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Ron Paul/Hillary Clinton: Mindless supporters?

Both candidates appear to have supporters that knee-jerk answers with the kind of mindless zealotry that is making politics into a bizzare religion for some.

What is it about these two candidates that is attracting such a hopelessly enthralled crowd?


For those of you who set your sights on half the question, your answers were not considered.

Yes, I dare to compare the supporters.

Why? In seeking to find a new understanding in the messages the candidates are sending, I am looking at their supporters to see what messages they are receiving. What I get from a candidate is not the necessarily the same as the next person, so to get a bigger picture, Im comparing notes.

Some of the responses to this question are flat out scary.

Kevin S, I dont believe anybody in this country "cheers" when a soldier dies unless they are looking to use it as an excuse to end the war. You may not remember the circumstances that lead us to be there accurately, but then few do.

16 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I wouldn't trash the Candidates based on Yahoo answers..

    the candidate's own answers should matter most and a decision on whether they have the integrity or will to follow up with action on those answers..

    Bush did..

    Hillary doesn't..

    and Paul needs to be...

    at least given a chance to debate

  • 1 decade ago

    Ron Paul and Hillary Clinton supporters being compared?

    I think you might have a case for the Clinton supporters but that tends to be the case with any of the "big money" candidates.

    You don't think Bush's "Pioneer" group that has each member raise at least $100,000 are mindless supporters? They sit and cheer as our soldiers die on a daily basis but they don't care as long as "their guy" is in power. It seems to be the same with all the big time Candidates that are more driven by greed or power.

    I think the Ron Paul supporters are very adamant about their support because they see the mess our politicians have made of this country (bogged down in a pointless and endless war in Iraq & when the people give Democrats power to challenge Bush on war they all lose their spines and lay down for him)

    Ron Paul claims he will protect and uphold the constitution (the duty of President) and many on both sides of the aisle have rallied around it because they have seen the damage done to the Constitution from this current administration.

    Ron Paul has somehow managed to raise over 10 Million dollars through thousands of small donations over 2 days of internet fundraising. All this while he is basically being ignored by the mainstream media.

    Meanwhile Hillary has been a poster child for the Mainstream Media so I think her supporters are so adamant about their support because they have so much invested in her winning and can't see any other option so they have even looked desperate at times (planted softball questions, attack Obama, her current refusal to answer questions after speech, etc.)

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    There are many who think that any woman, from Hillary to Oprah, should become President, strictly because of their sex. That kind of thinking is analogous to people who don't care what kind of car they drive, as long as it is a certain color. There are others of equally doubful intelligence, who vicariously thrived on the antics of Bill Clinton for eight years and are anxious to have him in the limelight again. These people don't really care what Hillary will or won't do as President, they merely want to see Bill on TV again. They are the mainstay of the soap opera industry, and liken the Clintons to a real life soap opera. Ron Paul supporters merely want an anti-war candidate who claims to be conservative. They are the checker-playing spectators at a chess tournament. They don't understand the big picture, but they want to feel that they are doing something so as to look like political activists to each other.

  • ahhee
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    Do all of you those that say Ron Paul supporters are loopy particularly seem into what Dr Paul is saying? have you ever appeared into why he says what he says. have you ever completed any study in any respect as nicely looking at television. do you understand what the form is? Its the luxurious regulation of the land, to be observed and enforced. whilst a president is inaugurated they say they swear to preserve the form. Thats what Ron Paul defends and you all call him loopy and call his supporters "retards" on the information superhighway. Do any of you human beings bashing Ron Paul on right here actually think of you're smarter that Dr Paul. I assure you he's a lots brighter guy than you supply him credit for and he knows what he's speaking approximately

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Not nearly as many mindless supporters as Bush has to this day.

    Many of Paul's and Hillary's supporters are disappointed Bush enthralists.

    You may be onto a new religion- Enthralism.

  • 1 decade ago

    The mere fact that Ron Paul, (not Hillary Clinton) wants smaller gov. and people to do for them self, make sure if you are in this country, that you are legal, get the US out of the UN, do away with the IRS, and the list goes on. We all need to listen to these candidate's and hear what they are truly saying. Ron Paul tells it like it is, the rest say what sounds good to the masses.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Lack of education/wisdom/life experience?

    Pop culture?

    Ron Paul will go away, but Hillary Clinton is truly frightening... there is no way she should be considered in the same breath with the Presidency. Foolish, bad-tempered, no foundation or defining beliefs.

  • 1 decade ago

    Some people are desperate for change. Those that support Ron Paul are often those that feel that their views are never represented in government. Those that support Hillary Clinton are often those that feel that their hatred of President Bush is never represented in government.

  • 1 decade ago

    I think you will find the knee-jerk Ron Paul supporters reached their conclusions because they did their research. They only seem knee-herk to you because you disagree with them. We didn't just wake up one morning and say, "Oooh, he's a cute little elf. I think I'll blindly follow his policies!" Most of us said, "Why is this guy trying to dismantle the Fed? What does he mean when he says the federal government has too much power and is running us into the ground?" I did my research, and I believe the Federal Reserve Bank to be one of the greatest evils perpetrated on this country since it's inception! And it doesn't take a lot of research to realize that the nanny government doesn't just "take care" of us, it tells us what to do!

  • 1 decade ago

    If you care about your country's future you might learn something from listening to what Ron Paul is saying. I believe he is the only logical candidate. To restore INDEPENDENCE to America. Any true conservative republican should be able to see this. What is happening to America. We conforming to a one world government theme that is the key to this great empires fall. The constitution was written to protect us and our independence. Listen and believe and you will see great changes that will ensure our sovereignty for generations to come.

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