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Ron Paul--Why is no one listening. Are Americans just dumb or has the media overwhelmed us.?

I have heard Ron Pauls message and wonder why no one is listening. He is outspoken but realistic about what it will take to redeem and repair ourselves in the world.

Immigration, the gold standard(getting rid of the Federal Reserve, a private company not a government Dept.) getting rid of the IRS and the use of our troops and forign policy. OH and how about govenment that abides by the Constitution!!!!

These all make perfect sense to me. why not the masses????

15 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Probably because everyone knows he is not a Republican.

  • 1 decade ago

    It's simple really. Ron Paul wants small government to work for a superpower, and this is not going to mesh at all. It may have worked during the time of the colonies and when the U.S was a younger and smaller nation, but it's not going to work for this country.

    This kind of government may also work at the state level, but on the national level, huge blocs of voters AKA special interest groups will never elect a person like Ron Paul. I respect him as a person and wouldn't mind him as a president if the Republicans were to somehow choose him(I doubt it) but he's nowhere electable and too far out in the libertarian zone to being basically a States right advocate.

    I would like our government to cut spending and abide by the Constitution but this may not work anymore because of "terror scare".

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The only way i've found to hear anything about Ron Paul is either A. through his website or B. from Ron Paul supporters. I never hear radio spots or see TV ads from his campaign. Which leads me to ask, where is all the campaign money going Mr. Paul??? By the way, King Chrissy, if you hate America so much (judging by your posts) why the hell do you spend so much time discussing our politics and national policies? Seems to me like you have your hands full over there on the other side of the pond...

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    First of all, I'll admit there no chance of me voting for the rep nominee in November. That being said, when he says get rid of the IRS, he means a flat tax. That would lead to higher tax burden on middle class - which I happen to be. Plus the right to tax income is constitutionally protected. Second, he advocates strict constitution - conservative code words for guns and abortion. I agree with guns, but don't want govt mandating medical decisions. That would be a violation of the 10th amendment. Additionally, his stated opinions on social issues tend to violate both amendment 9 and 10.

    Source(s): US Constitution
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  • 1 decade ago

    I agree more with Ron Paul, Mike Gravel and Dennis K.

    All are ignored or backstabbed by the media.

    Ron Paul did a very good job in the Spanish language debate last month in Miami. that debate was broadcast in the US but also in Mexico and many Spanish speaking countries.

    He was the only candidate to recieve boos from the Republican audience.

    IMHO, he can improve his speeches and statements.

    For example, he spoke about Chavez in Venezuela.

    He said that "we" had helped create the problems there.

    This got boos.

    Did 'we' create problems there? Well, if 'we' is me, no. If 'we' is past administrations trying to interfere with other countries, of course!!!

    One of the other candidates, Rudy G, was endorsed by Rev. Pat Robertson!! Robertson called publically, on TV, for state sponsered terrorism, to kill Chavez. (he said that US special forces should murder Chavez!!)

    Robertson and Rudy are the 'we', Ron Paul says creates international problems.

    On immigration, Ron Paul has real insight.

    The US farm bill of 1994 put at least 10 million Mexican farmers out of work!!! But can you get the other candidates to accept responsibility.

    It is easier to blame hungery Mexican poor people than to cut off the governement teet, the tax refunds for the rich Americans!!

    Ron Paul makes sense to those who use their brain and have independent thought.

    The masses believe that Duncan Hunter's 'fence' will solve the immigration problem. LOL.

  • 1 decade ago

    Ron Paul would be a terrible president.

    While I disagree with our current administrations foreign policy, we can not, and morally should not disengage from everyone, everywhere.

    His domestic policies suck as well. He wants to abolish programs that help people, and end government regulations on how corporations have to treat their workers.

    Not to mention he wants to cut back support for schools, the elderly, and the poor.

    He also wants more Americans with guns though.

    I would say Ron Paul should stay in texas, but the more he hurts the other republicans the better.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I have to admit some of concepts sound good to me however it's very unlikely he'd get anything accomplished. The current do nothing Congress would be nothing compared to Ron Paul in the White House about the only thing accomplished would be the uniting of both Dems. & Rep. against all his policies with nearly nothing passed for 4 years.

  • 1 decade ago

    you need to really listen to ron paul a little instead of jumping on his bandwagon his gutting of the government would leave it more helpless than it already is. Our government at least now is partly functional if Ron Paul's tactics were used it would become completely disfunctional.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Bit of both I think (it might be the fluorine & aluminium in the water supplies, the mercury in fillings & vaccines, or the MSG/aspartame in food & drink).

    USA used to be land of the free, now it is land of the medicated sheep.

    Of course it could be EVEN more sinister than you think- I'm hearing dodgy things about the NH result, like certain provinces reporting no votes for RP, discovered by someone from that area who did (and all his family & friends) vote for him. The counting machines are so easily tampered though (a hacker proved how he could fix the results on one in a matter of minutes), and over 80% of the counting machines in NH are owned by a single company, LHS, you should check out more about it on

  • 1 decade ago

    I listen to Ron Paul. I don't like his message. I will not consider voting for him. I suspect all of his supporters are posting questions on this site to try to drum up support. It won't work.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Because no one is interested in the ranting o fa known racist. Americans are too smart to fall for his fake 'ibertarianism.

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