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Obama is saying that this election is not about race, but is he not using the race card himself by assuming?

that african americans will vote for him SOLELY on the color of his skin?


Obama is not a Muslim.

Obama is not from Iraq nor is his ancestry.

Obama does have experience in politics, just not as much as other candidates.

This discussion is not about Hillary Clinton, and yes, the same question can be asked about her in another way.

Update 2:

I am not asking if YOU will vote for him because he is African American, I am asking if HE thinks African Americans will SOLELY on the color of his skin.

Update 3:

And for the record, I feel both Hillary and Obama are very good candidates with good ideas and this is why the primaries are so close. I do not endorse either candidate nor either party and am not personally registered as a Democrat nor Republican, I am registered as Non-Committed due to policies in my state.

28 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    i dont understand how he can play a race card he is half white half black and dfinetly white on the inside

  • 1 decade ago

    i've watched hr of news and read the newspapers most days and i haven't seen anything about obama assuming he how africian americians will vote?

    nor have i seen an example of him using the race card?

    i guess you are a clinton supporter so u maybe interested in this...

    Over the last few days, those same old tactics have come to Nevada.

    Hillary Clinton has sent direct mail pieces to Nevadans distorting Barack's position on Social Security.

    She is on the radio deliberately confusing voters about his long-standing opposition to Yucca Mountain.

    She is on TV misleading people about his outspoken position against the war in Iraq.

    But perhaps most disturbing, Clinton has attacked Barack on his 100% pro-choice record.

    The tone of Senator Clinton's campaign has been so negative that even her supporters are saying enough is enough. Lorna Brett, a former Clinton donor and president of Chicago National Organization for Women, had this to say about the tactics:

    "I was disappointed that Hillary Clinton would launch misleading attacks on Barack Obama and his unimpeachable record on a woman's right to choose. I have switched my support to Barack Obama because I know the truth. I cannot be a part of that kind of deceptive politics." - email from sign up now

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I think it would be good if a Black man became president. Obama is probably the best man to finally break through that ice ceiling.

    I lived under a Black mayor before in Chicago, and things went just fine, if not slightlty better, than before.... Naturally, Black voters tend to identify with a Black candidate, but even more to the point, so will most of the Third World...

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    That race card is his ace in the hole! So to speak! And you can bet the Farm he is saving it for when he needs it but He will use it . Sharpton said he wasn't black enough but sure changed his tune when Oprah or her money steped in ! The problem is that being Black shouldent matter. But Obama is a MUSLIM he regesterd in school as a MUSLIM and he still is a MUSLIM. The last time I checked we are fighting MUSLIMS so putting a MUSLIM in charge of are country I for one am glad I don't have kids ! Note there are good MUSLIMS out there but Obuma is not one of them. Bush is so going to look like a Saint after the democrat party disaster .

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Obama is the very definition of a race card shark; he and his buddies want to shame the African-American community into voting for him out of color loyalty. He has no record to run on, he has no experience, what else - but the race card. Only he's just a player - the dealer is well hidden.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    i am voting for obama and i am not black.everyone is saying that they are voting for hilary,hilary is white,is that saying that people are only voting for her becuase she is white?although i think hilary would be a good president,i think obama would be better.he has been a senator andhas been in politics for the same amount as hilary.obama has been against the war since 2002 and hilary i dont think that people should say the reason why people are voting for him is because of his skin,its because he is smart and owuld be an incredible president

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Unfortunately, his race is the giant elephant standing in the room.

    This is also true for Hillary except for the additional issue of being Bill's wife.

  • 1 decade ago

    I have detected no evidence that he expects anyone to vote for him, purely on the basis of his race - any more than he expects to be rejected on that basis. Remember, he is 1/2 white and 1/2 black. Also, he was mostly raised by his WHITE grandparents. I don't think he defines himself as narrowly as you do.

    Source(s): Sundown - FYI, Obama is neither Iraqi nor muslim. Quit listening to the hate mongerers and check your facts through legitimate resources.
  • 1 decade ago

    do u rly think politics is about working to represent their ppl?to make sure they get their rights and have a happy life?

    no. it's about power and prestige so they can go to their grave with ceremonies and awards.

    and if the race or gender card is what it takes to win, of course they will use it.

    obama is half black and half white.

    he calls himself black to get black vote.

    hilary did the crying hting to show that she is indeed a woman, so other woman can sympathize with her.


  • Juicy
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Hillary HAS been using the race card so much it is worn out.

    First she panders to latinos saying, "Latinos would never vote for a black man" , and then she tries to prevent

    latinos from voting, YET they vote for her anyway.

    "IT must be the drivers licenses"

    Then she insults blacks and has the nerve to think that we will vote for her anyway, "just like the Latinos" WRONG

  • 1 decade ago

    i don't think he's assuming anything.

    if he was saying "why aren't i getting all the african american votes", that would be him assuming he should.

    he's just responding to the media saying he's only a contender because of his race.

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