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Do you think there is someway ?

That we could get the rules for seniors loosened up a little. I realize that we do "chat" a little more than some groups. But I'm sure that I'm not the only person here that looks forward to getting to know others,and make new friends. How do we do that if we can't add a little extra to our Q&AS? Are we hurting anyone?


the way I see it, if I or you have a blog or webpage or any of those things that I don't know how to do, we would lose the oppertunity of knowing such a diverse group as those who post here. If I invite Granny and didn't yet know Peapie for instance.

22 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Sadly... NO

    It is a good idea but then it would be a senior chat room... it's just not in the grand scheme of things for Y to loosen up for anyone. Very frustrating !! Just look at my happy face!

  • 1 decade ago

    Your suggestion would be great, however, that cannot happen - i.e., different rules for different segments of the Yahoo community.

    As much as I don't like it, Yahoo has its guidelines and its reasons for starting Answers...which was to provide answers to questions that benefitted the community at large - e.g., how do you reboot your computer? or how do I apply for SSI?

    Granted there are multiple sections of Y!A that also do not comply with the guidelines - but Yahoo is not going to change their format or structure.

    They always suggest that a Yahoo Group be formed so that people CAN chat...and yes, it is then difficult to draw from the general populace from such a forum.

    Me thinks folk just need to realize that Yahoo is a mega sized corporation and not a person sitting behind a PC answering our concerns, but rather an automated program does so. the fast lane!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I don't think that there are actually people reading and checking all these questions to see if they follow the guidelines or not. I think that they are for the most part if not completely scanned by computers. I think that probably when a question is reported it is also received and respond to by a computer. Of course I don't know for sure. But I find it highly unlikely that Yahoo is paying people to read all of these posts to make sure they stay within the guidelines. It just isn't that important.

    Why not just start a yahoo group?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I'm in all the categories, and we do not

    chat any more than anyone else. Everybody takes some space to explain their answers. When is that called

    chatting. Am I chatting now because I am trying to answer your question.

    No, what we have is someone with a

    vendetta against Seniors. They were probably taken off the T I * too soon.

    if their mom has * * * *.

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  • Gladys
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Stormy, I don't think Yahoo is going to bend. I actually went on a mission last year and contacted their offices in Sunnyvale, CA and finally got through to a real human being. She was very much "by the book" on YA, but did agree to take into consideration my comments. I can only hope the folks that come into this section will act like adults and treat each other with respect, but we are going to always have those "bad apples". I'm going to make the best I can of this site and try to ignore those that attempt to bring us down and stir things up with their negative comments.

  • 1 decade ago

    No. I don't think that can happen. (Excuse me while I get my soapbox out) I would support that change or a venue by which that can happen without blog. Here it comes: I feel that negativity and resistance to change is the status norm outside of this category and that said I think that Y would have a hard time defining a methodology supporting an exception.

    Again my answer is No with my support to do so for the reasons you have listed.

    Source(s): It would be great to be able to tell someone that gave you a reciepe for Pineapple upside down cake just how wonderful it turned out or things like that,
  • ?
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    It would be nice if that were to happen, but I don't think we are going to get any special treatment.

    You could make a 360 page of your own and keep it so that only those you choose to join you can do so. That way you can be fairly private and chat to only those you trust. That's what I have done, but I don't have the link on public display. Hugs x

  • 1 decade ago

    I sure wish we could!!! We have lost many friends recently. They are tossed off of here left and right. I don't think it's possible to contact a human at Y/A. It's all computerized responses. You can't get anywhere with them.

  • 1 decade ago

    I sure wish there was, how about if one of us was to ask yahoo to look at you question and the answers here, they might could do something.

  • 1 decade ago

    I think there should be someway. I have enjoyed this forum. and do not consider this chatting. I joined the yahoo grief support group. Then I found this. I love it. We are not hurting any one.

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