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Lv 4
JJ asked in Pregnancy & ParentingAdolescent · 1 decade ago

Teens and tweens, what form of discipline did your parents use with you and did it work?

There is always a lot of talk over in the Parenting and Toddler/Preschooler sections regarding the best type of discipline. A lot of parents say spanking is the way to go because "it teaches the child who is boss", "makes them respect you", or "I was spanked and I turned out ok". So, I wanted to ask a group of people who have been or still are being disciplined by spanking if indeed it does instill respect and is it effective? Your memories are a lot clearer than most parents who are trying to decide if this is the way to go. If you were not spanked, what type of discipline did your parents use and was it effective? This is a serious question, so please, only serious answers. Thanks.

10 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    im 16 and my mom stopped spanking me around age 5 because it didnt do anything. It just made me mad (getting smacked) and more rebelous. If your kids are young try timeout and whenever they get up add more time make sure they know why they are in time out and have them explain it to you. My mom did this with me and it made me think before i did the same thing again because i dreaded the time out corner!

  • 1 decade ago

    This is such a hot topic. I believe that spanking is okay from ages 2-18. I don't believe in abuse though. I have gotten the hand, belt, and the paddle. Yes it hurt, and yes at the time I was mad at my parents/guardians for doing it but did help. I am 22 years old now living in another country, working, responsible. I find it to be effective. Most importantly though it must be done in love!

  • 5 years ago

    Do I trust them online? Yes, to an extent. However, ninety-nine percent of teenage boys with the average amount of raging testosterone cannot overcome the temptation to look at immoral content if the opportunity presents itself. I allowed my teen boys internet access for a short period of time until I realised that no matter how hard I tried, I could not keep "questionable" or immoral content from popping up (even w/ a pop up blocker, spam filter, and content control on high) or sites had *disguised* titles (to keep them from being blocked) coming up during very innocent search queries. Some of the content on MySpace is not suitable for adults, much less children. I got disgusted and unplugged it. They don't have access any longer.

  • Kendra
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    I was spanked by my dad and i remember feeling hatred for him at the age of 5 for it. I still have a rocky relationship with him to this day. My mom never spanked me and I respected her more and listened to her more. I just wanted to rebel against my dad.

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  • 1 decade ago

    When I was younger my mother never used to "spank" me. It wasnt till she married my step dad that all of that changed. He would either hit me with a belt which I think is wrong. Not because it was done to me but because when he did it I was just scared. Even after the fact...I was just afraid of him. He would spank me or put chili in my mouth.

    Spanking me did put me in line. I wasn't a bad kid but when I was bad I was bad and after a spanking I never did it again. Putting chili in my mouth...never worked. That was used if I talked back and like I said I never was into trouble. But little did they know I loved chili. lol.

    Spank with your hand...not with anything else.

  • Cassie
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    I did get the odd smack if I was bad, I got my mouth washed out with soap if I swore, and I got the belt once when I stole from my parents.

    This did nothing to hurt me, and I'm 23 now with 2 great kids, husband, a career, house, etc.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    i was spanked until i was about 9.. i believe in spanking but it didnt do much good for me because i was to defiant.. actually there wasnt any disiplin that really worked well for me... but of course that doesnt help you with your question does it??? my brother received spanking his entire child life and he turned out to be very obedient.... i would say that not backing down for your kids and not letting them talk there way out of disiplin is the best... you have to be strict.. but efectionate to your kids...

  • 1 decade ago

    My Mom and me never fight, we've gotten into spats when I was in middle school but we always resolved the problem. I really wasn't a bad kid at all. Now she lets me smoke and drink. We don't fight at all.

    When my Dad is mad at me he calls me every mean name in the book and sometimes smacks me around, even when I didn't do anything wrong. He'll come home drunk from the bar, take one look at me, and accuse me of being on something because my face "doesn't look right". If I deny it he'll stand there for hours bringing up every little thing from the past that he can ***** at me for. I only see him once every 3 weeks now though, he works out of town and I have a live-in nanny/maid.

  • 1 decade ago

    My parents belived 'vilonce wasn't the answer'.

    THey would ground me from things and when I was older make me write sentnaces such as 'I will respce my ____whoever or i will not_____

  • I would never hit my child.

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