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In the UK, until what time can you play loud music/do DIY at night?

Our neighbours play loud music until the early hours of the morning (70's and 80's disco....TORTURE!), they also shout drunkenly, fight, and stomp all over the flat, last night they were shouting til 3am and the music was still playing. We've tried knocking on the door, they never answer. We've tried calling the police, they do nothing. Anyone been in a similar situation?

21 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Oh dear poor you, you need proof, so you need to enlist the help of other neighbours. This can be very long drawn out. If the Police turn up, they can turn music down and then back up as soon as they have gone.

    I suggest you go knocking at their door at around mid day perhaps they may be emerging around then? Take a witness. Say you have kids/work to go to and need your sleep, but are not a party pooper for say a Friday/Sat.

    As they are probably inconsiderate baskets, I suggest you play loud music whilst they are lying in their beds trying to sleep............say, at about 10 am. One of my relatives was in this position years ago and almost had a breakdown.

    11pm is the time. But try not to let it dominate your life and get ear plugs. I know that doesn't sound sympathetic, but the Police and Councils are useless.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    Loud Music Laws

  • 6 years ago

    This Site Might Help You.


    In the UK, until what time can you play loud music/do DIY at night?

    Our neighbours play loud music until the early hours of the morning (70's and 80's disco....TORTURE!), they also shout drunkenly, fight, and stomp all over the flat, last night they were shouting til 3am and the music was still playing. We've tried knocking on the door, they never...

    Source(s): uk time play loud music diy night:
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Well I am surprised that the police don't do anything especially at the times you are stating Best plan of action is contact your councils environmental health dept and they can take legal action against all house holders be them local tenants or owners They use sound recovery equipment for evidence in the courts and the council are legally obliged to act.

    It can be at any time of day as loud music constitutes a nuisance

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  • coffee
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Contact the Environmental Health Office of your local council. They are responsible for dealing with loud noise situations. There is no set time you are aloud to play loud music.

  • 1 decade ago

    I dont know what it is but after 10 oclock the neighbors in the apartment next to us turn their tv on REALLY loud and we can almost tell what they're watching!

    It's crazy, We don't call the cops though because it's just a tv, we could go over there and bang on their door but we don't want to do that either, we just live it..however what really disturbs me is that people will come to our complex and sit in front of our door (well not really but in our section) and lay on their car horn.

    At least our neighbors don't have loud sex! :)

  • 8 years ago

    my neighbour has just called me all the names under the sun because I was just playin my music loud I admit I had a bad day today and my way of chillin out was tidying up my drive and listening to the music. now my neighbour who bitched at me she has partys from 9 pm till gone 4 am this has been going on since I moved in couple years ago. so yes I do play my music loud in day but its not everyday and today I was upset so my music helped me. is it illegal to play music in the day. I have never moaned to her about the many nights my kids woke up crying cause of music from nextdoor. or the nights I haven't been able to sleep because as we all no music travels more at night and comes through the walls a lot more than it does in the day. I never once moaned to her because I was trying to keep polite. and now after her rant at me I am totally miffed off how she thinks no rules for her but enough for me. she told me to turn it down cause she couldn't hear her telly. so I turned it down like the boss of the street wanted. There's just people out there who think they can dominate you

    Source(s): if im in the wrong or not. im sick of people who can do wot they want but i get picked on all the time for everything i do :(
  • 7 years ago

    As a matter of interest, the law clearly states that you must not create an annoyance by making unnecessary noise between the hours of 11pm and 7.00am.

    The relevant information is below.

  • Doodie
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    It's 11.

    You need to keep a log of the dates and times and then report them to your local council. It's not a police matter.

    The noise abatement officer will then visit to check it out.

    If they think it's unreasonable, then they will issue a noise abatement order. If they don't stop they can confiscate the sound equipment....failing that, pay for a couple of large villans to beat the **** out of them

  • Pat R
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Yes,you need to get in touch with the Enviromental Health at your town hall.

    They will investigate and have the power to take away their music system.

    I sympathise with you,I had it for a long time when 4 teenagers on benefits moved in next door to me,it was a nightmare.

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