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Will America seize on the opportunity to elect an outstanding leader like Rudy Giuliani or will they blow it?

Of course a lot of people dislike him: Mobsters, pot smokers, slackers, so called artist who smear poop on peoples religious icons, the soft on crime type, etc…. The USA needs Rudy to do for it what he did for NY City. And of course the liberal press. They had to retract the story about the NY citizens paying for his girlfriend.

17 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    You rock Scarlett! Rudy has got my vote!

    Source(s): Lived and worked in NYC in the '90's
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Then hope he can take New Hampshire tomorrow. From 1952 through 1988, nobody was elected president without first winning the New Hampshire primary. That state also has a history of having serious voters. During the Revolutionary War, New Hampshire voters four times rejected a proposed state constitution. Of course, the citizens of NH have changed , so anything is possible now with so many independent voters... 40% in NH.

    I do wish people would stop the Rudy bashing. The man has character flaws, sure. But crime in New York City dropped 70% when Rudy was mayor. I don't care how he did it or who he did or did not bribe, that is a remarkable accomplishment. There's more to Rudy than 9/11.

  • 1 decade ago

    So who do you think is Presidential material and why? Rudy has a lot of experience and held the second most important office in the United States(NY MAYOR) for all those years...

    You think he doesnt have a chance? LOL....Well what do you think Bloomberg is going to do AFTER the primaries? He's going to bid for the presidency...

    Rudy will win because the people who decide dont waste time at BOGUS elections...

    Rudy will beat McCain just on the fact that McCain is too old and if doesnt win he will be someone's Vice President....So there...

  • 1 decade ago

    They might. Especially if they fall for the negative spin that the Leftist press put on his personal life. Most people did not see the retraction from the NY Times about Rudy's using the police and NY funds for his girl friend. It was on page 37, the bogus story was on page 1

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  • 1 decade ago

    Like you, I like Rudy, but he probably won't get elected. He's a more centralized candidate and can pull more democrat votes, but I don't think conservatives give a crap that he's one of the best chances they have to win. Ultra conservatives will flock to Huckabee and Romney. In the end, I think McCain will win

  • splitt
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    The Republicans blame Democrats for not doing something whilst the terrorists attacked storage of the twin Towers and the embassy bombings. by using this inept administration, former allies are allies now not, admire for our united states of america has been lost, terrorists examine in daily to take down u . s . of america. Our united states of america isn't risk-free, our young little ones are loss of life for a "mistake" or "lie" whichever you prefer to have self belief. we are idiots if we don't choose for a a president in 2008 that has a recommendations.

  • 1 decade ago

    I am an honest, hard-working, anti-drug taking, God-lovin' person who does not think he is Presidential material. Corruption as mayor (using NYPD to chauffeur his mistress) is why I do not support Rudy. Plus, running the country is a lot different than running a city.

  • 1 decade ago

    Giuliani has too much baggage, made too many mistakes, thinks he single handlely saved 9/11, speaks about 9/11 constantly. What did he do to prevent 9/11? Did so many people have to die if he really had his act together? I am so tired of him invoking all the things he did for NYC, but the corruption and mistakes are never mentioned by him, have to be brought up and defended. He is a WEAK candidate. If you do not live in NYC, gauranteed he does not care about you!

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    He still has the best chance of winning the Republican nomination seeing he still leads in the national polls and has the most cash to run in the bigger states.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Rudy's a tool

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