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Avera H asked in Yahoo ProductsYahoo Pulse · 1 decade ago

How in the world do I put my own background and layout on my 360 messenger profile?

I want to create my own background layout for my messenger profile page on 360 but can not figure out how too...I don't want to use the custom edit...there is a way to do it but I have forgotten how..I had a nice background with color to the please!!!! Lee


I don't like the other things that 360 has to offer like the colors and the themes they have to I want to create my own background and layout... how do I upload when I find out how??

1 Answer

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    1. In your 360 page, click on My Page.

    2.Just below My Page, you can see a big question mark, just right beside that there is Edit Custom Theme. Go click on that.

    3. A little gray window will pop up with the heading Customize My Theme. You can start here. Change your background colors, your layout, your font size, etc. You can do all of that right on this window.

    Good luck!

    If you have any further Qs, feel free to email me.

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