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Why are people in general ditching traditional behavior and manners?

By this I mean why do people use profane language in public..and allow their children to behave badly in public with out discipline for their behavior. The parents are just as bad as the kids, they yell, use profane language, or just simply do nothing, ignoring the child in question. I am not saying it is the two to six year olds, it's the seven year olds, teenage kids, and pre-adult ones who should have been taught better. In public or stores, they will run, scream, talk down to the parents, act ugly to other adults, and use ugly statements to describe older adults. When approached on their behavior they will snicker curses and flip others off. Where are all the parents who should be teaching their children better manners? Has the good old fashioned manners gone by the way side. It seems that lack of control of one's self is the wave of the future, part of what I call the instant society! Is this what we have to look froward to, in the future, ill-mannered, profane speaking people?

4 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I don't think there have been many people teaching the "traditional manners and proper behavior" for many years. Probably not since my Grandma's era. There have been so many different lifestyle changes since them.....the "feeling free" phase, ....the "all about me" phase,... the "money is everything" phase,.etc.,.....I think alot of people just forgot about the "respect other people" phase. that really should just be a way of life, not a phase.

  • 1 decade ago

    your job is to act civil and be the best..don't worry about others as they will create a bad impression later but do try to make sure you family knows the rules of civil behaviour in public or dining table..burping , talking about regurgitation [ vomiting] or announcing dirty stories on the table when people are eating is rude and if someone in your family does it, then lecture them on etiquette

    if someone's bad etiquette is bothering you, make an excuse and move away from that person or have a talk with that person about how its bothering u..they should hear it and not say SO, WHO CARES IF I BURP ON THE TABLE OR NOT SHAKE HANDS FIRMLY WITH THE BOSS

  • 1 decade ago

    I blame my parents' generation. I'm 30. They wanted to do everything their way and they screwed up a lot of things. It's my job now, through my kids and myself, to try to fix everything. I want to see traditional manners and behavior return.

  • 1 decade ago

    Because apparently the people that raised the parents of today taught them nothing about parenting themselves.

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