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Lv 2319 points

Avera H

Favorite Answers19%
  • What is a Wifi card, do I need one if my Notebook is already Integrated with Wifi?

    Thanks in advance for any information anyone can give me regarding what I want to know! I just bought my Acer Notebook, and don't know a thing about Wifi. What is a Wifi card do I need one if my notebook is already Wifi Integrated? What is a router box, how does that work? How much is a Wifi card, where do I get one? Where do I get a router box, how much is it? I am not that computer savy so please speak in plain terms so I can understand.

    4 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks1 decade ago
  • How do you get the bubles like the blog ect to have color instead of white?

    I added a tile pic for the background..but the rest like the blog bubble and others are do I add color?? Lee

    1 AnswerYahoo Profiles1 decade ago
  • How in the world do I put my own background and layout on my 360 messenger profile?

    I want to create my own background layout for my messenger profile page on 360 but can not figure out how too...I don't want to use the custom edit...there is a way to do it but I have forgotten how..I had a nice background with color to the please!!!! Lee

    1 AnswerYahoo Pulse1 decade ago
  • If you had the power to go back in time, what time period and country would you choose, and why?

    I have always had a fascination with history and have often wondered which country I would choose and what I would do when I got there..I think I would choose the 14th century and I would choose England, and I would choose to be a maid in the royal house..only to find out all the dirt on the people!

    4 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Why are people in general ditching traditional behavior and manners?

    By this I mean why do people use profane language in public..and allow their children to behave badly in public with out discipline for their behavior. The parents are just as bad as the kids, they yell, use profane language, or just simply do nothing, ignoring the child in question. I am not saying it is the two to six year olds, it's the seven year olds, teenage kids, and pre-adult ones who should have been taught better. In public or stores, they will run, scream, talk down to the parents, act ugly to other adults, and use ugly statements to describe older adults. When approached on their behavior they will snicker curses and flip others off. Where are all the parents who should be teaching their children better manners? Has the good old fashioned manners gone by the way side. It seems that lack of control of one's self is the wave of the future, part of what I call the instant society! Is this what we have to look froward to, in the future, ill-mannered, profane speaking people?

    4 AnswersEtiquette1 decade ago
  • what was the power usuage of Writes Patterson AFB for 1968 and 2006?

    The reason for the question is to prove or disprove existance of underground tunnels and storage at Writes Patterson AFB

    2 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago