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Killing the spell - who know how to break a spell.....?

I got a big problem with not being able to get somebody out of my head.

A card reader told me that he put a spell on me so I would not be able to connect with anybody else.

I need something to help get him out of my mind and soul.

This is really a big problem for me, I dream of him, and can be with anybody else without feeling really ill.

I would appreciate any help you can give me.



1. The card reader did it for free

2. This person and I have been connected for 4 years. We can not be together, for the usual reasons.When we see each other ( 1 to 2xx a year) we only say high go our ways - because we both know it would only add to our suffering.

3. The "spell" is that he can not let go. He is always thinking of me and can stop wishing.

He is undecided what to do that he hangs on to me mentally.

I have tried to break the thought connection.

It can go good for a day but then I have the strongest dreams about him and its back.

I have prayed many times - talk to my guardian angel almost everyday. I even once

said to my guardian angel that if this is real and I am not imagining this then I want a sign.

I said I want to see on the next day a cross in the sky. On the next day, just as I was leaving work I looked up and guess what I saw? The sky was full of crosses.

So please I dont need answers from people who have never had any connection - I need HELP.


11 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    forget those other answers they don't understand what you are talking about. Yes there is the possibility of someone connecting to you so bad that it consumes you. And if this wanted by god or you guardian angel,well ride it out. maybe he will one day come around. Looks like he is in a relationship? Well stay true to your beliefs and morals, keep watching for the signs.

    You could go onto a witch site and see if you can find a spell. Maybe there is a spell to keep it out of your mind during the day.

  • 1 decade ago

    These people are using nothing but the power of your own belief against you. How much did you pay the card reader for this helpful information? How much do you have to pay them if you want advice on how to break the spell? More than the initial fee?

    As long as you entertain this belief, you will continue to punish yourself. Reflect on the fact that "entertaining this belief leads to suffering." and "Not entertaining this belief will end my suffering." Reflect on this fact with your whole body and mind until you realize the truly negative consequences of such a belief.

    You create your own world with your thoughts. Change your thoughts and you change your world.

    There is an old zen koan "Don't think of a monkey!" As long as you try to "get this person out," you are only reinforcing that thought. Simply notice the arising of that thought and pay no heed to it. It will pass. It may come back - simply notice it again and pay no heed to it.

    Intrusive thoughts are like bullies. When they see they are not getting a rise out of you they leave you alone becuase it is no fun for them.

    With compassion,

    Dave K

  • 1 decade ago

    That isn't a real spell....just the power of suggestion. No one can take over your free will. You let his sugestion into your head, and now you are following it. A spell cannot be cast with the cards. You have to decide that you don't want to be bothered with those thoughts - that's the only way it will stop.

  • 1 decade ago

    I would say it depends on you if you believe it, most spells work when someone believes in them, personally i don't because i know that if i do they happen. But if you already are cursed, the best thing to do is to demonstrate that card reader it's not could do that....but why can't you? i mean what is stopping you from it? if you want im me....dolis_destiny is my id. maybe i could help you whoever you are:D

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  • Nola
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    If you don't believe, a spell can't work. Easier said than done huh? If its some one you once loved, you won't completely forget. But you can find a place in your memories to fit him in. It's a case of taking charge of your own thoughts and putting them in the proper order.

    Good luck.


  • 1 decade ago

    I do believe I have an antidote for that particular spell...

    Find somebody else to drool over. This "problem" should pass once you have a crush on someone new. That's why they're called "crushes." Sometimes it doesn't feel good.

    Source(s): Life
  • 1 decade ago

    Ignorance and superstition are the only reasons why anyone should believe in this "casting of spells" ... your overactive imagination is giving you a bad time.

    If you are religious, go to church, talk to a pastor or a priest and perhaps they can alleviate your mind, if not, then you need to mature mentally and educate yourself in these matters.

  • 1 decade ago

    boy, did he do a hugh number on your head or what! spells do not exist unless you believe in them them and because you believe in them everything that happens to you is because of this "spell", relax, spells or curses dont work or exist. Just say a prayer and ask God to remove any negativity from your life and to only let positive energy in and let this thing go before it consumes you, nobody has this type of power over another human unless you believe them and then it still isnt them doing it, its you doing it to yourself.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    sounds like a love spell, maybe you need a break up spell. consult a spell caster.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Maybe its not really a spell. Maybe you and the guy are really in love.

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