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Democratic hopefuls?

What experience does your choice for president have? What policy ideas appeal to you?

6 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Dem's have no one that can win the general, because they are to liberal. They will be painted as tax and spend libs, which they are and they will be crushed in November.

  • 1 decade ago

    I just posted my praise for John Edwards in another question, so I will try to be different here.

    For me what it comes down to is intelligence, strength, and life experience. Mr. Edwards seems to have been a strong worker his entire life. His life experience growing up, his working his way through college and his acceptance to Harvard Law are very impressive to me. It show where he came from and what he is made of down deep. I think law degrees are important in a candidate, it shows me they understand the constitution.

    His choice of Trial law may seem ambulance chasing to some, but it is really an honorable profession if done right. He would never had been elected a Senator in S. Carolina if he was a crook. Maybe he had some big money cases, but I give that up to youth.

    He has served his community, family and country well since he became a politician. He is a faithful person, but keeps it private, which I deeply respect, and he is a strong husband and family man. And he seems nice.

    His policy on a quick thoughtful withdraw from Iraq appeals to me. His stance on improving high school and community colleges to train more highly skilled youth. His ideas about corporate accountability, workers rights and fair wages. (I live in Michigan and don't get me started...) And finally, his health care ideas are solid.

    Finally, Let's all be real, a Candidate is running on lots of ideas and hopes, and we all know that when they take office they just have to be the best at knowing what to work with the Senate and Congress on and what not too. I think he can get the most done with a split congress/senate like we have now and WILL have once he is elected.

    Finally, He doesn't have the domestic baggage past that Hilary Clinton has right now. And he doesn't have to great task of living up to being the first African American President (and a novice Washington politician too), like Barack Obama does and will have if he wins.

  • meg
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    The stagnation of wages over the last thirty years, with the only increase occurring in the late 90's is the problem that I would like to see addressed. Providing health care will help, but even more important is economic policies that favor labor without stiflings economic growth. I believe Hillary will work for such policies and will take advice from the same people Bill did and so has the best chances for success. Obama may do the same things, but he has not said anything that makes me think he is even aware of the problem and Edwards is aware but I don't think attacking corporations is the solution. For the most part the Republicans are willing to help those in poverty, but have no problem with the rich getting all the income growth.

  • 1 decade ago


    A focus on experience is also a way to avoid talking about qualities such as leadership, intelligence, courage, fairness, judgment, temperament and integrity—qualities that truly matter in a leader.

    Barack's experience has developed these qualities.

    He has ten years experience in public office, more than the two other leading Democratic candidates, Hillary Clinton (six-plus years as Senator from New York) and John Edwards (six years as Senator from North Carolina).

    Barack's first eight years spent in the Illinois senate before his two years (and counting) of service in the U.S. Senate, should not be forgotten.

    Far away from the Washington spotlight, he introduced, voted on and passed bills, debated with his colleagues—something that was missing in Washington, where everything is settled in the backroom—and arduously worked to satisfy his constituents.

    Most important of all, he learned that how to work across the aisle, and get stuff done.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Senator Clinton is passionate about healthcare for everyone, education, a woman's right to choose concerning abortion. She's highly knowledgeable about keeping America safe, immigration, the importance of a balanced budget, gun control, bringing the troops home in the right safe way. Hillary knows how to work with both sides of congress in order to get things done. She'll tackle the problem of American jobs being sent overseas, etc.

    Hillary's experience goes back to the days of Watergate, when she served as a junior prosecutor in the Watergate Hearings. Since then, she has been a leader in many organizations, mostly for the poor and the defenseless.

    She has spent much of the earlier part of her career as an advocate for families and children. As part of that process, she developed legal methods for identifying abused children, and actions taken to protect those children.

    She did not have to do all this as she was offered a top-notch job early on with the

    United States Department of Justice, as a prosecutor. She turned it down.

    Hillary Clinton got her experience through years and years of public service, voluntarily. And got more experience by serving as Senator of the big state of NY.

    Her experience easily exceeds Barack in the things that need to be done in order to put this country back on the right track.

  • 1 decade ago

    I'll second all of that, sunshine......not to mention, if she is anything like her husband, she might be able to do something about the deficit. You'll remember when the last Clinton was in office, he left this country with a surplus!

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