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MONEY MISSING from bank account!!!?

i have a chase bank account and $300 went missing i found out last night and the bank was closed i have to wait till monday but im freaking out. the only think i did was buy something from a website but it was a sucure direct site from a big name company. and the order was verifyde by email as being one item and if i subtract that 300 has disapeared! is there anything i can do?


i figured it out. the company i baught the item from dosnt take debt cards and i tryed 3 times then i called and they "pushed" me through the system and told me to try again, well the 3 times it sed it didnt work it actully did, though they did charge me 3 times to many, they only shipped me one and nothing can be done till monday because they dont work on weekends.

16 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    First off, does your bank have a 24/7 help number. A good bank will. Call it and file a dispute with your bank concerning the missing $300. Also contact the merchant and try to find out what happened. I've had merchant send me things I didn't order and charge me for them. My choir director also has a B.S. in Management and has worked in banking for a number of years. His advice on these type of issues is to stay calm and contact your bank. Be careful when shopping on the Internet. The site may have been secure, but hackers can still get past their defenses and get your financial information. Find out if your bank offers a fake number for your ATM/Debit or credit card. If they do, use it. It could help prevent further problems.

    Source(s): The school of hard knocks.
  • 5 years ago

    Money Missing From Bank Account

  • madcat
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    You need to get ahold of your bank as quickly as you can. I would think that Chase bank would have a number that you can call at any time and report this. They should be able to put a freeze on your account if it has not been drained already. Look on their website and find a contact number.

    That happened to me about 4 years ago. Somehow someway someone had gotten ahold of my Debit card number at my local credit union and was going on a buying spree. I happened to find out when some guy called me about a shipment of RC parts going to Russia that I had ordered. I knew I didn't order such a thing, but someone was.

    Someone could also do this by knowing your account number and routing number that they can get from off your checks.

    When you go to the bank, they will go through item by item and ask you about purchases, so be ready to tell them what you didn't spend.

    They will question you some, and my bank did cover my losses. I believe that they had some kind of insurance that takes care of this.

    I was hit for almost $5000 dollars and the bank covered the loss. I would think that a bank as sophisticated as Chase will take care of you, and help you all they can.

    This kind of theft is extremely common now days unfortunately.

    Be sure and buy you a good shredder, so you can shred any receipts, stubs, or any other document that may have info that people can use. Also, be sure and go and mail your bills at the post office, directly into a safe mailbox. Don't let them sit in a rurual mailbox with the flag up. That invites disaster.

    Also, be sure you have a good Virus/Spyware detection program on your computer, and keep the subscription up to date. This will prevent you from getting virus, keyloggers, trojans, etc. that can get your data.

    And also be aware if you use a wireless network, that it is set so that others cannot use it. If you are in an apartment building, living in a residential neighborhood, etc. People can actually be logging on into your network!

    If you have a debit card of some kind, you may want to see if you can get two. Use one for online purchases, etc. And if something happens, you can freeze it, and still have one you can use.

    Been through this, and it is a major hassle. Good luck to you.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    These are almost certainly charges for unauthorised overdrafts. You need to speak to your bank, an account which goes below zzero is never a good idea. And it goes without saying that you shouldn't buy things on line unless you have a healthy bank account. They are overdraft charges.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Why don't you contact customer service from your bank on line. Tell them that the charge was erroneous and protest it. I had a company on a website do that to me. Remember that you have a lot of companies who's websites are being answered in India and the Philippines. The employees misuse your information unbeknownst to the company and many times sell your identity. Also, make sure your computer has good security on it.

  • 1 decade ago

    How did you find out the CURRENT balance to know it is $300 short? Whatever your source, the SAME source can give you a transaction history. If there are no 'mystery transactions', you probably ADDED wrong somewhere. If you used a calculator and you finger hit the wrong row, that would result in that digit being off by 3. That would be my best guess.

  • 1 decade ago

    A very simmilar thing has happened to me 2 weeks before christmass. I contacted the fraud department of my bank straight away and asked them to send me a disputed transaction form. You may need to do this straight away as you might be a victim of identity theft. Once I returned the form back to them, the money was deposited back into my account within 6 days.

    Best Of Luck

    ps. do not wait till monday, do it now!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You'll just have to wait until the bank opens and go in and talk to someone about it.

    Perhaps someone knows your account info and took the money or an old check cleared. Or a check that was written to you was NSF and they took the money back.

  • OC1999
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Even though the Chase branches are closed they have Phone support every day.

    Their phone number is 1-800-935-9935 and you can reach them 7 days a week from 7am-9pm

  • ed
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Customer Service should be available 24/7, but they may not be of much help until Monday. The number is on the back of your card.

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