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Do you think anyone at YA actually reads a violation dispute?

I got a violation notice for the question I asked about what song you'd sit in a car to let finish. It seems I was chatting. I "disputed" it, but from past experience, I think some computer receives it and dumps it. What are your thoughts? (And please, no CHATTING! Phrase your answers in a strictly unchatty way!)

32 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    No, I don't think so.

    I too got a violation notice, last week it was, and filed a dispute with no response. Now I realize that by adding my own info. after the question, "How many pairs of glasses do you own?" that I was indeed chatting.

    Twenty lashes with a wet noodle for me! ;-)

    Addendum: Correction all - Today I was sent a lengthy message from Carmen of Yahoo! Customer Care. It verified that I was right in saying I was wrong. Just thought I'd let you all know.


  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Moderating a forum like this takes a lot of time, and time is money. It would take many many people to read disputes, to judge, to make decisions. Yahoo is in business to make a profit. I think what Yahoo does is anyone who's accumulated x-number of complaints is just dumped.

    On the other hand, they can't just let people post whatever they want. A lot of people would take advantage. Anonymity makes people even more bold about racist comments, smears, taunts, etc.etc.

    For a forum like this to really work would require a number of volunteer moderators (a LARGE number). And someone would even have to ride herd on the moderators, making sure they are only following the guidelines and not showing bias. It's possible but not likely.

    I was 'suspended' some weeks ago. They never told me what for. They never told me how long (but I'm still not unsuspended so I'm guessing it's permanent). My guess is that people of the other political persuasion flagged all my answers in the political areas just because they disagreed with me. That's the kind of problems you have with insufficient moderation. My response was to create another account and go at it again under a different name.

  • 5 years ago

    No yahoo does not read them and in fact has trouble understanding what a violation notice is.Re:Please reply to this email including the Yahoo! ID you are using in Yahoo! Answers and the violation reason specified in the notification email. Please also paste in the specific post that has been deleted, and let us know why you think we need to review it again. All this information was provided and still Yahoo seems lost and confused and incapable of figuring out what your ID is, what is your e-mail-why was the question removed again as the first time all the needed information went right over their heads. Lately they send out this notice instead of addressing why they removed your question you get-Please note: Questions that do not receive any answers within the 4-day open period will expire and be deleted automatically. So no yahoo does not read anything and of late cannot even understand why they even removed your question

  • 1 decade ago

    No, I would bet money that it is just a matter of thresholds. Get X number of reports on a question and the violation notice is automatic. I doubt very seriously there is a human involved at all in any part of the reporting/violation/dispute process.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    ahahhaahahah snow globe, the trolls are po'd because they've been getting violations all over the place.

    It honestly depends on which yahoo answers answers the questions. I sometimes think the non north american ya doesn't always understand what is being said and why it's wrong.

    I've disputed most of the ya violations I've gotten and it's been resolved , when it's been ya in North America.

  • 1 decade ago

    Sure, you have to go to all the steps.

    1. appeal be email. Wait 2-3 days.

    2. if it is not solved by email, appeal in the violation report forum.

    Read the instructions from the first post in the forum( posted by Lou) and you have to respect those rules.

    3. wait 48 hours

    4. If they accept it was a mistake, Lou or Jane will send your message for second reconsideration.

    5. wait 48 days

    I did all the steps and one of my violation reports was restored today. I got 10 points back that were deleted and the question. Yuppie!!!

  • 1 decade ago

    I can't believe someone reported that question! That was a great question!

    I have disputed multiple violations, and one of them I had a lot of back and forth with Yahoo! about. However, in the end, the higher ups just decided that they could do what they want because it's their company. But, yes, they did read my emails - they just chose not to care ;)

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I really have no idea if there are humans that actually read & send the notices out to the members. If not, then I must have a way with machines, because I have had good luck in getting my appeals answered & resolved with Y/A. The problem for me comes when my question is deleted & never seen again. POOF...gone, like the wind! Maybe it's a glitch in the satellite feed. It IS annoying, when it occurs!

  • 1 decade ago

    The larger part of Yahoo Answers is automated and pre-programmed. Think about it, as large a corporation as Yahoo is, they would go broke having live bodies to check each and every violation, complaint, concern etc. The computer doesn't 'dump' it however...I have received reverses on violation when deserved.

  • Easy
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    No. I do not believe they really read any dispute. It is all computer generated. Once you have a warning or even if you get suspended. That's it, I may be wrong on this but from what I have heard from others that seems to be the way

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