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what was the power usuage of Writes Patterson AFB for 1968 and 2006?

The reason for the question is to prove or disprove existance of underground tunnels and storage at Writes Patterson AFB

2 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I was both an Air Force Dependent and an Air Force Officer at Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio. BTW it is Wright named after the Wright brothers. As far as I know the only underground storage at Wright-Patterson is for munitions and weapons. It is a rather small dirt covered area. There are no sinister underground tunnels or storage facilities there. This is not the X-Files or Area 51, it is just an Air Force Base.

  • 1 decade ago

    I apologize for this but I am an electrician and this caught my attention. A few things first, since 1968 the amount of electronics, people, stop lights, heaters all manner of electrical gadgetry has increased over the past 38 some odd years. So the annual wattage used will have also increased and with out a detailed account of EVERY BUILDING on the base over the last 38 years you can not hope to prove or disprove the existence of anything. Using electricity as your method of proof is folly. Try contacting those members that worked in Civil Engineering during those times.

    Source(s): 9 years active duty and counting, I am a 3E071 BTW.
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