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If you believe in evolution why are you worried about global warming?

Why blame it on man, just evolve and adapt.

Personally I think the earth is just trying to correct itself. Prior to the flood, during Noah's time, the earth was supposidly not tilted, it had a tropical climate over the whole earth and had a vapor canopy that covered it. I think the earth is just trying to get back to it's original climate.


To those who claim that there was no world wide flood here is some background information.

The limestone layer known as the "Chinle Formation" proves that a lot of material was picked up layed down very quickly and not formed over an extended period of time. Also the work of palentologist Dr. Edwin Colbert has confirmed that a water catastrophe killed the dinosaurs at Ghost Ranch New Mexico and many other dinosaur graveyards in the western United States.

Please avoid the name calling. When you do this it only shows your ignorance not mine.

38 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I thought global warming used to be called "summer."

    The mean temperature of the earth is always in a state of change. It's been on a gradual upward trend for about 500 years, but appears to be leveling off.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    >Why blame it on man, just evolve and adapt.

    Evolution doesn't quite work that way. If species could evolve fast enough to survive any disaster, we would never have seen mass extinctions such as the K/T boundary or the Permian extinction. The fact is, for humans and most other species of macroscopic organisms, evolution is much too slow to keep up with global warming.

    >Personally I think the earth is just trying to correct itself. Prior to the flood, during Noah's time, the earth was supposidly not tilted, it had a tropical climate over the whole earth and had a vapor canopy that covered it.

    The Earth never had a tropical climate over all of it. Even without the tilt in the axis, the poles would still exist, and would be almost as cold as, if not colder than, they actually are. Although things have been warmer than they are now at certain times in the past, more recently it has primarily been cooler, and it is currently about as warm as it has ever been within the past several hundred thousand years.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    LMAO rolling on the floor till the tears come out my eyes--you mean there is one idiot left in the world that believes the flood story and thinks the flintstones is a historical documentry. Take all the water that is in the oceans now, and make your vapor canopy. The sea level pressure using simple gas laws would be like 2000 psi. So if the flood turned all the water to liquid then Noah and all the other animals on the ark would have died of the bends. There is no such thing as a vapor caonpy pal, it is not possible--even using the poor simple science we goatherds have. And besides that friend--your xtain authors plagerized the Noah story from the babylonian "epic of gilgamesh". That written story predates the Abrahamic rip off by over 1000 years. ITS A FAIRY TALE.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    People don't "evolve" darling.

    You will die as exactly the same thing that you were born as.

    But 30 generations down the line from you, one of your offspring might have a digestive system that allows him to survive efficiently without...

    oh to hell with it, you wouldn't understand even if gave you a slideshow.

    But boy, you sure do make me sad.

    I would like to point out, even though you clearly don't even have a layman's understanding of what evolution is, you somehow know it's false?

    Do you not see just how patently ridiculous it is for you to take that stance?

    (And for those saying "What difference does it make if the earth warms up... it's not about turning your air conditioning up a notch, folks. It's about the fact that even a few degrees increase, worldwide, will cause desertification worldwide. Guess what happens then? There will be no plants. That means there will be no food. That means the majority of life on this planet will become extinct, among other things.)

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Go read a science book. And by science book, I mean a REAL science book, not the kind you get at your local Bible book store.

    If the Earth gets warmer, yes, there will be adaptation. However, anyone who is not capable of living in the warmer temps will die off, while the ones who ARE capable live on, and pass on their genes. THAT is how evolution works. (See, Creationists, it really isn't that hard).

    And there was no Great Flood. There is no evidence whatsoever for this, contrary to what Creationists like to say.

    P.S. You DO realize that if the temperatures warm up enough, the polar ice caps will melt, thus causing many major world cities to be flooded completely. Do you want that to happen?

  • 1 decade ago

    The first answer said it well.But I will go a step further by saying that while it is true that species have the ability to adapt, that ability is only going to be as good as the conditions for adaption.If food sources dry up and land masses decrease and temperatures change to fast, certain species won't be around long enough to adapt.

    We could be the new version of dinosaurs within the next thousand years or so..... Extinct

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I have no doubt that humanity will survive global warming. It's just that I don't like the odea of my entire city being underwater.

    "Prior to the flood, during Noah's time, the earth was supposidly not tilted, it had a tropical climate over the whole earth and had a vapor canopy that covered it."

    This is nonsense. There is no evidence for a flood, and having a vapour canopy would make the Earth uninhabitable.

  • 1 decade ago

    If the Earth is trying to go back to its original climate....why have we secularly cooled substantially and continually since the Earth began existing?

    The Earth warms and cools cyclically. But humans aren't very adaptive; we adapt the environment to our needs. When current life depends on the weather we've had for the bast 1/4 of a million years, this sudden upward shift in global temperature is going to screw us up. And not only humans, but species that the majority of life on this planet depend on, like bees.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It takes millions of years for people to evolve- considering how quickly global warming is happening because of us, we've not really given evolution much time, have we?

    Some humans will live, but billions will die - the future generations of those that survive will eventually adapt and civilizations will begin again.

    Personally, I wold like to avoid billions of people dying in the first place.

  • Gypsy
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    I believe in evolution (there's FAR more physical evidence to support it than there is to support any religious theology out there), but I'm not worried about global warming. Why are you assuming otherwise?? I do believe in evolution, therefore I DON'T worry about it. I know that a lot of it is our fault for screwing things up so badly (pollution, decimating the rain forests, etc.), but it's also just Mother Nature having Her way.

    Earth obviously goes through a change - sometimes radical - every once in awhile (every few millennia or so). It's done so before, numerous times; it'll continue to do so. We're just going into another one of them. No sense worrying about it - we can't do anything about it. "Que sera sera".

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Just when I thought I had heard it all!!! Redonkulous! Man is destroying the earth with pollution....sure, maybe the earth will change and evolve....EVENTUALLY, but humans are not so quick to. Evolution is a slow process, global warming is occurring too fast for us to keep up. Perhaps if you are not worried about it, quit recycling, conserving energy and natural resources and just rely on your magical sky fairy to drill a nice big hole in the earth for his followers to dwell in to wait it all out. The "story" of noah and his boat is laughable beyond belief.

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