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last known case of tuberculosis?

ya i was hanging out with my dad and we were wondering... when was the last known case of turberculosis? we think mabey one person had it with in the last 5 years, someplace in the USA. i seached but couldnt find an artical or anything.

6 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    There are people in this country today that have TB. We do Bronchoscopies on a weekly basis to check for this. I cannot give you the exact statistics, but it has been diagnosed recently. There is an international TB unit in Mount vernon, MO where people from all over the world go for treatment. Some of them are in "lockup" because they are non compliant with their meds. About 8 months ago I was at that hospital seeing some of the staff and they said that they currently had a patient from an Asian country that was there because his TB was discovered as he entered the country through an airport.

    Source(s): RN
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    There are thousands of people who have TB right now both in the USA and all over the world.

    New antibiotic strains of TB have been surfacing for a while now too, and there are a few dozen people (at least) in the USA who currently have it and are being treated.

    Check out the CDC's statistics on it.

  • N
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Where were you a few months ago when that American lawyer was arrested and put in isolation after flying to Europe? It was a huge story!

    Thanks to the great immigration policy of this country TB is here to stay. As long as people from 3rd world countries keep coming over here we will be seeing diseases that should be rare in the US.

  • 1 decade ago

    There is currently a tuberculosis epidemic which is currently showing signs of increasing multi drug resistance. The problem stems from patients who do not take their medications consistently. Hope it helps some.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Tuberculosis is extremely common over seas and people who immigrate still are tested regularly. With the extent of immigration, and visitors from other countries, you will probably see a re-surgence of this disease.

  • 1 decade ago

    Um, TB is very much alive and well. Many people have it today, it's still a problem, and now some strains are resistant to many of the drugs that we use to treat it.

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