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Lv 6
hello asked in PetsDogs · 1 decade ago

What's so wrong with a companion dog?

I was reading some answers to a question asked earlier and someone mentioned that toy dogs have no purpose except to be companion animals.

My question is: Yeah, so?

Not everybody has the time or need to really use a dog for its intended purpose...So what's wrong with having a companion animal whose only "purpose" is to be just that?

Just wondering...And yes, I do own a toy breed.


Good point as usual, HelloSunshine...I've seen a lot of people do this with small dogs too...Just because they're small doesn't mean they should have the run of everything!

Update 2:

"And isn't working as a companion to someone who needs one every bit as valuable as working in other ways?"

Brilliant, Comtesse--hitting the nail on the head!

17 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Once, all breeds were bred with different purposes in mind. Toy breeds were usually purely intended to be companion dogs, whilst other breeds were selectively bred for working lifestyles.

    Nowadays, I'd say the majority of dogs, regardless of breed, are companions. You're right - how many average Lab owners use their dogs for hunting and retrieving? How many GSD owners use their dogs for herding? How many pit bull owners work their pit bulls?

    I don't think derision of toy breeds because they supposedly have no real 'purpose' has anything to do with people belieiving dogs should always work. I'd say it's more to do with some people's dislike of toy breeds because they misconceive them as yappy ankle biters. And isn't working as a companion to someone who needs one every bit as valuable as working in other ways?

    Edit: Hellosunshine's right; a lot of less responsible toy breed owners do do their breeds a dis-service by treating them as accessories and not dogs. If I hadn't grown up with Chihuahuas, I'd probably see those predominantly owned by bad owners, behaving badly, and assume it was breed-specific.

  • 1 decade ago

    I agree that all dogs are neat, no matter what they were originally bred for...they all need love and companionship and will give that to us in abundance.

    I live in an area where a lot of folks train and use their dogs for hunting. All kinds of dogs from Beagles to Retrievers. It's great to see these dogs enjoying the things their ancestors did....but, at the end of the day they are taken home, given a bath, and most sleep in their owner's beds with them. They are pets and companions also. Actually, having them "do a job" often benefits the companion relationship between owner and dog.

    We have three dogs...a mutt, a Doberman and a Sheltie. We are getting a Chihuahua in two days. I've developed some back problems and it makes it hard to play with and love on my big dogs. I want a Chi just to be my lap dog and to love on him 24/7. There's nothing wrong with that...and I just can't wait to get this little guy in my arms! I don't know how many people reading this have ever had real health problems, but there's nothing like the love of an animal to make you feel better...and not just feel better "in you head", it's proven that animals improve our health and longevity....

    So, I'd have to say that companion only pets do serve a very important purpose by improving our lives. How many people do you know who's face wouldn't light up if you brought a puppy/dog into the room...whether it's a German Shepherd trained to sniff bombs or a Chihuahua who spends his days laying in his owner's lap?

    I'll keep all of my doggies (and I know I'll have more someday too!) because of their love. For many years I was one who thought less of small dogs until I was fortunate enough to spend some time with them...and I came away from that experience wanting one so badly. There is nothing like being loved by a dog!...

    ...and some of these little guys can honestly say, "I'm a lover, not a fighter." or a herder, or a sniffer, or a hunter. LOL! I can't wait to get my Chi!!!

  • 1 decade ago

    I think some people have a "thing" against toy breeds because all too often the owners of these companion dogs don't feel that there is a need to TRAIN them. Everything they do is "cute", like jumping, biting, and barking. Things that would be completely unacceptable for a large dog, small dogs seem to get away with. ALL dogs need to be trained, that is the most important thing.

    I've only EVER had dogs as companions, big dogs, small dogs, whatever. Even if you give your dog a "job" like showing or agility, the companionship that is achieved through owning and caring for a dog is unmatched, its what they are all BEST at! LOL ok well most of them anyway...

