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Do we really want a crying president?

I really didn't care who won the democratic primaries before the crying game, but now I don't have much respect for Hillary. Is this the type of underhanded, no-good techniques that work for people? You vote for a person beased on their merit and if you think they will be a good leader. Feeling sorry for a candidate and voting for them is total b.s. For thoise who would vote for a candidate because they cried, how do you think that will look to other countries and leaders if our president has to cry to get what she wants? We will lose so much respect as a country. She can't be the president now that she cried. This is a total mockery.

you know, thats why this country is going down. The people have no brains. The motive behind their votes is frivolous. Bush is in office because people thought it'd be cool to have a father-son president. And he has destroyed this country. So whats next? The pity vote? "She cried so I'll vote for her so she's happy" vote?

14 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Can you see her up against people like Putin!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Well you just proved the her crying could go either way. People hate her for it and some love her for it. I don't really care if she tears or not. I think it shows compassion and caring - a side that is important in all presidents. But you notice how right after she teared a bit she got right back to the point and only had a temporary emotional moment.

    Let's just say 9/11 happened. I'd rather the president tears a little to show she actually cares and then show her strength right away VERSUS hearing about it, not responding immediately and continuing to find out what happens in the story of The Cat in the Hat (I am refferring to Bush's initial reaction of 9/11)

    It is a huge double standard you are putting because she is a woman. If it were a man who did this nobody would have said anything. You think a man should probably be president and you like being dominated by the other sex. If that works for you then roll with it. I'm a guy and I could care less if she cried or not.

    And if you support Obama - you call Hillary the "pity vote"? Well I consider Obama the "oblivious vote".

  • 1 decade ago

    Bush didnt win cause of "the father-son" thing. He won cause he was better than Kerry and Gore which doesnt say much, does it?

    But to answer your question. I totally agree with the first half. If I had a free pass that would let me kick anyone in the world in the balls and get away with it, it would be Hilary.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Don't really care, but if that is the basis of your argument, then eliminate Mitt Romney as well.

    He broke down and "cried" a few weeks ago when he was attempting to be sympathetic with the losses in Iraq.

    Source(s): Not a Hillary supporter
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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Yes, she is human and human beings all cry sometimes, even men.

    Obama is young , unknown and inexperienced, with no record to criticize. He has admitted using cocaine in the past, which to some of the younger voters might make him seem "hip". He has nice teeth and a big grin and doesn't allow many questions to be asked at his rallies. Oprah likes him and people like Oprah for giving cars, etc on her show, but she can't even run and African school without problems.

    He has never had a REAL job, went right into politics out of college. His middle name is Hussein and he went to a muslim school.

    In 2007, he refused to put his hand over his heart when the national anthem was played and refused to say the pledge of allegiance at a public function.;_ylt=AoJrI...

    He is way too young, inexperienced and unknown to be in charge of a country in these perilous times. It is not a learn as you go job. He is all smoke and mirrors and no fire.

    Hillary and Bill ran the White house well for 8 years with a budget deficit turned into a surplus. They have a proven track record of experience, sorely needed in these perilous times.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It's not the fact that she cried that bothers me...and we'll never know if she did it on purpose or not (though I tend to think she did)'s that she IMMEDIATELY was able to turn it to yet another attack on Obama. This is the Clinton way, and if you don't think so, think again.

    The other thing that stinks about this whole incident is Hillary saying "Well, I finally found my voice". Uh, aren't you the one who's been saying you're so experienced, and you've spent your whole life in public service, and you are the only Dem who can hit the ground running on day one if you're elected? If you finally found your voice, what the hell have you been doing for the past 20+ years????

  • 1 decade ago

    well there are many people like you in this country, and in this case that is a good thing. People like you see through the tactics. But tactics is what politicians do and we have to try to see through them to determine whether they can lead a country or not.

  • 1 decade ago

    Before, Hillary was criticized for being cold and unfeeling. Then she shows emotion, and she's criticized for that too. Frankly, I'm still undecided as to who I'll be voting for, but I really think we're focusing on the wrong things. I don't care who cries. I don't care who speaks too loudly. I don't care who forgot to tip a waitress. I don't care who smoked a joint in college. I don't care who didn't put their hand on their heart that one time during a national anthem.

    Not voting for her because she cried is just as ridiculous as voting for her because she cried. Do we really not have bigger issues to focus on?

  • you are a complete idiot. first of all there were no tears. everyone is so misinformed. she got choked up because she cares and is human! Clinton has the experience and will to help dig this country out of the hole bush dug us into. People are not going to vote for her for pity, they will vote for her because she is the best candidate.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The real mockery is to vote for BaROCK who is being marketed & sold like an MTV Rock Star..............

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I'll bet Angela Merkel of Germany will have tissues ready if she has to meet with Hillary.

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