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Windows XP verses Vista?

which do YOU like better and why?

12 Answers

  • Jon
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    They both have their places in my home, but so does FreeBSD and OS X. I do have a machine running Vista, and at first I was fairly impressed. The more I use it, the less I like it. The media center is worse than MCE 2005 (which is pretty hard). I have had incompatiablity issues with a scanner, a usb hard drive, and a ati remote control, but these issues are not Microsofts fault, they are the manufactures fault. I am not a fan of the new explorer, and a few other things here and there. On the positives, I do use Vista. I like the new video editing software, the built in dvd burning support, and the search. None of this is reason enough for me to upgrade to Vista, I would say as a rule of thumb that if your pc has XP then leave it. If it came with XP, then the hard ware is probably not powerfull enough to run it(even if the box says it can) and you may run into compatiablity issues like I have had. My copy of vista is was free copy (and yes it was legally aquired though Microsoft). XP can do anything Vista can do besides maybe some of the useless features such as turning a movie into a background. If you are buying a new pc, then by all means Vista is a great choice, the hardware was designed for it.

  • Chiere
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Vista SUXXXXXXXXXX!!!!!!!!!! Run Away!!!!

    While Vista is also an NT type of system, it takes a huge amount of memory to run. It has souped up graphics and security software installed, which bogs down the memory and makes you answer stupid questions constantly before you get to use your software! For example, lets say you want to open Word. You click on the Word icon. Vista then asks you, "You have selected Word. Would you like to open Word?" ARRRRGGGGG!

    You would be throwing it out the window before a week was over.

    Also, a lot of software isn't compatable with it. For me, to have enough memory to run Vista AND my 3D software (which isn't compatable anyway,) I would have to get a 64 bit, partition the hard drive, let Vista run from one partition and the software on the other.

    My boss got one for work. It sucked so bad. No-one will use it. It sits alone, unused while we all use any other computer, including the Windows 98!!!!

    Windows XP is fine, I like it better. If I have to buy a new computer, I'll try to find the best used one with XP on it. Wait as long as you can before you get another computer. Hopefully that will give them time to fix Vista. Which, by the way, sucks.

    Buy a Mac, with the new Leopard OS. It's ****.

    Source(s): Use many XP's, tried a few Vistas, husband has a Mac Leopard,...
  • 1 decade ago

    I have had Vista for about a year and I think XP is as good if not better than Vista. XP is easier to use and if I had to choose, I would use XP.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Better for what?

    As an operating system Vista looks a lot better. Fun to use I guess.

    As more stable and able to run my programs, that would be XP.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    XP, all my software still runs perfectly, no driver problems, no freeze ups.

    I have no idea whay so many ran out and bought Vista. It was more of a headache than anything else. And to top it off, Vista is only a juiced-up version of XP.

  • 1 decade ago

    In order to have Vista run smoothly you need at least 1GB of memory. Its not always compatible with your extras such as printers. Sure some parts of it is cool but they have some bugs they need to work out. I prefer XP just because I don't want to have to deal with learning how to use a newer OS.

  • 1 decade ago


    Vista is real resource hog and runs unbelievably slow.

    Have an older Dell 8300 running XP that runs circles around a brand new Dell Inspiron w/ latest Intel core 2 duo running vista.

    Vista is just make-up on a pig - sorry Mr. Gates.

  • 1 decade ago

    XP, due to performance decreases in Vista. I need that extra 10% in raw processing power for gaming, until they fix it I'm not touching Vista on my desktop.

  • quasar
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    xp runs faster &better than vista,

    vista is just a microsoft con

  • 1 decade ago

    xp because its easy to use & you can put most programs on it & they will run ok,

    vista is a pain apart from being intrusive (ie microsoft)

    then you have those pop up windows do you want to continue with this install

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