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What is the difference between the "first day of your last period" and the " conception days"?

I'm 32 weeks pregnant and found out that u get pregnant on your conception days and that when the doctor asks you when was the first day of your last period, he is just trying to give you the due date of your baby...Now I have to different dates and two different guys now involved. So if the first day of my last period was May 18th and my conception days are between May 28th and June 3rd.....and the first guy I had sex was on May 19th and the second was on May 29th, which one is the daddy? Plz, help!!!

7 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Mr. May 29th is your baby's father. I am 98% sure on this.

    you do not ovulate (release an egg) until about 14 days after your last period started. sperm only live about 3 days. so the sperm from Mr. May 19th would have been dead before the egg released.

    Hope this helps!

    Source(s): Aspie (autistic) Mom of 5 Noelle, age 8. Amelie age 4, Ezekiel age 3, Anakin and Angelique age 19 months. My savant lies in medical knowledge
  • 1 decade ago

    Doctors give you your due date based on the first day of your last period because most women don't know exactly what day they conceived. Your conception dates are the dates that you most likely would have actually conceived (egg meets sperm). It's not 100% accurate though because not all women ovulate at the same time in their cycle. So, in your case it was PROBABLY the guy you slept with on May 29th, but it COULD be the other guy. You'll have to get a DNA test once the baby is born.

    Source(s): I hope you've learned your lesson!
  • 1 decade ago

    Oh scary is that! Because you slept with the first guy the day after your period started, which almost positively you weren't ovulating. The second guy is probably the father. The first day of your last period is just easier for doctors to predict your pregnancy because most women do not know the exact day that they ovulated. Hope this helps with your guessing and after the babies born you'll just have to get a paternity test. Good luck!

  • Betsy
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Either could be. Sperm survive in the best of conditions for up to 5 days. BUT the egg also survives for 24 hous after ovulation with an occassional, but rare, second ovualion 24 hours after the first.

  • 1 decade ago

    It really can be either one. To a person with abnormal periods, dates can be nothing, or they can be very accurate. It depends on how many days u usually have between your periods and how long they last. I agree with the last answer. Paternity test is the only way to be sure.

  • Greer
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Okay, more then likely the second guy is the dad. Really though it could be either one. You were in your fertile peak when you slept with the second guy. So I think that is your guy, although you won't know for sure with out a dna test. Good Luck and Congratulations!!!!!!

    Source(s): 6 weeks 5 days pregnant. : )
  • 1 decade ago

    in all honsetly it could be either one of them your dates could be wrong, or your doc could have the wrong dates, paternity test is in order here! good luck

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