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question about asrology?

can you give me all the info on an ARIES that you can?

thank you!!

3 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    It's the first sign in the zodiac. It's a cardinal fire sign. It's ruling planet is Mars. You can find the constellation right under Taurus.

  • 1 decade ago

    Aries ...

    Positive : Dynamic, impulsive, enthusiastic, honest, passionate, energetic, decisive, confident and independent.

    Negatives : Self-centered, impatient, reckless, blunt, domineering, willful and agressive.

    The Ram symbolizes Aries' readiness to rush headlong into a challenge.

    If you are a typical Aries you will know no fear. You have extremely high energy levels, love your freedom and hate having any sort of discipline imposed on you. You are generous and very quick-thinking in emergencies.

  • 1 decade ago


    Element: Fire

    Type: Cardinal

    Ruling Planets: Mars

    Symbol: The Ram

    Key Phrase: I Am

    Gemstone: Ruby

    Life Pursuit: The thrill of the moment

    Vibration: Enthusiastic

    Aries Secret Desire: To lead the way for others.

    Spiritual Goal: To learn the meaning of selfless love.

    The 1st sign of the zodiac is concerned with:

    * self-assertion, initiation, new beginnings

    * action, daring, challenge, adventure

    * exploration, pioneering, discovering

    * aggression, creativity, personal goals

    * personal control of everything

    * competition, winning, being first

    * courage, honesty, nobility, openness

    Elemental Quality

    Aries is the cardinal fire sign of the zodiac. It can be likened to a fire which gives direction, such as in a rocket, a gun, or an engine. Superman and Superwoman, who can propel themselves in any direction, are good metaphors of Aries energy. Fire is a process that causes change and Aries uses energy to bring about changes. Being a cardinal sign, Aries is the most energetic of the fire signs and usually takes the initiative.

    Secret Aries

    Inside anyone who has strong Aries influences is a person who thinks that he or she is more interesting than others and better than those with whom they are in competition. It is patently obvious to all that Aries is interested in winning, whoever or whatever the challenge. A fight, a race, a bit of physical or verbal sparring, or an opportunity to do things in new ways are what keep the Aries' fires burning bright. Aries has to be number one in every respect. The secret fear of a typical Aries is that he or she won't be liked or valued, even though a winner. However, failure is never a problem because Aries doesn't know the word... every outcome is seen as a part of the winning process, which is why warnings of impending disasters are usually ignored.

    Ruling Planet and Its Effect

    Mars rules the zodiac sign of Aries, so anyone whose birthchart has a strong Aries influence will tend to look for challenges to overcome. In astrology, Mars is the planet of aggressive energy and creative action. Like Mars, Aries is the knight in shining armor, an inspiration to friends, and a conquering hero to the underdog.

    Aries At Home

    If a person has the personality that is typical of those born with an Aries sun sign, home is a place to come back to after many adventures, and she or he will have a tendency toward the characteristics listed below.

    Typical Behavior and Abilities when at home, an Aries man or woman:

    * wants to be the top dog

    * makes a substantial and secure home

    * doesn't like to feel tied down or restricted

    * will generously give money, goods, and space to those who need it

    * can turn a hand to anything but doesn't enjoy those little jobs needed to run and repair a home

    Aries as a Parent

    * won't spoil the children

    * will give plenty of hugs and praise

    * can create a magical fantasy world for children

    * usually insists on strict discipline

    * will raise children to be successful

    * may try to dictate the future careers of offspring

    * will fight to the death if anyone hurts the kids

    * will be a devoted dad and an affectionate mom

    Aries At Work

    At work, the person who has a typical Aries personality will exhibit the following characteristics.

