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willberb asked in Science & MathematicsZoology · 1 decade ago

Cats or Dogs which are the stinkiest?

Sure they both stink but which are the most repulsive?

What if we add pandas to the eqation.

13 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I'd say dogs stink more - think wet dog and doggie breath.

    Why pandas? lol, that's random. I don't know if they stink or not. I'm going to assume they're not too bad, but my knowledge of them is limited to tv and pictures in magazines. I might have seen one in a zoo once, but I don't remember

  • 1 decade ago

    I am a dog owner presently I have 4. In my experience dogs don't have bad odor unless They have health issues - (or are not kept clean.) - If they were to get a urinary infection or something such as that, then they smell. But if you take care to keep them clean & watch their health generally you won't have a problem.

    I've had cats in the past. The only problem with them is the litter box, & if they go around "marking" their territory. Some people don't keep their cats as disiplined as others relating to these issues. I've been in homes of cat owners that are clean smelling & others that stink. Really much depends on the pet owner.

    As far as Pandas....maybe you can tell me.....

  • 1 decade ago

    Dogs and cats: their poop is similar in stinkiness, but cat urine is more stinky than dog urine.

    I don't know pandas, but being herbivores their excretions probably stink less (for their size) than cats or dogs.

    Dogs and cats don't stink physically if they are clean and healthy.

    Their breath can stink though; the dog has a bigger mouth than a cat so you might notice its breath more, if it breathes with its mouth open.

  • 1 decade ago

    Cats clean themselves all the time. I have cats and the only that STINKS about them is the waste they leave behind in their litterbox.

    I would have to say that dogs stink more then cats.

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  • I think dogs are the stinkiest because they don't really wash themeselves like cats do. I don't know about pandas, though.

    Source(s): I like cats, dogs and pandas. Did you know that pandas are also called "cat bears" because they can climb trees like cats do?
  • Yuff
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Dogs are, if you add pandas they top the stink list.

  • 1 decade ago

    Dogs, of course. They eat their own feces and have you smelled their breath???

    Not too sure on the Panda experience with them.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    dogs cause they do alot more than cats and in differnt places so you probaly never smell fresh air if you have a dog but with cats you have more fresh air

    Source(s): former dog owner,cat owner
  • 1 decade ago

    neither if you actually care for, and clean up after the animal. If you can't care for a pet, you damn sure don't need to own one.

  • 1 decade ago

    Neither stink, unless they get something filthy all over their fur.

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