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A1 asked in Society & CultureHolidaysRamadan · 1 decade ago

could some1 give me the exact number of the verse in the koran that...?

says what should b done with a married woman who has sex with another guy?

i've not done it myself lol

i just wanna know if any verse says she should b killed with stones

12 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I dont know why everyones bringing up hadith when she clearly asked for a verse in the quran.

    You can scan the quran all you want you won't find any allusions to stoning.

    [24:2] The woman and the man guilty of adultery or fornication,- flog each of them with a hundred stripes: Let not compassion move you in their case, in a matter prescribed by Allah, if ye believe in Allah and the Last Day: and let a party of the Believers witness their punishment.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I have so far have seen a Hadith ( saying of Prophet Mohamed that orders Married person, not only women also men to be killed by stone)

    Read the following

    Narrated byIbn Umar . A Jew and a Jewess were brought to Allah's Apostle on a charge of committing an illegal sexual intercourse. The Prophet asked them. "What is the legal punishment (for this sin) in your Book (Torah)?" They replied, "Our priests have innovated the punishment of blackening the faces with charcoal and Tajbiya." 'Abdullah bin Salam said, "O Allah's Apostle, tell them to bring the Torah." The Torah was brought, and then one of the Jews put his hand over the Divine Verse of the Rajam (stoning to death) and started reading what preceded and what followed it. On that, Ibn Salam said to the Jew, "Lift up your hand." Behold! The Divine Verse of the Rajam was under his hand. So Allah's Apostle ordered that the two (sinners) be stoned to death, and so they were stoned. Ibn 'Umar added: So both of them were stoned at the Balat and I saw the Jew sheltering the Jewess.

    Source(s): Sahih Al-Bukhari Hadith 8.809
  • 1 decade ago

    There is no stoning anyone in Islam , it's all made up ok? It's taken from corrupted Jewish and Christian scriptures and made into hadiths which are written 200 yrs after Muhammad's death. please be careful before making hasty conclusions about islamic law.

    And for the answer you gave to my other question, i was not focusing on Muhammad's sex life , in fact it was my intention to altogether get rid of such hurtful lies against the Prophet as i don't see any truth in the hadith which depicts him as a man who have sex with 11 women , and the same goes for the hadith concerning stoning to death. Doesn't the Quran say that Prophet Muhammad has the best character? So how then will you reconcile that verse and yet believe in those demeaning hadiths on him and stoning. CONTRADICTIONS!!!

    Why then d'ya not use reason?

  • 1 decade ago

    its an old testament law formulated when men's/women's hearts were hardened.......BUT its still adultry and wrongdoer's will be punished if not by man's law, then by God's. The advent of Jesus has brought us the redemption-factor BUT wrongdoer's must sincerely be remorse to deserve the forgiveness of Jesus. Since the Koran has totally rejected Jesusism (teachings) they appear to be still stuck in the stone (pun intended)-age. As for where it is written in the Koran, I'm sorry I do not know BUT its there somewhere.

    Source(s): me
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  • 1 decade ago

    In surah 4 An Nisaa verse 15 about cruel bad doing or zina adultery,homosexual and forication.Verse 16 about punishment for adultery. and homosexualIn line with hadits a married woman who has sex with another guy should be punished by stones thrawing until died.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning):

    “And those who accuse chaste women, and produce not four witnesses, flog them with eighty stripes, and reject their testimony forever. They indeed are the Faasiqoon (liars, rebellious, disobedient to Allaah)”

    [al-Noor 24:4]

    It was narrated that Abu Hurayrah and Zayd ibn Khaalid al-Juhani (may Allaah be pleased with them both) said: The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “… Go tomorrow, O Unays, to this woman and if she admits (to adultery) then stone her.” He said: I went to her the next day and she admitted it, so the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) ordered that she be stoned.” Narrated by al-Bukhaari, 2575; Muslim, 1698.

    Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning):

    “The fornicatress and the fornicator, flog each of them with a hundred stripes. Let not pity withhold you in their case, in a punishment prescribed by Allaah, if you believe in Allaah and the Last Day. And let a party of the believers witness their punishment” [al-Noor 24:2]

    Hope you got what u were looking for..

    Rest Allah knows the best~!

  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Stoning comes in Authentic Hadith texts which are explaination of the Holy Quran.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    no any verse say this

    read plz sura 24 noor


    and this part of sura 5 aya 32

    and if any one saved a life, it would be as if he saved the life of the whole people

  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Read Surah # 24, An-Noor, From start.

  • 1 decade ago

    sura nisa (woman) 4: 15 Those who commit adultery among your women, you must have four witnesses against them, from among you. If they do bear witness, then you shall keep such women in their homes until they die, or until GOD creates an exit for them

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