  • anne b
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Since when were all toy breeds bred as companion dogs? Whoever said that has no clue what these dogs were originally bred to do. Many toy dogs were tenacious vermin hunters in the home. Terriers come to mind, as do minpins.

    Yes, there are some toy breeds that are only companion dogs, but there is nothing wrong with that.

    There are many toy breeds that excel at agility.

    I for one would like to see some of these people with the bigger breeds tell us how they use their dogs for their original purpose!

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  • 1 decade ago

    Lol my dad says that all the time whereas my mom wants a dog she can cuddle with. My mom and dad are spanish and my dad grew up on a farm so I never stop hearing the "when I was young dogs had to work for there food and that lazy rat over there gets feed more and better food then I do and she gets taken to the doctor more then I do" ( we have a chihuahua maltese) but, sometimes when he thinks I'm not looking he starts to pet her and cuddle w/her its really funny to see a 6 ft guy cuddling with a 7 lb dog. I think people say that companion dogs are useless b/c they have never really had a dog whose purpose to live was you. This is our third "toy" mutt that we've had and the onlyone hes ever cuddled with.

  • I don't see anything wrong with it at all...

    There are so many different groups of dogs.. And God intended to have it that way so we could have different dog breeds for different uses... The Husky, for example, is in the Sporting group and they are good for pulling things and being active.

    I have a Maltese and a Bichon Frise..They are from the Toy group and the Non-sporting group... Both are companion breeds.. Their history goes back to royal families who had dogs sit on their laps and love on them..

    There is nothing wrong with it. Some people are just close-minded.

    All dogs are neat


  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    My dog a Boston terrier was breed to be just a companion dog. In fact even if a dog is breed to say be a hunter, how many people actually go hunting with there dog, some do, but not all. I love having a companion dog, so to he-- with anyone who gives you a bad time about it.

  • 1 decade ago

    There is nothing wrong with having a toy breed for just a companion, but toy breeds have usefuls thing too. Most toy breeds believe it or not were breed to hunt small pest like rodents, snakes, moles, and even mean varmits like the badger. Which is what the breed of dog I have was breed for. I have the miniture dachshund. You can take a look at all my guys on flickr.

  • Yogi
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    actually those dogs referred to as "Toy" breeds were not bred for sole purpose of companionship. Unfortunately the breed clubs and AKC placed these dogs in the group more do to size than any other factor. As a long time breeder of the Miniatuer Pinscher, history will tell you that this was a ratter and vermin hunter bred to work German farms as a feral. It did not live in the house but the barn and it's primary food source was rats, mice etc. The American Rat Terrier, and Toy Fox Terrier are americanized versions. The Chihuahua also was not a companion dog. These have been made so only do to their size and poor breeding over the years. For those of us who bred to keep the instincts in the breed, ours are far from little lap dogs. They still work and are inclined to do so as they were bred to centuries ago.

    Mine are not lap dogs and will upon seeing rats or mice still chase them down and on occasion some will actually eat them unless I stop them. They instincts are preserved to function as done originally. Mine are not packed around like decoration and in fact in my breed it could create a dog prone to nipping and biting as the actual Miniature Pinscher if true to the breed does not like to be grabbed or held due to it independent nature.

    It is best to not throw such a wide net when describing dogs so that to imply all of one category when in fact it is not close to being true.

    Source(s): Former breeder over 47 years, Miniature Pinschers. Currently owned by 14 and 2 Italian Greyhounds.
  • 1 decade ago

    You're right. So what if these dogs are bred solely for companionship? I have no problem with that. I do, however, have a problem with some owners of these dogs who treat them not even as living things, but as fashion accessories; those who bring their little dogs into the grocery store in a purse, for instance. It's still a dog, and it's still not allowed in the store (unsanitary!) I also don't like that these dogs are generally viewed as somehow "different" than their larger brethren when it comes to issues such as aggression. But all of that is an aside. To answer your question, I think it's great that these dogs are so good at keeping their humans company.

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