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How do you get the bubles like the blog ect to have color instead of white?

I added a tile pic for the background..but the rest like the blog bubble and others are do I add color?? Lee

1 Answer

  • Favorite Answer

    They r called modules..the boxes for Blog, Lists, etc.. But I like bubbles! :)

    Just go into Edit Custom Theme..(where u added the bkground) ..scroll down a lil to where u see Module on the LITTLE box..another window will open..go to the "rainbow" column n click n drag the lil black button that is somewhere inside that column..drag it to the general color u want ur module to be (I saw ur page, so ur probably going with blue) then using ur cursor, move the lil tiny circle that is inside the box of color untill u see the exact color u want ur module to the medium size box that changes color (rt under the blue "X". When u see the med. box is the color u want.. stop moving the lil circle, n click on the blue "X" , in other words, close that click Preview n ur modules will change to that color..if u like it, click Save..if u don't, start all over. Email me if u need more info! :)

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