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Christians, why are you afraid to look at your science books?

You ask questions that require several pages of explanation but are readily available in you school science books. Why not just read them?


Oh Michelle (sorry about the comma, sometimes I just get lazy). I too have read the bible, and comprehend it well. It is a book of stories from the bronze age, of uneducated people trying to explain who they are. You wold think that, in the 21st century we could recognise it for what it is.

Update 2:

Michelle the w, you forgot the w. The truth is not a popularity contest and the bible has already lost this debate except foor a few dogmatic people

19 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    you can read every book ever written, and at the end of it you will realise that you know only the tiniest fragment of what there is to be known in the world.

    or you can read one book, and it will tell you everything.

    would you rather have only a tiny part of the truth, or every single last drop of a lie?

  • 1 decade ago

    I guess you find all these men to have not read any science book...

    Roger Bacon

    Johannes Kepler

    Johannes Baptista van Helmont

    Blaise Pascal

    Robert Boyle

    Anton van Leeuwenhoek

    Carolus Linnaeus

    Leonhard Euler

    John Dalton

    Michael Faraday

    John Frederick William Herschel

    Matthew Fontaine Maury

    James Prescott Joule

    Gregor Mendel

    William Thomson, Lord Kelvin

    James Clerk Maxwell

    George Washington Carver

    Arthur Stanley Eddington

  • BOC
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Science is a Christian invention, the greatest scientist were Christians. Issac Newton was a Christian, he spent more than half of his life trying to unlock the Bible Code. He also made some of his most talked about discoveries because of what he had found in the Bible. All the main colleges, Yale, Princeton, Harvard, all built by Christians, John Harvard was a Minister of the Gospel. These are but a few of the great learning centers that taught science, and the Bible side by side.

    God be with you,

    William, a bond-servant of Jesus


  • Tim 47
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Could not the legitimate inverse of this question be-

    Atheists, why are you afraid to look at the Bible?

    You ask questions that require several pages of explanation, (comma, you forgot the comma) but are readily available in the Bible. Why not just read it?

    (This of course is rhetorical, because though some of you HAVE read the Bible, by reason of your heart condition, you are incapable of comprehending that which is spiritual).

    But, to anser the question most directly? Yes, I have read the science books.

    Yes, I have read the evolution evidence/websites/scientific journals.

    By reason of the process of validation of the scientific hypothesis, I can see that it really boils down to popular vote in regards to the conclusions of the origins of life, rather than hard evidence.

    So by means of your own exalted method (the most agreed upon opinion=truth) you would have to concede that religion wins hands down.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Who said were afraid to read science books,you? We all have to study science in school. Actually I feel that science is just proving the Bible to be true.

  • Annie
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    well pardon us for asking a question at all..... rofl..... and why can't people pick up the Bible, read it, study it, meditate on it, pray for guidance and discernment ?? I do read science, some, and I watch a LOT of science TV, I read the answers on here with interest..... what is the big deal ?? you ask, we ask, we all answer..... and I have not been in high school for, ummmmmmmmmm, well a few years lets say !! go in peace...... God bless

    edit*.. not being ugly just stating a fact here- No you do NOT comprehend the Bible, IF you did you would belong to the Body of Christ...... *Sigh*.......

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I'm a practising Christian, involved with a few Christian groups.

    I'm currently doing a science degree.

    I'm afraid to look at my science books because I want to fail. So far, it hasn't helped; I've passed everything... how annoying!

    I'M AFRAID OF SCIENCE!!! THE CLOWNS WILL EAT ME! But the lab coats are very nice.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The only science book I now need to prove the God Yahweh's existence is The Bible and I'm not the least bit afraid to use it.

  • mel
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    It would be nice to have a little more detail as to what exactly you are talking about since I am a science teacher who happens to be a Christian. I look at science books every single day.

  • 4 years ago

    Im no longer afriad everywhere else is basically creation of god and creation of god twisting the data up, the bible is god because of the fact god is the word and the grew to grow to be flesh and the word nevertheless is has been is the maker writer finisher of the bible and each thing at the back of annd around the solar! when I first began examining the bible i beleived each thing i examine because of the fact the spirit of god that is fact enable me be attentive to that's the reality so ibecame christian. If i examine the rest religious the truh doesnt hit me because of the fact that could be a lie. Jesus didnt come to comdemn us god says we are already comdemned, jesus desires to get to ya and sparkling ya, heaven is spotless non christians are no longer because of the fact they havnt been washed interior the holy blood. Yeah im no longer scared to look someplace else, i basically dont like dropping my time.

  • 1 decade ago

    Thanks for the generalization about Christians, since the only ones are on Yahoo Answers (sarcasm). Anyway I would be willing to bet over half of the questions on YA are "readily available" in books.

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