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What makes a woman the most alluring to you, other than sex or her physical features?

Is it the mystery? Is it the nurturing? Or what


15 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Women who are confident without being overbearing. Woman who speak with their eyes and body language.

  • barela
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    Alluring Women

  • Joe H
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Independence. Intelligence. Hard working. Low Maintenance. Patience. Self Confidence but with a degree of humility and modesty. Friendly, Peaceful, Quiet , Relaxed, Cooperative with a Good Sense of Humor. (The direct opposite of a Hollywood Socialite, lol) A certain rush that comes from sharing similar interests from a feminine perspective of someone with the qualities mentioned above.

    Honestly, all the qualities that I feel would make the ideal mom. All those Cruella DeVilles need not apply.

  • 1 decade ago

    Sex and physical features counted last.

    First of all her nature, behaviour, caring and love towards the home, belongings made by her husband and the children

    secondly, receiving your relatives and friends

    Thirdly upbringing of children without leaving a chance to the husband by looking after the households simultaneously.

    Fourthly, inculcating good habits to the children and make them good citizen helpful to the society and the nation.

    Fifthly, taking care of the health and good beings of her husband and children

    Raising the status of her husband and children in front ot the family members and the society

    Maintaining peace in the family.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Honestly? I like a woman who is "stable". By that I mean that they aren't always asking if they are pretty or fat or whatever else is their current hangup. Nothing is so juvenile or mentally tiring as spending time trying to convince your lady that she is still attractive to you. On the other hand though, a guy that is smart and attentative should be showing you how he feels by the little things he does (!, a card, etc.)

  • 1 decade ago

    Over 30 answer, well I do not think I have 30 answers, but here goes!

    Speaking for just myself, first thing I look for in a woman is her sense of humor (of course lol), if she is kind and considerate, likes to go places, is a good kisser, confides in me, and lets me know hoe she is feeling, shares her most

    intimate thoughts, willing to help others, and above all can look past my shortcomings and accept me for what I am.

    RSVP all woman lol.....

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Sensitive,Intellegent,independant,sense of humor,a bit of class,no game playing head games,honest,not insecure,faithful,emotional,kind,caring,energenic,playful,spontaneous,sincere,well educated,not conceded,brave,fun,good oh country girl,health conscious,cares about her appearance, but doesn't go over board,doesn't take life for granted,loves affection,animal lover,open minded,and not a player or user!

    understanding,Not judgmental and can control her jealousy emotions!And loving country life is a huge plus!!!

  • 1 decade ago

    Ofcourse its the physical feature; that only lead to a sex appeal.

  • 1 decade ago

    Im not 30 yet, but at that stage i would want a woman who really knows what she wants, is emotionally stable, and is genuine.

  • 1 decade ago

    If you subtract 14 years from that question of yours, then I'd have to say humour followed by personality.

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