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  • How old have your pets lived to be?

    Another question made me think of this, it's interesting. I had a cat live to 20 and a dog live to 16.

    19 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Popular Breed Alternatives?

    I think this country's in a Lab/Golden rut. Granted, I like both breeds, but they're so very common that 1) they're being overbred which is leading to behavior and health problems, even huge fans of both breeds will admit this, and 2) people are forgetting or may not even know in the first place that there are other breeds that may suit what they're looking for. It may be a bit harder to find a breeder in some cases, but the cost should be about the same and there are rescue groups for almost every breed.

    What are some less-common alternatives you can think of?

    Breeds that I can think of that are in many ways very similar are out there, i.e.:

    Instead of a Lab, a Vizsla or a Weimaraner

    Instead of a Golden, a Flat-Coated Retriever or a Setter

    And let's go outside the box, too...People get labs to be good family dogs--but if you're OK with a larger dog, why not consider a Newf or a St. Bernard? Both EXCELLENT with children.

    16 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • What do you think of low-cost spay/neuter and/or vaccination clinics?

    The thing is, the whole *idea* of them is noble and all, but having a pet is a luxury...It's not something you should do if you can't afford it, so, going along with that, these places really shouldn't exist. What do you think?

    18 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • How/where did you find your current job or past jobs?

    Just looking for any other ideas about where to search. Thanks!

    11 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment1 decade ago
  • What's so wrong with a companion dog?

    I was reading some answers to a question asked earlier and someone mentioned that toy dogs have no purpose except to be companion animals.

    My question is: Yeah, so?

    Not everybody has the time or need to really use a dog for its intended purpose...So what's wrong with having a companion animal whose only "purpose" is to be just that?

    Just wondering...And yes, I do own a toy breed.

    17 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Is there just not enough education out there?

    It scares me how many questions are posted here where the person asking is thinking of buying a puppy and when they give the breeder's website, it is SO PAINFULLY OBVIOUS that the "breeder" is a BYB or puppymill.

    A reputable breeder does not breed multiple breeds, does not breed tons of litters at a time, does not breed mixed breed puppies, does not take a credit card over the internet in exchange for a living, breathing being, does not breed without doing extensive genetic testing, etc.

    Do people really just not know any better when they see this?

    16 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • One man's trash...?

    Let's hear some stories! I bet lots of you have ended up with great dogs, mixed breeds and purebreds alike, because someone wanted to get rid of them for a dumb reason...I can't believe how often this happens!

    My parents ended up with a gorgeous, well-behaved, purebred dachshund because his former owners decided to get white carpeting and were worried the dog would track mud all over it. How crazy is that?

    26 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • A dog copy?

    I've know people who have had a dog, and then years later when that one passes, will get another one that lookds exactly like it. I think this is kinda creepy!

    I grew up with a red female miniature dachshund. After she passed my parents did get another dachshund, but he's male, standard size, and black and tan dapple in color.

    I know this might be hard to avoid in certain breeds, but I still think it's weird.


    14 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Which breed(s) have ever bitten you?

    (Other than your own dogs)

    I think it'd be interesting to see how different people's answers will be from the stereotypes.

    I've only ever been bitten twice, neither of them serious, by a JRT and a Golden.

    70 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • I don't understand this statement?

    Let me preface this by saying that I'm an advocate of responsible breeding practices, but at the same time, if you want to purchase a shelter dog, more power to you.


    I've seen a lot of questions answered with something to the effect of "Whenever you breed you kill a shelter dog".

    While I understand the sentiment behind this statement (don't rule out a shelter dog), in what crazy world would that even make sense? It just sounds so babyish to me to say that, especially so when said to someone who actually IS a responsible breeder (yes, I've seen this done).

    Anyone else feel this way?

    15 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Bark collars?

    Has anyone ever used these (spray or shock kinds)? My dog *allegedly* barks a lot while I'm gone during the day and I'm considering this as a possible solution.

    9 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • For didu.know?

    My question for you got buried in the "who you'd like to meet from Y!A", but what kinds of dogs do you have?

    Another question for you...are you completely anti-mutt or just anti-the mutts that idiots ask about on Y!A like designer dogs and dogs that don't exist? Just wondering. By pure coincidence I haven't owned a mutt in years so I guess for now I'm a purebred gal :)

    7 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Bad neighbors!?

    Ok, so I just moved into a new apartment about 2 months ago. I have a dog and cat. My dog is crate-trained and is in her crate in her bedroom with the doors closed while I'm at work. She's 4 years old so it's not like any of that is a new concept, and she likes her crate so I know she just hangs out and sleeps all day, and no one in my last apartment complex complained (and I would've heard about it, I wasn't supposed to have a dog there!). My neighbors rather loudy plod up and down our shared stairwell at least half a dozen times a day while I'm home, often REALLY loudly having conversations the whole way, which my dog does admittedly bark at, b/c, well, they're loud! But today I come home to a note from my apartment manager that is obviously pre-formatted because it says my "DOGS" (uh, I only have one!) are barking all day while I'm gone and I know that just isn't true.

    What do to do? Sorry so long.

    15 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Breeders--what really inspired you to start breeding dogs?

    You guys are great! I've sort of got the breeding bug now, I think I might start doing some research. I worked at vets' offices and kennels on and off in high school and college and that taught me plenty, but some of you answerers, especially the active breeders, are really teaching me a lot through your answers--so thanks!

    9 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • "Less common" dog breeders?

    For those of you breeders, specifically those that specialize in less "common" breeds (Not a Black St. Bernard, Alambre Ibizan Hounds, I'm looking in your general direction), what drew you to your specific breed(s) and what breeds do you specialize in? Just curious, I love not having the same breed as everyone else in my neighborhood and clearly you guys do too.

    7 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Does it creep anyone else out that so many people can't spell the breed of the dog they own?

    "English Staffiture Bull Terrior" ? Really?



    49 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Natural food formulated to prevent UTIs?

    My cat got one UTI right after another so I switched his food from Nutro to Science Diet c/d for a while (I know, I know, but he's responded well to it, no more UTIs and he LOVES it), but is there a more natural food specially formulated to prevent UTIs? Or would feeding him a more natural food in general be likely to prevent this?

    3 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • If your dog could talk what do you think he or she would sound like?

    For you Friends fans, I think my dog would sound like Estelle, Joey's agents (for those of you who aren't familiar, that's a mid-50's smoker with a Long Island accent) :D

    21 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • When did all these cutesy names come about? Did I miss something?

    Until pretty recently I had never heard of anything like this. My first dog growing up was a GSD/Collie mix, and my boyfriend has a Lab/Beagle mix and it certainly never would've occured to me to refer to either of them as a "German Collie Dog" or "Beaglador". I've just always called dogs what they are, a "breed #1/breed #2 mix" or just "a mix". What's the deal?

    16 AnswersDogs1 decade ago