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What do normal people do???

I have a dilemma: after we put the baby to bed in the evenings, my husband and I hit a wall: what do we do now?

Computers is antisocial, and we can't share that pursuit, we don't have a TV (and I'd like it to stay that way, its not really that sociable to watch tv together anyway), so what do we do to pass our evenings together?

We spend them bored and unhappy cause we can't think of evening activities to share together.

Please help!


Everyone has really good ideas!! Except the one seemingly obvious idea, sex: our 'baby' is more of a toddler: I am 31wks pregnant with baby#2. I am done with the making of babies!!! Plus we're not really 'connecting' lately...I feel we need to start with mutual activities in other areas before we'll both be in the mood for sex.

All your ideas are great, keep coming with the suggestions!! You may be saving a marriage here. :)

23 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    This is gona sound lame, but my wife and I play board games, it was lame at first, but grew on us. Also we read together, as in one book, sitting side by side, we talk about what we just read after.

  • 1 decade ago

    My husband and I don't have tv either, and we don't have a baby to occupy our time ;) What we do is sort of a combo of things. We do a lot of projects around the house (garden, paint, build dog houses, etc.), we will read a book together (each doing different characters), go on walks, play tennis, do "marital" things hehe, plan vacations, have speakerphone conversations with friends, but the thing we end up doing most is playing games (card, board or puzzles) and talking. There is really a pretty wide variety of things that you can find to do. Just sit down and have a discussion about all the non-media related things you each enjoy, and eventually a path will be crossed.

  • 1 decade ago

    Talk. Board games (Risk, Life, Monopoly, whatever). Card games. Snuggle and talk. Make babies! Go get a TV and watch a movie to talk about seriously. Go get a TV and watch a horrible one star movie to ridicule the whole way through for good times. Make a scrapbook. Make sure to get lots of pictures of the baby and store them for your baby to look at when he/she grows up. Debate. Philosophize. Read together. Talk about memories from the "good old days". Dance. Eat. Listen to music. See who can compliment each other more. Exercise. Play word games. Slow dance to your own tune. Learn to play an instrument (keyboard with headphones to not wake baby if that is a problem). Impersonate people or movie characters you guys know. Gaze at your child and just smile. Snuggle. Clean the house together. Have a candlelight "dinner" with toast and milk or water casually. Sex. Talk about the planned future. Dress up very nicely and have a romantic candlelight dinner. Relive your first date at home if possible. Read together. Sit around the fireplace. Write poems for each other. Pass notes like you were in high school again. Massage each other. Paint. Draw. Make portraits of each other. Tell jokes.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Why are computers anti social? My sig other and I both have our own personal comps. We will sit on them all the time in the same room. We constantly are sending links back and forth about what we are looking at and all that. I like to explore my thoughts and feelings answering qs on here and when I come to something interesting, I discuss it with him. I also like the news and a couple other things and I send him the interesting things I find and we talk about it.

    His hobby is computers. Both building physically, and making software. He mostly looks up educational stuff about this, and he sends me links so that I can learn about what he likes. And we talk about it.

    You can still do this even with only one computer. Put two chairs by the comp, and be on it together. Look at things you think are interesting that you would like to share.

    Tv also isnt that anti social. We like to watch a lot of movies and comedy. We remain quiet during movies and talk about after. But when watching things like comedy, we laugh and talk.

    Both ways are actually cool ways to spend time together. I understand not wanting a tv, but remeber that you can have a tv but not get cable and all those stupid questions. You can purchase dvds and watch only those. It can also be a very interactive learning tool for your child.

    Beyond that, he tried to teach me about building comps and get his asthetic input on the crafts I do. The only game he likes is monopoly, so games arent really an option for us. We cuddle and wrestle and play. We cook together.

    Basically the key is to talk. For the most part, we like to do very different things. We both do our own hobbies or things we like while together, and talk about what we are doing, or how are day was, or whatever. Since we are into different things, we actually learn a lot about what the other is doing as well as just about each other.

    Perhaps you could invite friends over for an hour or so. Or come up with a project that would take several days and do it together. And again, learn to talk about everything.

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  • 1 decade ago

    you could start some kind of reoccuring event. For example, my parents have a dinner club with their friends, they take turns having the group over for themed parties once a month.

    You could also get into music. Concerts are the best and theres so much good music out there that people dont even think to listen to, and i see married people at concerts all the time. Check the scene out.

    You can also probobly find all sorts of groups online that meet in your area and that have a common interest.

    I dont knwo if your religious but joining a church with comitees, bible studies, choirs. etc. is a great place to meet people. Even if your not into that, it could be funny just to go.

    good luck!

  • 1 decade ago

    Um, I can think of one obvious thing (tee hee).... but I'm sure that's not really what you're meaning.

    How about board games, or even video games? Games can be very social when played together. Maybe something like Guitar Hero or Rock Band? What about getting a sitter every once in a while and going out somewhere?

  • 1 decade ago

    games are fun i know it sounds corny but hey if up the stakes on any card or board game with romantic rewards it makes it more interesting if you have a new baby sex may not be on your list at the moment but a back or foot rub are always on anyones list good luck this is a common rut alot of people fall into once baby comes along and you have to be home at night more than before

  • 1 decade ago

    i have to agree with midnightmoon. my wife and i have been married for 12 years, and yes at first, a problem of ours was that i stayed on computer all the time. at first she wasnt interested. but then we started sitting together and doing things like myspace and etc. now we enjoy the nights when we can just do those things and we even have little romantic gestures we do like sending each other emails or leaving i love you comments on our myspace, try doing something like that, or playing games together. we watch a show its a talk sex with dr sue johanesen and it hits on all subjects of marriage life and sex life. give that a try, also try the role playing thing to spice things up, not only sexually but also romantically, all these suggestions given by answerers are good places to start, youll be suprised at how your communication will start to strengthen

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Do you remember the actions taken to create the baby that just went to bed???

    Read a book, get a dog (which you need for the kid anyway), clean the kitchen together, do laundry......

  • 1 decade ago

    Um sex sounds pretty good... Maybe you should have another baby... lol I am glad you have that time together... If it were me I would be working on making a nice meal for my family :)

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