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Lv 6
hello asked in PetsDogs · 1 decade ago

I don't understand this statement?

Let me preface this by saying that I'm an advocate of responsible breeding practices, but at the same time, if you want to purchase a shelter dog, more power to you.


I've seen a lot of questions answered with something to the effect of "Whenever you breed you kill a shelter dog".

While I understand the sentiment behind this statement (don't rule out a shelter dog), in what crazy world would that even make sense? It just sounds so babyish to me to say that, especially so when said to someone who actually IS a responsible breeder (yes, I've seen this done).

Anyone else feel this way?


Rhonda, you're over-exaggerating. I'm not offended or anything when people say this, I don't even think it's that big of a deal, I just think it's a childish way of phrasing things. Calm it down.

Update 2:

Corgis4Life, I couldn't have said it better. EXCELLENT point.

15 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    What I don't understand is how people are so quick to blame JUST breeders for the shelter overpopulation. Breeders do have a part in it... but there ARE other factors. Like IRRESPONSIBLE DOG OWNERSHIP. People that don't keep their dogs in correctly, and then go out and breed on their own, and make unwanted puppies. People who don't relaize what cost of the breed or mutt they purchased takes to responsibly have a dog, with vacc. vet bills and food and such, People who don't consider the size or type of dog they get before the purchase, and just "get rid of it" if it becomes convenient.... the list goes on.... we are so quick to blame breeders... yes, breeders are supplying a portion of the puppies, but the real responsibility should fall on the people that OWN the dogs. "Be a responsible OWNER and Take care of your dogs.... don't add to the shelter population" is how the saying should go. That's my 2 cents.

  • 1 decade ago

    You've already heard most of the points I would usually make.. so I'll merely add another:

    Someone who wants a specific breed or wants a specific dog as a pet OR as a working animal DOESN'T want a shelter dog that more than likely won't fill the need. Someone who is willing to pay $1000-$2000-$3000 for a puppy is simply NOT interested in a shelter dog. I refer people to rescues all the time... but if someone really wants a puppy that is what they will get... and if they can't find a responsible/reputable breeder they will eventually buy a backyard bred animal (which is why the proposed laws limiting breeding make so little sense- the law-abiding will breed less- but do you honestly think that as the price for pups skyrockets the illicit backyard breeder will be so ethical?? **we already KNOW they are not**).

    I had 4 pups available out of a litter of 7. I had over 100 questionnaires filled out by people wanting one of the pups. I did more than 50 phone interviews, did around 10 initial home interviews, had about 5 2nd interviews and then placed the pups by DELIVERING them to their new homes and continuing the interview process. These were $1800 pups .. and seriously, if the people buying them had any interest in a shelter dog.. they wouldn't have been talking to me.

    Edit: Love Corgi4's and Marti C's posts.

    Source(s): Breeder of Champion and Working Service Dogs for 19 years.
  • 1 decade ago

    The statement "whenever you breed dog you kill a shelter dog" is specifically aimed at "backyard breeders and puppy mills". It is stated to signify the overpopulation of pets and how many actually are euthanized or die from starvation or hit by cars from being turned out or dumped after they lose their puppy looks. Or because the owners now just dont have time for their pets. Also this happens because NON responsible breeders dont know or care about inbreeding, or defects passed down generations which cause new owner thousands of dollars in trying to cure or fix, and the heartache it brings. Congratulations on being a responsible breeder, as there are few and far between !!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It's an oversimplification and guilt trip.

    I think I saw somewhere for every two dogs bred, one is killed in a shelter. It's taking that statistic and, to be redundant, oversimplifying it.

    It's used a lot by people who are upset by the millions of animal deaths in shelters, but aren't quite educated enough to know how to fight the battle - so instead, they believe that all breeders are the same. They see numbers and just don't understand how anyone could bring more pets into this world when so many are dying. They think that there are plenty out there who need homes.

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  • Jenna
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Well, the way I look at this is exactly like you. People are going to breed dogs and just because someone wants to buy a pure bred dog that has been bred doesn't mean they "kill" a shelter dog nor does it make them a bad person. I have 3 Full Blooded AKC registered dogs and 2 of them are champions. I also have a Yellow lab that is AKC registered and then I have a stray that I took in. Just because I bought 4 pure bred dogs to show and have for pets doesn't make me bad, I just preferred those breeds of dogs. I think it should be the person getting the dogs choice in what or where they get their dog and others have no right to tell them they are bad for doing it.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    A lot of the anti-breeder sentiment has been started and spread by ARistas to turn public sentiment against "us".

    Their agenda is to erradicate the ownership of ALL pet and service animals. What better way to do that than turn the dog-owning-buying public against the source of pet dogs!

    Most of the "shelter overpopulation problem" is caused by feral cats and dogs, not pure-breds. Most pure breds have rescue organizations in place to pick them up, foster, and re-home them.

    The HSUS in California has actually had to IMPORT shelter dogs from Mexico to keep up with the demand!!!

    The statement that you "kill a shelter dog every time you breed/buy a dog from a breeder" is PURE propaganda!!!

    Drives me to distraction, but, all "we" can do is be active and visible, get involved in your breed's rescue, do demonstrations and talks at schools, keep an eye on Anti-dog legislation and DO something about it.

    This is a good place to start to educate the masses. No one learns anything if "dog people" just keep preaching to the choir!

    We have to be visible and VOCAL or we will end up being legislated right out of existance!

    Then where will ANY-ONE be able to find a pet dog of ANY KIND?

    Source(s): 30 years pro groomer, breeder, trainer, exhibitor & Foster home to many Collies and Afghan Hounds that NEVER went to any shelter!
  • Karen
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Obviously shelter dogs aren't for everyone. BUT consider the source before you purchase a dog. If you're using a reputable breeder who does health testing and is in the business to better the breed, then go for it. If you're buying from someone who just put two dogs together to make a quick buck, keep looking. Just my 2 cents. (and I say "you" as a general term, I'm not referring to "you" the original poster)

  • 1 decade ago

    well...its not literally. but no matter how good of a breeder you are, people still go and buy these dogs and all of a sudden they get tired of them, or they "accidentally" get pregnant and they end with unwanted puppies. so the more this happens the more crowded the shelter gets, so unfortunately they go to euthanasia as one answer if people dont adopt. its just like china, there so crowded that there only allowed one yeah the puppy/dog world gets crowded and some of them must go. unfortunately people just dont get it and breed irresponsibly just for the profit and so more dogs get killed for the "other" unwanted dog. HENCE why more and more pure breeds are in the shelter, its really "amazing" how this world goes....ans sick that they only care for the "humans who can talk there way to freedom" so i look at it like

    if you dont have a voice you dont deserve to live.....cruel isn't it?

  • 1 decade ago

    If all people who owned pets were responsible breeders then there would be no need for shelters.

    Yet instead of getting pets fixed (we just want her to have 1 litter) then we will fix turns into another and another litter. Also having a pet fix is expensive so many people don't get it done.

    All you have to do is read all the pets for sale any place in the world and we can see most, but not all pet owners are not responsible.

    What they are saying is there are so many unwanted pets already stop breeding more, please.

    Source(s): Pet owner and animal lover for 49 years. All our pets are fixed too. They are all rescue animals
  • 1 decade ago

    100% agree with you ..shelter dogs need a home but like was said shelter dogs are not for everyone and yes if your not responsible dont breed

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