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Do you feel there should be a 10 percent flat tax instead of the current income tax system we have now?


to answer some pointed jabs ...

I never said " I " was going to do anything.

As for how to pay for the differences, though I have several suggestions ... I am not running for any office and dont need to voice them with this question.

18 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I am all for a 10% flat tax.

  • 5 years ago

    Not "No!" but "HELL NO!" The so-called Flat Tax is a ploy by the wealthy to transfer their tax burden to the shoulders of the middle class and working poor. Why do you think that folks like Steve Forbes like it so much? For a flat tax to raise the revenue that the current graduated income tax raises would require a rate of around 25% - 27%. The wealthy pay a marginal rate of 35% so they'd see a nice fat tax cut. Steve Forbes, Bill Gates, and Warren Buffett would pocket MILLION$ on a flat tax. Most middle-class working stiffs -- folks like you and me -- pay a total tax rate of between 10% and 20% of our total income. Pull out your tax return and compare the Total Tax line to the Total Income line -- and don't forget to add back any 401(k) contributions and your pre-tax medical insurance deductions -- and see what your total effective tax rate is. If you're like most folks, it will be a LOT less than 25% Now, what would it do to the working poor? Let's have a look. Take a single parent supporting 2 kids on around $16k a year. They don't pay any tax at all and get about $4k in EITC payments. That makes for a little under $18.8k a year when SS and Medicare taxes are considered. They survive, but just barely. With a flat tax, the EITC would disappear and the tax bite would rocket to over $5,500 for them, including SS and Medicare. Take home pay would drop from from $18,800 to about $10,450. They'd be tossed into the streets by the millions. All so Steve, Bill, and Warren can have even more money than they could ever reasonably need. The Flat Tax and the so-called "Fair Tax" -- a hugely expensive national sales tax -- both violate the first rule of taxation: Make sure that the taxpayer can afford to pay the tax. Our current graduated income tax does just that -- everyone pays their fair share and the poorest get an assist from those of us who are better off. The impact of the "Fair Tax" on the working poor would be just as devastating as the Flat Tax since nearly every penny they earn goes to pay for essentials. The wealthy spend a far smaller portion of their total income and would get a major tax break. Worse yet, the "Fair Tax" would require just as much work by the IRS to ensure that all sales were properly taxed and that the funds were rendered. Black marketing of untaxed goods would go through the roof. Look what is happening with tobacco and liquor in high-tax states right now. And we all know the type of element that black marketing attracts -- organized crime and gangs. Wouldn't THAT be nice, getting a TV or your Captain Crunch from the local gang-banger. No thanks!

  • 1 decade ago

    No. In fact, the federal income taxes withheld from our pay are not authorized by the Constitution, nor did the 16th Ammendment allow any "new" taxes.

    There should be no flat tax, either because that still would not be Constitutional!

    The only taxes that are allowed by our Constitution are:

    Direct Taxes: The govt. has to get permission first from the people, stating why they need the money and the amount needed, the direct tax is temporary and stops on a set date when the reason for the tax has been fulfilled or the people no longer authorize it, and direct taxes are apportioned by state according to the population of people in each state.

    2) Indirect Taxes: must be import or excise taxes.

    Again, flat taxes are not constitutional because they would be direct, unapportioned taxes that would not be temporary and the government would not be asking permission or explaining ahead of time what they need the money for and how much.

    Huckabee talks of a "fair" tax. This is a national sales tax. That, too is unconstitutional because it would track and trace everything you buy, you'd need your National ID card to make every purchase, and it would tax you on virtuallly everything you buy, sell, and even DO, like provide a service, or walk on the road, or breathe air, or have a child, or a dog and so on and so on.

    Let's face it. The government has too much control and too much power and too much money and they STOPPED following the Constitution!

  • 1 decade ago


    The way the system works NOW, individuals on the lower end of the income scale pay NO taxes as income taxes.

    The wealthy pay little as a per centage of their income because they can hire tax accountants to help them with all the tax dodges.

    The middle spectrum of earners pay the largest per centage.

    It isn't fair that the wealthy don't pay a larger per centage.

    Why don't I think it is fair?

    The wealthy have the ability to earn their vast fortunes BECAUSE OF THE AMERICAN SYSTEM!

    They benefit the most. (I agree they have earned their high incomes thorugh intelligence, ambition, and hard work. they have earned it.) They should be EAGER to support the system.

    Taxes should NEVER be abusive OR punative. I have NO desire to "PUNISH" the wealthy for their success. I am NOT jealous of their wealth.

    They have the MOST at stake if the American system should fail. They benefit most from the system, it is only JUST that they pay the highest per centage in taxes.

    They already pay the MOST taxes (in total dollars), but they do NOT pay the highest per centage! The middle class gets stuck with that burden.

    The poor pay nothing (but get stuck with paying a LOT of their income out in taxes anyway because of the hidden taxes collected from EVERY purchase they make.

    The wealthy do NOT have to spend 100% of their annual income just to survive like the poor do.

    A graduated income tax is only logical and FAIR. It DOES need to be SIMPLIFIED.

    I suggest that those at the level of poverty pay NO income tax as they do now. The set point for what is to be considered the poverty level should include their dependants.

    Those earning above the set minimum for their family's situation should pay their taxes on only the income above that base level.

    Any family or individual with an income greater than 10 times the base level should pay a higher per centage on the income they earn above that elevated level.

    The ONLY other deductions should be the interest on the mortgage for their home (residence). NO second properties can be included in the deductions. Medical expenses (including medical insurance costs) should also be deductable.

    I would consider that simple AND fair. No LONG forms needed.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    jamie s: You may be partially right, but cutting spending could allieviate this

    hansblix: Yea, and a lot of other countries have sagging economies and employ ideas of a welfare state

    oogabooga: I'd probably have to agree

    railroad dave: So, why don't we just tax the rich 90% so they're equal to us. Oh wait, that would make us a socialist country. If you remove the incentive for people to work hard and achieve success, productivity will fail.

    Des K: Wow, nice logic... *rolls eyes*

    ponus: Good concept

    I am not sure how I personally stand on the issue of taxation. I, of course, want tax rates to be minimal, but I'm not sure if I should back fair tax or a no-loophole income tax. I'm fairly sure that I'd be in support of a (slowly) graduated income tax, but I don't want to see 75% taxes on the rich. That's just unfair.

  • Poet G
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Yes. A flat tax would be fair and would encourage enterprise. Also, a slight raise in the sales tax could help to make up the difference in government income. When enterprise picks up, sales tax revenues increase.

  • 1 decade ago

    I'm assuming that flat tax would be paid for as a sales tax. Hmmm....Gee....who would be affected by that more??? Poor people who need to spend a larger portion of their income or rich people who simply invest their profits to make more profits? A flat tax based on consumption would would be an utter failure and only the wealthy would benifit.

    Source(s): economic common sense
  • 1 decade ago

    No. I think it should be on a curve like it is now, but much simpler, with very few exemptions and other assorted goof-ups. We need truth-in-taxation, so we can actually lower the rates and still collect the revenues.

  • 1 decade ago

    I think the graduated income tax system we have now, inspired by the populist platform of the late nineteenth century is the better income tax system. Having a graduated system of income taxing makes it more fair for everybody in America.

  • 1 decade ago

    if the government impose a 10% flat tax, no one want to run the government... all politician drive a bike like a rempit :P)

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