon it.” When the Philistines found his corpse, they fastened it on the wall of the city of Beth-shan. Upon finding out what the Philistines had done, the inhabitants of Jabesh-gilead removed the corpse and burned it. Then they took his bones and buried them. They even fasted for seven days, a traditional mourning rite among the Israelites. (1 Samuel 31:4, 8-13; Genesis 50:10) When David, the anointed of Jehovah, found out what the inhabitants of Jabesh-gilead had done, he said: “Blessed may you be of Jehovah, because you exercised this loving-kindness toward your lord, toward Saul, in that you buried him. And now may Jehovah exercise toward you loving-kindness and trustworthiness.” (2 Samuel 2:5, 6) The divine record does not indicate that the inhabitants of Jabesh-gilead were condemned for performing what may be considered a funeral rite for King Saul. Compare that with the case of those who were deprived of burial because of their wrongdoing. (Jeremiah 25:32, 33)

  • 1 decade ago

    Some people believe that all who commit suicide go immediately to Hell. However, the Bible never says if this is the case. The Bible is silent on this issue. God probably did not address it in black in white for a good reason. If we knew that we would still go to Heaven if we killed ourselves, there would probably be a lot more suicides taking place than there already are. However, if we knew that all who killed themselves were automatically banished to Hell, no matter what their situation, it may be too much for the grief-stricken family and friends to bear. Murder and suicide are not unpardonable sins. The only unforgivable sins are rejecting Christ (Mark 16:16) and blaspheming the Holy Spirit.

    It is so important to remember that God judges each of us individually, weighing all the factors of our lives, our beliefs and our motives. Each one of us is so intricate and complex, only God could really judge us in total truth, wisdom, and without favoritism. The most important truth of all, is that each one of us will stand before His throne and give account of our lives. If we lived intimately with this sobering truth, much of the sin in the church and the world, would immediately be stopped.

    If you are contemplating suicide and are relying on God's grace to get you to heaven, PLEASE stop for a moment....God's grace never means that we have a free license to sin! Those who willfully sin after knowing God's grace, are in far greater danger than those who know less. Though you may feel that God is far from you right now, He is much nearer than you think. He may even be speaking to you through these words! Please open your ears and hear Him tell you how valuable your life is. You are needed on this earth and the purpose for your life has not yet been fulfilled. God loves you, and so do many people around you! God would not be God if He could not work this situation (no matter how unbearable it may seem) for His glory and for the good in your own life.

  • 1 decade ago

    God can forgive any sin, but you need to be covered in the blood of Jesus Christ in order to be forgiven. My question to you is: do you believe that the payment on the cross of Jesus Christ will get you into heaven?

    Just because you believe though, I still discourage suicide. It is better to stand up to your problems than to back down from it for God has said: "Blessed is the man who perservers under trial, for once he has been aproved the Lord will give him the crown of life, promise to those who love him."

    Source(s): the book of John; the book of James
  • :)
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    I believe all experiences, good and bad, can be used to help others. As long as you have something to share that is useful to your fellow man, choosing to take yourself out of the equation is wrong in that it deprives others of your knowledge and assistance.

    I believe God is all merciful and everyone is judged individually but I can't say what he forgives.

    I'm sorry for your pain but couldn't you channel that into something that would save others from going through what you did?

  • 1 decade ago

    God forgives people who turn from their sins and trust in Jesus for their salvation. As to the topic of suicide, most people who commit suicide are suffering from mental illness that may also have a spiritual component to it since the Devil was a murderer from the beginning. God doesn't send people to Hell for getting sick and dying. God does however offer people who are suffering peace in this life if they will seek Him with all their heart and lean not to their own human understanding of their circumstances.

    See the Get Saved button @ for more information about God's forgiveness.

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