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Anonymous asked in Pregnancy & ParentingGrade-Schooler · 1 decade ago

What would you do if your daughter is being harrassed by other students sexually?

My 8 yr old daughter has complained that a male student in her class has gyrated against her, makes sexually explicit comments to her on a daily basis and will not leave her alone even when she tells an adult. Her desk is right next to this kid and her teacher told my daughter she is "tired of moving her around just because she doesn't like where she sits". She's been next to him all year! The principal says they are aware of the issue and "working on it." What does this mean exactly and what would you do about it?


Thank you so much to all of you! Your concern is comforting and appreciated more than you know!

24 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    This is a topic that hits too close to home for me because of what I went through in school, and sadly, I doubt much has changed.

    In my case, the principals never did anything. Worse, the prevailing attitude was "Boys will be boys.", so I was left to fend for myself.

    Your daughter shouldn't have to be dealing with this.

    The boy is obviously troubled in some way, and in my opinion, should be removed from the school, at least temporarily.

    The principal's comment "We're working on it." is not very comforting, and I wouldn't be surprised if they drag their feet on this.

    I would demand answers for one thing and not accept vague replies. Demand to know exactly what they are doing. This is your daughter, you have the right to know what if anything they are doing to resolve the situation.

    Also, I would recommend laying down the law with the school and putting a time limit on how long they have to resolve the problem before you take further action.

    You may need to be prepared for the possibility of going to court and getting a restraining order, if one is possible in a case such as this. I would certainly look into what your legal options are in case the school ends up doing what happened so often in my case--absolutely nothing.

    You're daughter needs to be protected.

    Best of luck to you.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    There are lots of good ideas here. I would suggest a combination of several of them. Schedule an appointment with the district superintendent, going over the head of the principal. Tell the superintendent that you will be accompanied at this meeting by your lawyer and a local journalist. Also inform him/her that you are contacting the police and intend to get a restraining order against the people who are harassing your daughter. This last thing won't actually do any good, but it will give the story a hook for the local papers--imagine headlines that read, "Local Girl Forced to Resort to Restraining Order As School Authorities Do Nothing To Help." Most superintendents will panic and finally spring into action before any such meeting even takes place. If they don't, stick to your word--find a lawyer, find a journalist, and give them hell. These people deserve to lose their jobs. Also, as many others have suggested, do consider private schools (or a transfer to a local public magnet school) for the sake of your daughter's sanity and safety. Many private schools now offer financial aid for families who would normally not be able to pay tuition. The strongest schools typically boast that 30% or more of their students receive financial aid. Unfortunately, if you don't live in the Northeast these schools may be few and far between. Fortunately the tuition of many parochial schools is much lower than one would expect, and these schools are everywhere. Lutheran parochial schools have good reputations for their high academic standards, and there are also some very good Catholic schools out there. Parochial schools may be particularly sympathetic to your daughter's situation. Good luck!

  • TD R
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    I would tell the Principal that you want to know exactly how they are working on it. I would also demand your daughter or this boy be moved to a different classroom. Get the district involved if the school is not doing their job of protecting your child. At last resort get the authorities involved , file a complaint against the boy. I would start demanding, and don't rely on the school to take care of anything, In my experience they only tell you what they think you want to hear.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Wow that is totally not right at all, SHE IS 8 YEARS OLD! The teachers and principal arent taking this matter seriously, if possible switch schools they sound very unprofessional there. That isn't right and no 8 year old boy should even know these things. But they really aren't handling the situation well at all. Sorry for your problem, hope this was some help.

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  • Ann S
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    I would talk to the teacher first and insist to her that she move your daughter away from her. Remind the teacher that what the boy is doing is against federal law of sexual harrassment. If you see no results from this talk to the principal and tell him that if the sexual harrassment does not cease you will be filing a lawsuit against them based on the federal law.

    You can also report the child to child protection as a child that is possibly being sexually abused. The type of behavior that the boy is exhibiting is usually connected to sexual abuse.

  • 1 decade ago

    mention a law suit and she should be moved by tomorrow. You are trying to pro-active about the situation but the school won't accommodate. This little monkey is keeping your child from focusing on school work and should be put in the yard to make "gyrations" with the other animals. Tell the principal you are going to call the board of ed. on them.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Go to the police and file a report on this. Tell the school that perhaps a little media attention will get them to solve this problem. ( and i am sure a local TV station would be interested in this story). Insist on your daughter being moved into a classroom where a teacher gives a damn about her and she doesnt have this boy to deal with.

  • 1 decade ago

    I answered this a short time ago but it doesn't show on the list of answers. Talk to the boy's parents about the problem and if they don't cooperate, contact the School Superintendent (he is higher up than the principal). Then, there is the school's Board of Directors and last, but not least, contact the police department. Good luck -- your child doesn't deserve this.

  • 1 decade ago

    I would go to the school and request a meeting with the teacher and principal. Talk to them about moving her or even have a meeting with his parents. The school's job is not only help your daughter learn, but to protect her why she is there. If they still won't help you, then ask to have your daughter moved to a new class.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Don't call the school. Pick up your car keys, and GO there right after you finish reading this.

    Demand that this student be separated from your daughter immediately. Make your demand in writing. If you don't get immediate, corrective action get back in your car and go to the Superintendent's office. Explain that you are getting no action.

    If by absolutely some crazy, wild, and totally illegal chance that doesn't get an appropriate action...go straight to your local newspaper with NAMES!

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