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What is a Wifi card, do I need one if my Notebook is already Integrated with Wifi?

Thanks in advance for any information anyone can give me regarding what I want to know! I just bought my Acer Notebook, and don't know a thing about Wifi. What is a Wifi card do I need one if my notebook is already Wifi Integrated? What is a router box, how does that work? How much is a Wifi card, where do I get one? Where do I get a router box, how much is it? I am not that computer savy so please speak in plain terms so I can understand.

4 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    A Wi-Fi card, also known as a wireless network adapter, is a set of integrated or standalone circuits that allows you to connect to a network without using a cable. If you have a Wi-Fi card already in your computer and you are satisfied by the range an speed of it you do not need to purchase another one. If you are not satisfied with the one you already have then you can purchase a new one. A new Wi-Fi card will cost between $10 and $200 depending on manufacturer, quality, features, range, and interface. If you do purchase a new Wi-Fi card make sure to disable your integrated one. A router will allow connecting multiple computers together and protecting them from the hazards of the internet. It also does other things but that description is only for technologically advanced person. A router can be obtained for $20 to $2700 depending on manufacturer, quality, features, and interface. I recommend purchasing any computer related items from but you can also find them in office and electronics stores.

    Source(s): CT Quantum CCSvc. Networking documents
  • sosguy
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Being that your Acer came with onboard wifi, you will not have to worry about a wifi card. You already have that. You will need a wireless router to take advantage of the wifi card and access the Internet. Wireless routers can be purchased at the big box stores like Walmart, Best Buy, etc. Routers sell from $60 - 100.

  • 1 decade ago

    You will only need one if you want to upgrade the network type you use; For example, if your intergrated wireless card only supports up to type G and you want to use type N, you will need a type N wifi card for that. If you're content with the speed you're getting though, then you don't need one.

  • Jack M
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    if your computer is already Wifi Integrated. you don't need to get one. Most laptops are.

    the link above is a wireless router. Plug your internet modem into the router and it will sen out a wireless signal to your laptop.

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