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Do you think Federal help with ARM Mortgage issues and Credit Card Defaults is more important than a one time?

and Credit Card Defaults is more important than a one time tax break?


Help could be defined as interest rate caps and federal refinance programs into morestable loan products like fixed rate mortgages.

2 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    it's blatant nepotism...the fed is all for free markets, but won't let you go bankrupt if you're good buddies with the right people...regardless how many loans you pass out to illegals.

  • 1 decade ago

    A tax break is more equitable. Helping people who are defaulted on their mortgages would be nice, but is simply not fair to the 98% of us who work and pay our mortgages as we agreed to in our contacts.

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