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Hillary won in New Hampshire, so what took so long for women to get the vote?

I say the 19th Amenment to the Constitution should never have had to happen. Why didn't women have the right to vote from the start? Would the country be any different? What do you think and why please?


Women did not get to vote until the 1920's, do you think if they have been able to vote before then, would there have been any big changes in the way America is today?

5 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Hillary won in New Hampshire, but just barely. If you look at the first three big primaries, they're Iowa, NH and South Carolina. She lost in Iowa. She will very probably lose in South Carolina because about half of the Democratic voters there are black and will vote for Obama, and also John Edwards is -from- there. So her people pulled out all the stops in New Hampshire because if she lost all three of the first big three she would have been finished in this election.

    I don't know if women are voting for Hillary in any bigger numbers than the other two front-runners, both of whom are very good-looking men. It could be so, I haven't seen the statistics. But women have made good leaders in other countries. This would be a good time to elect either a woman or a black.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I don't like when people Use the word ''Women" to make her campaing better. i think we should vote based on knowledge. By the way there is smarter, and more important women in this nation than Hillary.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    When people vote genitalia, they deserve no right to vote, because they have shown their ineptness regarding the political climate of a country.

  • Why are men voting for Obama. This is turning out to be a sexist election.

  • How do you think about the answers? You can sign in to vote the answer.
  • 1 decade ago

    Gee.... It was the First I don't know your point....

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