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What does Hillary mean when she says?

I have recently heard Hillary say that she has "35 years of Women and Children advocay." to cite her expirence creidentials for presidency. What does this mean? It is a nice platitude, but is there a "THERE" there? I support women and children, I haven't actually done anything, but I support them morally. Has Hillary listed specific programs that she started or worked with? Has any one came forward and said "Thanks to Hillary I ...."?

I asked this because I just saw a News Story on Yahoo where the Clintons are blasting Obama on his inexpirence.

How is Hillary more expirence?

By being married to a former President?

For the HIllary supporters, what is her expirence SPECIFICALLY, I don't want platitudes but something I can research and respect.

Perplex and wondering.

13 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    it's a bunch of BS, she isn't any more or less experienced than Obama. Actually when it ocmes to being a senator I beileve he has been in the senate longer than she has.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    While I personally don't like Hillary, I don't think she was referring to Bill. I think she was being tongue in cheek that she has LOTS of exposure and experience with evil men, having been the first lady and in the presence of many evil men, plus she's a woman in congress, so she's around evil men all the time. I don't think it was a reference to Bill per se, but a fairly week attempt at a joke.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    She is puffing her credentials to the extreme. She is saying that she was a women and children's advocate for her entire professional life of 35 years. In reality, she spent many years as a corporate lawyer followed by eight years as a first lady. She dabbled in children's causes but it was a part time, pro bono thing. Her senate career has focused on her membership in the Armed Services Committee, not women and children's causes.

    Obama has been in elected office about 4 years longer than Hillary. Prior to that he did 4 years of community building work including putting people in jobs programs. His legal career centered around civil rights and constitutional law. He was an assistant professor of law for eight years. This is not "inexperience" -- it is broad experience in public service.

    This much is true: Hillary is great at inflating and altering her resume to fit the desires of the voters she is courting. Obama naively thinks his resume speaks for itself, and he does not tout his credentials enough.

  • justa
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    She was a lawyer for many years before she was first lady.

    Shes been a senator for seven years.

    If you want her whole life story, its on the web.

    Since you intend to research her history, it won't be hard to find.

    Obama has little experience in meeting foreign leaders or negotiating with them. Knowing how to play the power game in Washington is probably more important than anything else she can bring. The next four years are going to be pivotal to our nation, it will determine whether or not we can lift ourselves out of debt to China, and whether we can find ways to keep our nation healthy or if we continue on our present way of ignoring facts we don't like.

    She is a moderate socially and more conservative than most would like to admit, shes so conservative (in the old style) that she may lose to the more liberal Obama.

    As to why she get such deep hatred, thats something odd, it makes no sense. But so did her husband, and he did fine as a president, even with the Republicans sniffing at his underwear.

    I hope you notice, that despite the negative response I've gotten, I'm the only one who has listed any citations at all.

    They can be cross referenced. This isn't just my opinion here.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    People seem to forget that this woman has spent 7 years in the US Senate which includes being on the foreign affairs committee. I'm not a Hillary supporter but be fair, Don't act like she hasn't been doing anything for 7 years or that she hasn't worked closely with her husband while first lady or Arkansas and later the US.

  • 1 decade ago

    All I ever find when researching this is someone parroting her. I have never found documented proof.

    And I agree with the person who said people should start doing their own research. I can't believe anyone who owns a computer has never at least heard of Google.

  • robbie
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    I don't believe anything Hillary has attempted during her congressional stay has come to fruition. That is because her ideas are, for the most part, not workable. She has no concept of what people need or want. She only knows what she needs and wants.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes you hit it on the nail.

    Hillary Clinton only possess the appearance of experience. It's a mirage. But sadly in our case, that might just be enough to win at least the nomination.

  • 1 decade ago

    I dont even try to keep up with her, her opinions change so fast that nobody can keep up with her. Aside from this being annoying it should be a sign that she doesn't have what it takes to be president... Now go ahead and thumbs down, see if I care........

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Each and Every candidate both Democrat and Republican has a website...You need to go to them and read what they have to say! You need to watch the candidates on various news shows and debates! Read articles both on-line, in news papers and magazines about the candidates..

    You have to do these things YOURSELF! It is not up to us to do this for YOU! And that is NO PLATITUDE!

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