    Typical Behavior and Abilities a typical Aries at work:

    * is loyal an enthusiastic about the company

    * will work all hours and is not a clock watcher

    * will look elsewhere for an opening if bored

    * is highly creative and can initiate

    * has very strong willpower

    * is not suited to political work

    Aries as Employer a typical Aries boss (male or female):

    * is idealistic and needs the faith of his or her employees and expects their loyalty

    * believes he/she can make the future a success

    * needs others but will go it alone when necessary

    * wants to be recognized as the boss

    * can pull a business up from a near bankruptcy

    * is generous with rewards for hard work

    * expects everyone to drop everything to solve a crisis

    Aries as Employee a typical Aries employee (male or female):

    * works best when answerable only to the boss

    * can promote anything

    * tends to work late rather than early

    * looks for opportunity to learn and progress

    * intends to succeed but is careless with details

    * knows he or she can do well

    * will move to another job if he or she feels the challenges in the current job have run out; security is not a priority, although Aries workers usually make their way under the most difficult circumstances

    Working Environment the workplace of a typical Aries man or woman:

    * will have people and machines to take care of the details

    * may be almost anywhere that is exciting

    * must be stimulating and allow freedom of movement

    * will support an important-seeming image

    * must be accessible at all times: day, night, and weekends

    Aries and Love

    To Aries, love is a conquest. Male Aries love the chase and seem to have little difficulty attracting women, while female Aries also love the challenge of the hunt but go about it a little more subtly. Aries of both sexes are attractive because of their natural energy. Aries in love will have many of the characteristics listed below.

    Behavior when In Love the typical Aries:

    * is very romantic and believes in courtly love

    * will insist on doing the chasing and cannot bear to be chased by anyone

    * can be extremely possessive of the lover but cannot understand if the lover is possessive

    * places the loved one on a pedestal

    * will be jealous of any attention the loved one gives to others

    * will defend the loved one to the death

    Expectations the typical Aries expects:

    * total faithfulness from the partner

    * the lover to respond as if he or she is the first and best lover ever known

    * to be loved exclusively

    * never to be criticized

    Aries at the End of An Affair

    Boredom is the death of most Aries love affairs. Like the knight in a crusade, it is the winning that is the peak of excitement. Once the fair lady (or fair gentleman) is won, there may be nothing left to stimulate the affair further. At this point the Aries will get itchy feet and want to be off to find new conquests. It isn't that love itself is merely a conquest, it is the joy of overcoming obstacles to reach love. The partner of an Aries must always keep a little mystery in reserve and must always believe in every new Aries dream. If all fails -- and Aries will try and try before leaving a relationship -- then the Aries passion cools and there remains only a lack of interest. A lover who hurts Aries very deeply can expect to be totally frozen out and ignored.

    Aries and Friends

    In general, Aries likes a friend who is special in some particular way and who will regard Aries as his or her best friend (never the second best!).

    Positive Factors

    Aries friends are warm and hospitable but they are not usually interested in entertaining for its own sake; they usually have a reason for inviting friends around. Many Aries perfer to go out to dinner, to find an unusal eating place. Both male and female Aries usually get along better with male friends.

    Negative Factors

    Because Aries are very jealous of other peoples abilities and achievements, Aries friendships often don't last very long. However, a person who will admire his or her Aries friend and remain interesting, though not ambitious, can enjoy an enduring friendship with Aries. Aries can become harsh and nasty if his or her fragile ego is under threat.

    Aries Likes and Dislikes

    Aries Likes

    * being liked

    * the best wines

    * a unique license plate on the car

    * money to burn

    * new clothes

    * red roses

    * food in bright colors

    * personalized gifts

    * presents wrapped in intriguing paper

    * books

    * sparkling gems

    Aries Dislikes

    * being ignored

    * physical restriction

    * being placed less than first

    * feeling hungry

    * anyone who performs better than they

    * old things, second-hand stuff

    * having to wait for anything

    * lingering after food

    * bland food

    Affirmations for Aries

    * I choose to remember that I carry a spark of the Divine within me.

    * I know that my purpose will be revealed to me as I honor this.

    * I hear and respond to the Call, knowing that only I can fulfill my part.

    Love & Blessings


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